“Are you gonna be fine oppa?” Eunsuh asked for the fifth time since they left the boutique. She can’t help but to worry since what happened to Mark this morning. Anyone would lose their mind when something like that happened.

              “I’m fine Eunsuh ya…thanks for dropping me off here…” Mark got out of the car.

              “No problem oppa…just call me if you need anything…”

             “Will do…drive carefully…”

             “Nae oppa…”

After Eunsuh left, Mark made his way to the tall building in front of him.

            “Mark oppa…” Dahyun the receptionist greeted Mark when he walked through the glass doors.

            “Hi Dahyun…”

            “Youngjae oppa is out…but he’ll be back soon…”

            “It’s okay…”

It was still fairly early, so there’s a few people at the gym. Mark made his way to his favourite place. After a few minutes of stretching routines, he begins his workout session. Working out has always been Mark’s way of releasing his tension…it keeps him sane and calm. After what he saw with Hyunwoo this morning, he needed his time alone.

Youngjae walked and heard noises coming from the isolated room at the end of the corridor.

*Mark hyung is here*

He opened the door and saw Mark doing mid-air flips before landing on his feet. A solid punch from his two fists alternating with kicks…any enemy will be seriously injured if they got into fight with him.

Youngjae knocked the wall.

            “Oh…Youngjae ah…” he looked and saw Youngjae smiling at the door.

            “No schedule today?” Youngjae asked.

            “No…Jinyoung had a day off…so do I…”

            “Jinyoung? I thought you’re working with Jackson…” Youngjae frowned.

            “Jackson is only temporary…now I’m working as Park Jinyoung new manager…”

            “Park Jinyoung? As in the hot young actor Park Jinyoung?”

Mark nodded.


They sat on the floor.

            “I bet Hyunwoo hyung gonna be restless right now…knowing how he reacted when you first working with Jackson…” Youngjae chuckled.

            “Well…I don’t have to worry about that anymore since me and him are through…” Mark said nonchalantly.

            “What?” Youngjae asked in shocked. "What do you mean?"

            “I saw him with another man…”

            “It could be his friend…”

            “Would you your own friend?”


            “I never saw that coming Youngjae ah…I know we had fights sometimes but I guess that’s normal in any relationship…”

            “Hyung, should I go and give that piece of a piece of my mind?” Youngjae could barely contain his anger after knowing what had happened.

            “It’s ok Youngjae ah…you don’t have to…”

A call came to Mark’s phone. It’s from Hyunwoo.

            “It’s him?” Youngjae asked.

Mark nodded.

            “He will be a dead meat if I get my hands on him…” Youngjae clenched his fists. Various ploys of Hyunwoo deaths kept forming inside his head.

            “Don’t you think about that Youngjae…” Mark stared at Youngjae. He knew what’s going on in the head of the younger guy.

            “But hyung…he deserved to hurt like you did…”

            “Karma will do their magic Youngjae ah…I guess it better happen now rather than later don’t you think?”

            “I guess…tell you what…how about we go out and have a drink tonight? It’s on me…” Youngjae suggested.

            “Sounds good to me…”


            “Take 10 everybody!” the director yelled.

            “Thank you for the good work…” Jinyoung bowed and went to his tent near the parking lot.

            “I need to touch up your make up oppa…” Chaeyeon took out some tissues and dab it on Jinyoung’s glistening skin.

            “It’s hot as hell out here…” Jinyoung took a fan from Chaeyeon’s pocket and fanning himself.

            “It’s almost 40 degree today hyung…” Jaehwan added.

            “This is why I hate filming outdoors…” Jinyoung looked around. “Where is he?”

            “Who?” Chaeyeon asked.

            “Mark…playing hooky?”

            “No…he’s gone to get some lunch for us…jeez oppa…could you please be a little nicer to the guy? He didn’t do anything bad to you…” Eunsuh hissed. She was getting annoyed with Jinyoung’s attitude towards Mark.

            “Why are you getting mad me?” Jinyoung frowned. Eunsuh rarely behaved like that before.

            “Just be nice ok? The guy already had troubles…you don’t have to be all snobbish towards him on top of that…I’m going to see the main stylist…” Eunsuh left the tent.

Jinyoung looked at Chaeyeon but the girl just shrugged her shoulder.

            “Don’t look at me…I don’t know anything!” Jaehwan said shaking his head.


            “I’m back with food…” Mark said handing the bags to Jaehwan. “Where’s Eunsuh?”

            “She went to see the main stylist.” Chaeyeon answered.

            “I bought some cold soup noodles since it so hot out here…” Mark looked at Jinyoung. “How’s the shoot?”

