That Kiss, First Kiss

Eli's P.O.V

"S-Sun-Hee." I stuttered.

Her whole face was crimson red and now she was bowing her head.

"You can go now." MinHyuk was serious almost looking at me as if he was going to hit me.


Finally, we could go home all that cooking and serving was tiring.

As we got into the car Soohyun-Hyung was singing After School's song Because of You.

That dork he loves UEE so much he forgets about Sun-Hee.

And of all days today he should be singing her song.....IT'S HER BIRTHDAY!!

Yeah, I knew...I knew ever since we been phoning each other ever since the audition.

What a love sick fool I was when I heard her angelic voice talking to me.

And when I met her in person at the airport, I was in heaven.

Well, getting back to the point: her birthday.

I got her a gift, it's in my room, but I bet she won't like it.


"ELI-HYUNG HURRY UP SOMETHING HAPPENED!" I heard Kibum's voice interrupting my thoughts.

I ran to the door not knowing we were in the apartment already.

Now I started hearing crying from mine and Dongho's room.

I looked to see on my bed a crying Sun-Hee with her puffy red eyes trying to hide under my covers.

"What happened?" I whispered to Kevin.

"I'm not sure." He whispered back.

"Min-MinHyuk..H-he." She started stuttering.

We started to go closer.

"Right in front of C-cheon-doong." 

That little "prince" and MinHyuk what happened?

"Right in front of him, he ran off crying. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT!" she yelled.

"What happened?" I found the courage to finally ask her.

We all leaned closer to her wanting to know what happened.

"MinHyuk...."She trailed off.

"Tell us." We all said in unison.

"He brought me to the park and he kissed me." She told us.

We were all shocked and I was wanting to punch that jerk until he knew that Sun-Hee was mine!

"Cheon-Doong was there and saw us. Then he ran off crying." 

That guy or I mean "little prince" is not acting like a man lately...

"Then MinHyuk told me he wanted only me. Then he made Cheon-Doong come her so he knows i'm his and i ran away." Tears fell down her cheek.

"It's okay." I sat beside her patting her back.

"Can I be alone with Eli for a few minutes?" She asked.

Inside I was screaming for joy, she wanted me to be alone with her.

All the members left and we were alone sitting on my bed together.

"Eli..." She looked at me and I felt like a ert.

I was thinking of us two doing stuff in this bed and no other U-KISS member would know...


"Eli can we go to the mall again?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked in confusion.

"Because I miss that day after the premiere." 

I got that we were busy filming and we didn't have a lot of free time.

"Of course." I told her.

She hugged me and when she let go, our eyes met.

We were staring for a moment when she closed her eyes and leaned forward.

Now there was about one centimeter gap between our lips.

Then....the phone rang. =_=

Thanks a lot who ever was phoning, I was so close to getting kissed be the "angel."

Sun-Hee stood up and went to the phone and picked it up.

"It's the director, he wants to talk to all us." She told me.

I went into the living room and brought all the members to the room.

Sun-Hee put the phone on speaker.

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Love the story! <3 ^_^
omg~~~that was 0.O... JOON? omo~~~
@Yuuki, <br />
ahahahahaha ^-^ cute mistake : ) .
awww =']<br />
hehe and the bit at the end, that was so cute ^.^<br />
;~~~; its nearly over ;~~~;