“Omo…you look much better in person…” an older woman said and patted Jinyoung’s back. “Aigoo…Mark is such a lucky guy to work with you…” she smiled.

            “Anieyo omonim…”

            “Such a humble young man too…” her friend said almost squealing.

Jinyoung looked around and his eyes met with Mark…the older guy just grinned at him.

            “Um…omonim…I gotta go…I’ll see you around again…” Jinyoung excused himself.

He was standing alone by the wall when someone came.

            “Water?” Tammy hand over a cup to Jinyoung.

            “Thanks…” Jinyoung quickly gulped it down.

            “Looks like you’re having a fan meeting of your own…except instead of younger girls, it’s middle aged women…” she chuckled.

            “Fan is still a fan…and being recognised by ajummas has it perks…”

            “I guess so…”

They were looking around the backyard when Tammy spotted someone.

            “Mimi…” Tammy squealed as a young woman in her 20s came.

            “Unnie…” she hugged her.

            “I’m glad that you could make it…” Tammy hugged her again. “I thought you’re bringing your model boyfriend…where is he?”

            “He’s here…outside looking a spot to park his car.” Mimi looked at Jinyoung. “Omo…Park Jinyoung?”

Jinyoung just smiled.

            “Mark works with him now…Jinyoung ah…this is Mimi…cousin from our mother’s side…our mom are sisters…”


The two shook hands. Jinyoung stared at the young woman in front of him. her face looked awfully familiar.

            “Have we met before?” Jinyoung asked.

            “Um…I don’t think so…I would’ve remembered if we ever met…” she replied.


            “Sorry…I had to take a call…”

Jinyoung froze when he saw Junho…the other guy was startled as he did.     

            “Baby…this is Tammy unnie…the cousin I told you about…”

            “Hi…” Junho and Tammy shook hands.

            “Mimi…you didn’t tell me that your boyfriend is Lee Junho…I mean…he’s one of the top model in the industry…” Tammy said.

            “Anieyo noona…I’m not that famous…” Junho blushed. His eyes went to Jinyoung.

            “Stop being so modest…”

            “Um…I gotta go…I’ll see you guys later ok?”

Jinyoung walked away. Seeing Junho again today brought back the pain he felt when he found out Junho was cheating on him. No wonder the girl looked familiar…it was the same girl he saw in Junho’s phone.

            “Hey, you ok?” Mark asked when he saw Jinyoung alone on the kitchen, leaning against the cabinet.

            “I’m…I’m fine…don’t worry…” Jinyoung said.

            “Is something wrong?”

Jinyoung shook his head.

            “Why don’t you just go upstairs and lay down for a while…” Mark suggested. He was getting worried watching Jinyoung’s gloomy face. He was fine until now.

*What happened to him?* he wondered.

            “I’m fine hyung…just need some time off…”

            “I’ll go get something for you…”

When Mark left…


Jinyoung looked up and saw Junho. The guy walked slowly and then pulled him into a tight hug.

            “I missed you…” Junho whispered. “I tried to call…”

Before Junho could finish his words, Jinyoung pushed him away and slapped his cheek.

            “I hate you!” Jinyoung glared.

            “Jinyoung ah…baby…”

            “Don’t! We’re through when you started putting your inside that girl…I wonder what she’ll do if she knew you’ve been swinging both ways…”

Mark stood behind the wall, over heard the conversation.

*Jinyoung used to date Junho?*

            “I will dump her if you give me another chance…I know we could make it work this time…” Junho tried to reached for Jinyoung’s hand but he quickly draw back.

            “Do you think I’m that stupid? What do you take me for huh?”

Mark was about to walked into the kitchen when his mom pulled him away.


            “Your uncle is looking for you…c’mon…” his mom dragged him.

Back in the kitchen..,

            “Please Jinyoung ah…” Junho plead.

            “Ok…if you want us to be together again…go to that girl now and dump her…and tell her that you are seeing a man…”

            “You can’t be serious?”

            “Damn I am! So, are you going to do it?” Jinyoung crossed his arm.

            “I will…but not now…please Jinyoung ah…”

            “See…you’re still the coward jerk I knew…just stay away from my life…don’t come looking for me again…”

Jinyoung walked past Junho, leaving the guy alone in the kitchen.


            “Mom…I gotta go ok? There’s something I need to see…” Mark said to his mom. His mind kept going back to Jinyoung.

            “Where are you going?”

            “I’ll be right back ok?”

Mark left his mother and went back to the kitchen. When he arrived, there’s no one there. He rushed out to the backyard and still there’s no sight of Jinyoung.

            “Who are you looking for?” Grace asked, looking at the same direction as Mark did.

            “Jinyoung…have you seen him?”

            “Jinyoung? I saw him walking down the stairs to the beach deck…is something wrong?” Grace stared at Mark.

            “I dunno…I’m going to find out…thanks sis…”

Mark quickly made his way to the end of the backyard. He opened the gate and walked down the wooden staircase leading to a small deck. He saw Jinyoung sitting at the edge of the deck with his head hung low between his legs.

            “Hey…what are you doing here?” Mark said, walking closer.


There are tears streaking Jinyoung’s cheeks.

            “Jinyoung ah…” Mark rushed, sitting next to the younger guy. “What’s wrong?”

            “I’m such a stupid fool…crying for that no good bastard…” Jinyoung said between sniffle.

            “Who? Junho?”

Jinyoung looked at Mark.           

            “How did…” Jinyoung’s question lingered off.

            “I…um…overheard you and Junho talking…sorry…I didn’t mean to eavesdropping or anything…”

            “It’s ok…god…I feel so stupid right now…crying in front of you…”

            “It’s ok Jinyoung ah…” Mark put his arm around Jinyoung’s shoulder. “You can cry in front of me…no paparazzi or what so ever…”

Jinyoung chuckled. Using the back of his sleeve, Jinyoung wiped off the remaining of tears on his face.