            “Good…” Jinyoung replied shortly.

            “Great…you guys go ahead and eat…I’m gonna pass this over to the staffs…” Mark carried a bag filled with popsicles and head out to the staff area.

The filming resume until late evening.

            “Oppa, you ok?” Eunsuh said as she and Mark watching Jinyoung.

            “I’m fine Eunsuh…don’t worry…”

Mark phone rings.

            “Is that him calling?”

            “Yeah…” Mark nodded.

            “Maybe you could try changing your number oppa…”

            “I will…soon…thanks for worrying about me Eunsuh ya…” Mark patted Eunsuh’s head gently.

It’s already dark when the shooting ended.

            “You guys go ahead to the van…I’ll catch up soon…I have to see the director for a second okay…” Mark smiled before leaving.

            “Let’s go…I can feel my couch calling for me…”

Jinyoung, Eunsuh, Chaeyeon and Jaehwan made their way to the van a few metres away.

            “Eunsuh ya…is it just me or Mark oppa kinda quiet since yesterday…does something happened at the boutique…” Chaeyeon asked.

Jinyoung ears caught up the conversation.

            “He probably just tired I guess…” Eunsuh was debating whether to tell Chaeyeon what she knew.

They’re coming nearing the van when Eunsuh suddenly stopped.

            “What? Did you forget something?” Chaeyeon asked.

            “No…I’ll be back ok?”

Eunsuh handed her stuff to Jaehwan and ran towards the end of the parking lot. A guy was there.

            “Is that her boyfriend?” Jinyoung said to Chaeyeon.

            “I don’t think so…Wonho oppa is in Jeju visiting his family…”

Eunsuh was furious when she saw Hyunwoo lurking around the filming site.

            “What are you doing here?” Eunsuh said in annoyance.

            “Excuse me? Do I know you?” Hyunwoo was surprised to see a petite young woman standing in front of him. She looks familiar though.

            “You’re looking for Mark oppa right?”

            “How did you know?”

            “That’s not important…the important thing is that you have to leave since it’s a private area…leave before I call the security…”

            “I need to see Mark…”

            “He’s gone back…an hour ago…so you better leave…”

Eunsuh turned around after she was sure Hyunwoo was gone. She went back to the van and saw Mark was there.

            “Where did you go?” Mark asked.

            “I thought it was Jinyoung oppa’s stalker…but I was wrong…let’s go…”

Later…at a restaurant…

            “I’m so full…I think my stomach gonna rip…” Jaehwan said, leaning against the wall behind him.

            “Me too…it’s a good thing that Chaeyeon always know the best place to eat…don’t you think?” Mark put down his chopsticks.

            “Where are those girls anyway? I wonder why they took so long in the bathroom…” Jinyoung looked at the back of the restaurant.

            “Girls…there’s always something mystery with them…” Mark said, receiving a nod from Jaehwan.

            “I’m going to the bathroom…”

Jinyoung got up and left. As he past the women’s bathroom, he heard Eunsuh and Chaeyeon’s voice.

            “No way!” Chaeyeon eyes widened.

            “I wish I could strangle that guy…can you believe it? Mark oppa literally caught his boyfriend ing another guy.”

Jinyoung almost gasped at the words.

            “And he dare to come and searching for him…”

            “I bet those calls are from that douche?”

            “Yeah…that’s why I snapped at Jinyoung oppa earlier…Mark oppa already had things in his mind and Jinyoung oppa is not helping with those comments…”

Jinyoung froze.

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Chapter 32: I don't know if I already thanked you but THANK YOU for great stories.
specially FOR YOU I WOULD..
you are on of the Best Writer for me ♥
Chapter 34: rereading another story of yours... it’s always the best XD
Chapter 32: Can't believe this just and ;-;
This so freaking cute and good and addictive~
Thank you for one more storie sz
Jaebum, best cousin ever hahahahah
Chapter 33: I gotta say your writing style is not my favorite, but i still finish your stories anyway. I think this one is particular is my fav from yours <3
Daeppyongie #5
Chapter 32: Awwhhhh i'm freaking squealing and i can't stop smiling!!! I really really really love this story, thank you so much! I even love the way you write your story, it is simple and didn't exaggerated when describing one emotion, it'a straightforward and clear. Thank you so much, keledek author nim!! I will go back to this story again! Thanks again and love you
Chapter 34: i'm glad i found this fanfic ahhhhh I LOVE IT
Mennah #7
Chapter 24: Re-reading. I love all your fanfics, authornim♡
oneshot13 #8
Chapter 33: Love you and all your stories!! <3
Chapter 33: Uuuppppssss I think you have an epilogue for this story.. XD