It’s been two weeks since Mark started working for Jinyoung as his official new manager…the work condition was great, people at the agency is super nice but Jinyoung’s attitude kinda worried him a little. Jinyoung seems cold towards him and he sometimes said things that irritate him every now and then. But then again, Mark expected this kind of behaviour…star that has top star disease.

            “So, have Jinyoung gave you hard time yet?” Min, another manager at the agency said as she sat in front of Mark in the staff lounge.

            “Not really…but he seems a little cold towards me…”

            “That’s Jinyoung…but don’t worry…he’ll warm up soon…”

            “I hope so…I can’t work with cold environment…so, no schedule today?” Mark asked.

            “Yeah…Bambam went back to Thailand to visit his family for the week…so I’m basically free…”

            “Good for you then…”

            “Where’s Jinyoung?”

            “In Jaebum’s office I think…” Mark continued his work on the digital planner. “He always head there whenever we’re here…”

            “Jaebum’s office is like his own playground…that’s the perk of being a cousin with the CEO…”

            “I guess so…”


            “Hyung, can you please hurry up and find me another manager?” Jinyoung whined as Jaebum walked in.

            “What now Jinyoungie?” Jaebum shook his head. He just got back from a meeting when he saw Jinyoung already in his office.

            “That Mark guy…”

            “That’s Mark hyung to you…” Jaebum corrected him.

            “Whatever…can’t you replace him or something? He’s getting on my nerve…”

            “What did he do now?”

            “He seems so…fake.”

            “Fake? Mark?” Jaebum looked at Jinyoung. He nodded. “Jinyoung ah…I know Mark for quite some time now…and fake is not a word to describe him…”

            “Maybe to you…to me he does…” Jinyoung rolled his eyes. “Can’t you just hire someone else?”

            “It’s not that easy…I can’t just take someone off the street to become to be your manager…”

            “But hyung…”

            “Look Jinyoung ah…just bear it for the time being…I’m still searching for Mark’s replacement but in the meantime, just work things out with the guy…Mark is a great man if you get to know him…”

            “Do I have to?”

            “Yup…and that’s an order…don’t you have any schedule today?” Jaebum asked.

            “I do…just waiting for the beloved manager…” Jinyoung made air quote. “Coming to get me…”

Then, a knock on the door.

            “Come in…” Jaebum answered.

            “Um…Jinyoung ah…we gotta go now…your fan sign event will start in an hour…”

            “Nae…” Jinyoung lazily get up. “Hyung…” he looked at Jaebum.

            “Ok, ok…I’ll work on it…” Jaebum shook his head.

In the van…

            “The fan signing will be a short one…around two hours or so…and writer Jang just sent the script for that new drama you’ll be in…the first reading will be held next week…” Mark handed over a thick set of script to Jinyoung. “Take a look…”

Jinyoung took the script and flipped a few pages, scanning through the lines.

            “The drama will be around 16 episodes…official shooting will be in two weeks…” Mark looked at the back. “Eunsuh ah, did you get all Jinyoung’s wardrobe?”

            “Yes oppa…” she nodded, pointing her lips at the clothes hanging at the back of the van.

            “Ok…” Mark smiled.

The fan signing was held at a private hall and a lot of people were there to see the star. Mark was standing at the back of the signing table watching Jinyoung interacting with his fans.

            “Jinyoung oppa…we heard that you’re doing a drama right now…” a girl said standing up from the crowd.

Jinyoung grabbed the mic next to him.

            “Yaa, where did you heard that?” he chuckled. “You guys sure are fast with news…”

            “We have our own ways oppa…” another fan said followed with laughs from her friends.

            “Who is your co-star oppa?”

            “You just have to wait and see then…” Jinyoung said and continue signing the posters and merchandise at the table.

            “Oppa, water…” Eunsuh said and hand over a bottle of water to Mark.

            “Thanks Eunsuh ah…” he smiled.

            “Oppa, about Jinyoung oppa…” she looked at Mark. “He’s just testing you…”

            “Huh?” Mark frowned.

            “Jinyoung oppa…he had some trust issues…” she said looking at confused Mark. “He got suspicious when someone gets a little too good for his own belief…”

            “I dunno whether it’s a compliment or an insult…” Mark shrugged.

            “His first manager sold his private pictures to the tabloid…they arrested him and since then Jinyoung oppa had trouble trusting people…”

            “I thought that was just rumours…”

            “To the public it was…Jinyoung oppa wanted to protect Minhyuk oppa’s family…he was a good friend to Minhyuk oppa’s wife…”

            “I didn’t know that…”

            “So that’s why Jinyoung oppa behave the way he did…but don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll open up to you soon…”

The whole crew was in a dressing room and Jinyoung was getting his makeup done before his interview with a magazine an hour away.

