“Say kimchi!”

Jinyoung smiled to the camera at the front. All the crews and actors of the movie huddled together for a commemorative photo for finishing the film on schedule.

            “Good job Jinyoung ah…” the director hugged Jinyoung.

            “Thank hyungnim…it’s an honour working with you…”

He bid his farewell to the staffs and went towards Mark.

            “Are you ready to go?” Mark asked.


In the car…

            “I can’t believe the filming is over…” Jinyoung leaned against the leather seat, looking at the script in his hand. “This probably the most fun movie I’ve ever done…”

            “Despite the rigours martial arts training and fight scenes?”

            “Yup…it’s hard but kinda fun in a way…”

            “About your schedule…”

            “Babe…can we not talk about it? I just finished my one month long movie filming…can we lay low on the schedule thing?”

            “It’s just for a while, I promise…just hear me out ok?”

            “Fine…” Jinyoung sighed. “Go ahead…”

            “Ok…two weeks’ vacation starting the day after tomorrow…”

            “Why is that?”

            “Well…tomorrow you have an interview with Claire magazine in the morning and then your health check-up at 2pm.”

            “Okay…babe…I’ve been thinking…” Jinyoung glanced over at Mark.

            “About what?”

            “Well…maybe we could take the health check-up together…I know that I’m clean and I know you too…and we’ve been exclusive with each other for the past 3 months…”

Mark looked at Jinyoung.

            “I was just thinking that we should forget about the rubber once and for all…”

            “Are you sure? I don’t want to push you…”

            “Tell me…you’ve been thinking about that too right?”


            “Then what’s the problem? We’re in this for a long haul and I’m ready for a commitment…”

            “Me too…I just don’t see myself with anyone but you…”


            “I’ll call the hospital to set up an appointment…” Mark smiled as Jinyoung took his hand, brought it to his lips and kissed the knuckles.

This is a big step in their relationship and the two were far more than ready for it.


              “Got your mask?” Jinyoung asked as he and Mark walked out the front door.

              “Right here…” Mark put on his black mask on and pulled up his hoodies. “Maybe we could try that fish cakes on that stall near the junction tonight…I heard people said it was delicious…”

              “Sure…it’s time for me to eat…after that diet regime Chansung hyung had me to do…I ready to indulge myself…”

              “Are you sure?”

             “Yup…I can always go on another diet for my next role if I had to…like I always did…”

The wee hours of the morning was quiet, just right for Jinyoung and Mark’s liking. It’s the time that they can enjoy themselves like any other young couples. They were walking along the empty sidewalk when Jinyoung phone rings. He looked at the screen and frowned.

            “Junho again?” Mark said, narrowing his eyebrows in annoyance.

            “Yeah…I think I have to change my number again…”

            “I guess some people just don’t get it…”

            “He’s an idiot…that’s why…” Jinyoung pulled off the battery and shove the phone back into his pocket.

They’re arriving at the apartment building parking lot when Mark made a sudden stop.

            “Babe…what is it?” Jinyoung asked.

            “I think someone is following us…” Mark turned around. His eyes scanned the area and saw as someone taking a hide behind a car a few metres away from them.

            “Babe…who is it?”

            “I dunno…but I definitely know that it can’t be good…lets go…”

Mark took Jinyoung’s hands and they quickly dashed towards the entrance.

In the elevator…

            “Do you think it’s the paparazzi?” Jinyoung said, looking nervous.

            “Maybe it’s just one of your sasaeng fans…don’t worry ok?”

            “I’m not…sometimes I wish that we could just go public with this…dating in the open like everybody else.”

            “Don’t we all babe…” Mark pulled Jinyoung into a hug. “We will…one day…”


Mark and Jinyoung planned to have a quiet Saturday together but the plan quickly went down the drain when Jaebum suddenly turned up at their door unexpected.

            “Hyung, shouldn’t you be somewhere else?” Jinyoung said. He was just about to have Mark writhed under him but Jaebum had to be a blocker.

            “Somewhere else? Like where?” Jaebum frowned.

            “I dunno…at your house…the golf club or those fancy meetings where all CEO went to…”

            “My house is empty…I don’t play golf and I’m not interested in those meetings either…I just want to spend some time with my two favourite persons…I even brought groceries so we can have lunch together…”

            “Whatever…” Jinyoung rolled his eyes.

After lunch…

            “Your food has become a lot better than I expected Mark ah…” Jaebum said, pushing his empty plate away.

            “Thanks…I had practise…and living with Jinyoung does help a little…” Mark smiled.

            “Well…I can relate to that…” Jaebum nodded. “So, what’s your plan for the two weeks off?”

            “Just stay at home…lounging around…” Jinyoung said.