            “Ah oppa, stop moving round! Stay still!” Chaeyeon hissed and held Jinyoung’s face in place.

            “Just messing with you Chaeyeon ah…” Jinyoung laughed.

            “Not funny oppa! Now stay put before you got powder in your nose…” she said glaring at Jinyoung.

            “Yes mother…”


            “Food is here…” Jaehwan came in with bags of full with food containers.

            “Great…I’m starving…” Jinyoung got up and went to the table. “What did you get?”

            “The usual…fruit salad, seafood bibimbap…spicy stir fried chicken…” Jaehwan arranged the containers on the table. “And acorn jelly salad…”


Jinyoung was about to grabbed the acorn jelly salad bowl when Mark took it first.

            “Nope…you’re not having this today…or any day as matter of fact…” Mark said setting aside the bowl.

            “What the hell? Why can’t I?”

            “You’re allergic to acorn remember? I don’t want you to go on that interview looking like hundreds of bees just attacked you…”

            “Oh yeah…I almost for forgot that you were allergic to acorn…sorry hyung…it slipped my mind…” Jaehwan apologised.

Jinyoung just stared at Mark.

            “How did you know?” he asked. “Even I forgot about it sometimes.”

            “Like I say before…I take my job seriously…every aspect of you is my concerns now…eat up…your interview is coming up…” Mark said and turned his attention to his planner again.

            “Mark oppa, you’re not eating?” Eunsuh asked.

            “It’s okay…you guys go ahead…I’m gonna finish up some work…” Mark smiled.

 Jinyoung casually glanced over at Mark. None of his previous manager take notice small details like Mark did.

            “Still puzzled how he knew about your allergies?” Eunsuh nudged him.


            “He asked for your medical records the other day since he was afraid that you were severely allergic to anything. Look oppa…I guess it’s time for you to throw your doubt away with Mark oppa…he’s a good guy…”

            “You said that about Siwan hyung…”

            “I was wrong…who knew that angelic face could be so devious…I regret saying that he’s a good guy…”

            “I dunno Eunsuh…something is not right.”

            “Why?” she frowned.

            “I dunno…I felt uneasy whenever he’s around…I mean…look at him…”

Both of them looked at Mark.

            “How can someone as good looking as him becomes a manager?”

            “Why? Do all managers have to be ugly?”

            “No…how can I be sure that he doesn’t have any ulterior motives?”

            “He’s not Minhyuk oppa…

            “But what if he did?” Jinyoung stared at Eunsuh.

            “I’m sure he’s not like that…”

Jinyoung still can’t put his trust in Mark…somehow he felt that Mark is too good to be true. No one is that nice.

            “Oppa, could it be that you’re actually attracted to him?” Eunsuh cocked an eyebrow.

            “What? Me? Attracted to him? No way!”

Jinyoung looked at Mark and that same moment Mark was looking at him and smiled…Jinyoung felt his heart raced.

*Could it be?* Jinyoung wondered.


Sorry for the late update...writers' block hit me again...

Anyway, happy reading and don't forget to flood the comment box.


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I'M STUCK!!!!!!!! TT TT~~~~~


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Chapter 32: I don't know if I already thanked you but THANK YOU for great stories.
specially FOR YOU I WOULD..
you are on of the Best Writer for me ♥
Chapter 34: rereading another story of yours... it’s always the best XD
Chapter 32: Can't believe this just and ;-;
This so freaking cute and good and addictive~
Thank you for one more storie sz
Jaebum, best cousin ever hahahahah
Chapter 33: I gotta say your writing style is not my favorite, but i still finish your stories anyway. I think this one is particular is my fav from yours <3
Daeppyongie #5
Chapter 32: Awwhhhh i'm freaking squealing and i can't stop smiling!!! I really really really love this story, thank you so much! I even love the way you write your story, it is simple and didn't exaggerated when describing one emotion, it'a straightforward and clear. Thank you so much, keledek author nim!! I will go back to this story again! Thanks again and love you
Chapter 34: i'm glad i found this fanfic ahhhhh I LOVE IT
Mennah #7
Chapter 24: Re-reading. I love all your fanfics, authornim♡
oneshot13 #8
Chapter 33: Love you and all your stories!! <3
Chapter 33: Uuuppppssss I think you have an epilogue for this story.. XD