            “That’s a change…” Jaebum was surprised. He usually scared when Jinyoung had days off…afraid that he will get into some sort of bad things and he had to do some damage control.

            “Hyung, I’ve changed ok?” Jinyoung shot a disapproval look at Jaebum.

            “I’m glad you did…Mark ya…”

            “Mmm?” Mark answered as he got up to the fridge. He took a tub of ice cream and went back to the table.

            “I know you don’t usually do this but…um…I have this friend…”

            “What friend?” Mark grimaced. This can’t be good.

            “This guy I know…he’s nice and I think you gonna like him…”

            “Are you setting me up on a blind date?”

Jinyoung and Mark looked at each other. The younger one was restless and Mark could tell.

*This can’t be happening* Jinyoung thought.

            “Only if you agree…but Sungjin is a great guy…and I kinda told him about you…”

            “Jaebum ah…”

            “What? I was only doing my job as a friend…I know that you’re not in a relationship or anything…and I know you gonna like Sungjin…”

            “And you decided to play cupid hyung?” Jinyoung interjected. He had to say something.

            “Well…only if Mark agrees to it…what do you say?” Jaebum looked at Mark.

            “I know you meant good but…I have to say no…” Mark declined.

            “You haven’t met this guy…just see him once and if you don’t like him…”

            “Actually, I’m seeing someone right now…”

Jaebum and Jinyoung eyes were on him.

            “You’re seeing someone?” Jaebum asked.

            “Yeah…and we’re serious about this…I don’t think he’s gonna like the idea of me going on a blind date with another man…”

Mark saw the flicker of excitement in Jinyoung’s eyes when he uttered the words.

            “Well…in that case…I can’t do anything about it then…” Jaebum turned his gaze towards Jinyoung. “Do you know about this?”

            “No…it’s my first time hearing this…” Jinyoung shook his head. Inside his head he was dancing like a mad man.

            “And you supposed to be living together…”

            “We do have our own private life if you must know hyung…” Jinyoung crept his hands and touched Mark’s thigh under the table.

That night…

            “I can’t believe you said that to Jaebum hyung…” Jinyoung sat at the edge of the bed, as he watched Mark walking out of the bathroom. They have been living in the same room for a while now and it was the best decision.

            “I had to…why? You want me to go on that blind date?” Mark dried his hair.

            “No way! Pluck my eyes off the socket before I could watch that happen…”


It’s Monday morning and Jaebum arrived at the agency a little early than usual.

            “Good morning Youngji…” he greeted his assistant.

            “Good morning boss…” the young woman bolted up and bowed.

            “Can you get me a cup of coffee?”

            “Two sugar and no cream?”

            “Just the way I like…” Jaebum smiled.

Jaebum was looking at the files on his desk when Youngji came into the office.

            “Yes Youngji?”

            “Sir…I think you should look at this…”

Youngji put an IPAD in front of Jaebum. His eyes caught the headline of the news.


There’s several pictures of Jinyoung and a man caught walking holding hands. The unidentified man was blurred out but Jinyoung’s face was clear enough to see that was indeed him.

            “Not again…” Jaebum sighed.

is about to hit the fan.


Junho was lounging in his house surfing the internet when a headline draw his attention.

            “So he was telling the truth then…” he grinned. An idea crossed his mind.

He picked up the phone and dialled a number.

            “Hello…Dispatch? I have an exclusive news regarding Park Jinyoung dating news…”


What will Junho do? Stay tuned for the next update...

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Chapter 32: I don't know if I already thanked you but THANK YOU for great stories.
specially FOR YOU I WOULD..
you are on of the Best Writer for me ♥
Chapter 34: rereading another story of yours... it’s always the best XD
Chapter 32: Can't believe this just and ;-;
This so freaking cute and good and addictive~
Thank you for one more storie sz
Jaebum, best cousin ever hahahahah
Chapter 33: I gotta say your writing style is not my favorite, but i still finish your stories anyway. I think this one is particular is my fav from yours <3
Daeppyongie #5
Chapter 32: Awwhhhh i'm freaking squealing and i can't stop smiling!!! I really really really love this story, thank you so much! I even love the way you write your story, it is simple and didn't exaggerated when describing one emotion, it'a straightforward and clear. Thank you so much, keledek author nim!! I will go back to this story again! Thanks again and love you
Chapter 34: i'm glad i found this fanfic ahhhhh I LOVE IT
Mennah #7
Chapter 24: Re-reading. I love all your fanfics, authornim♡
oneshot13 #8
Chapter 33: Love you and all your stories!! <3
Chapter 33: Uuuppppssss I think you have an epilogue for this story.. XD