            “I heard things about Junho…he’s a bad call for sure…I dunno how he even stayed in the industry with that attitude…” Mark shook his head.

            “He got a lot of connection…coming from a wealthy family…”

            “I supposed so…”

            “Poor girl…I bet that cousin of yours didn’t know the trash she’s with now…”

            “I’ll make sure she know…so, you wanna go back to the party or stay here?”

            “I’ll stay for a while…need some space to clear my mind…”

            “Ok…just don’t jump into the ocean ok?” Mark ruffled Jinyoung’s hair.

            “I won’t…I hate cold water…”

Mark went back to the party and when he arrived at the backyard, he saw Junho alone by the gazebo, away from people.

*This is my chance to knock some sense into that jerk* Mark marched towards the guy.

            “Hi…” Mark said.

Junho turned around when a voice greeted him.

            “Hi…” Junho said, amazed by the good looking guy in front of him.

            “I’m gonna make this short and simple…stay away from Jinyoung…”

            “Excuse me?” Junho frowned.

            “You heard me…stay away from Jinyoung…”

            “Who are you?” Junho asked, still surprised by the fact that this guy even knew about him and Jinyoung.

            “I’m Jinyoung’s manager and the host here…so, I suggest that you take your sorry and leave…”

            “Or else? I sense that coming…”

            “Or…I’ll let Mimi knows every truth about you and I’ll make sure that you would retire from the industry for good…”

            “You don’t have any power to do that…besides, do you know who my family is?”

Mark was getting irritated by the snobbish attitude of this guy.

            “Sure…I know who your family are…do you think that they gonna like it the fact that their son is sleeping around swinging both ways?” Mark smirked. “Besides, you just made an enemy for messing up with Jinyoung…his CEO are pretty pissed off right now…”

Junho didn’t say a word but walked away. Mark felt a sense of victory when he saw Junho went to the door with Mimi in tow. The guy was scared after all. All he needs to do right now is exposed Junho’s dark secret to his cousin…he need to save the girl from that bastard.


            “Mark? Is that you?”

Mark turned around.

            “Minhyuk?” his eyes widened.


The two hugged each other.

            “Yaa! It’s been ages!” Minhyuk nudged Mark’s shoulder. “Look at you…looking good.”

            “You’re not bad too…what brings you here?”

            “I saw Tammy in Seoul the other day and she invited me…it’s been almost 10 years isn’t it?”

            “Yeah…I can’t believe I see you here…”

            “So, the lovers meet again…” Tammy said walking towards them with a big smile on her face.

Mark slightly blushed at the words.

            “It was ancient history…” Mark said.

            “Yeah…but remained as a sweet memory…if you ask me…” Minhyuk added.


Jinyoung walked into the backyard and saw Mark talking with a guy and Tammy. From the gestures, Jinyoung could tell that Mark was quite close to him.

            “Hey, where have you been?” Grace asked when she saw Jinyoung.

            “At the deck…need some air…” he smiled.

            “The party in our house can get a little hectic sometimes…”

            “Who is that?” Jinyoung asked looking at Mark.

            “Oh…that’s Minhyuk…the guy that Tammy and I tease Mark about…”

Jinyoung stiffed hearing the name.

*So this is Minhyuk…finally had a face to go with the name…* Jinyoung eyed the blond guy…he was about Mark’s height, slender and quite a looker.

            “Lets go see them…” Grace pulled Jinyoung by the arm towards the trio.


            “So, you’re in Daegu now?” Mark asked.

            “Yeah…my brother opened a gallery and I decided to help him…”

            “I missed Kihyun…he’s such an adorable kid…”

            “Maybe we could come to Seoul and hangout sometimes…if you’re not busy that is…I heard you’re working as a manager now…”

            “Yeah…it’s been a few years now…”

Jinyoung and Grace came.

            “I hope we’re not interrupting the lover talk…”

            “Sis…” Mark sighed. “That’s past history…she still can’t forget the time she caught us kissing by the pool…”

            “Really?” Minhyuk shook his head. “And they warned me about hurting you…”

            “You did?” Mark looked at Grace and Tammy.

            “We had too…you’re our baby brother…”

            “Um…by the way, meet Park Jinyoung…I worked with him right now…”

Minhyuk offered his hand and Jinyoung took it.

            “Oh wow…superstar…didn’t expect to see one up close…” Minhyuk smiled. “Big fan…seen all of your movies…”


The party progressed and Jinyoung seemed to relax a little as time went by. He got acquainted with Minhyuk since the guy was funny as hell and it seems like he and Mark get along so well. He felt a little bit uneasy when he saw Minhyuk kept touching Mark’s arm and thigh while talking.

            “That’s Minhyuk…he’s a little touchy feely kinda guy…” Tammy whispered.

Jinyoung looked at her.

            “Let just say, I know what you’re looking at…” she winked.

They were talking when Mark’s mom came.

            “Mark…Hyunwoo is here…” she said and a guy emerged from behind her.

            “Hey babe…”

            “Babe?” Jinyoung and Minhyuk spontaneously said in unison.

            “What are you doing here?” Mark stared.

Hyunwoo was the last person he expected to see at the party.


An update!

I wanted to post this cahpater up on the 29th to celebrate GOT7 first comeback showcase but I had to make some adjustment...sorry...TT TT~~~

Did you guys watched the new MV yet? This probably the best comeback GOT7 had ever done and mature concept matched them so well...and YOOGYEOM did ruined my bias list...again...

Anyway...happy reading and leave a comment down below.


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I'M STUCK!!!!!!!! TT TT~~~~~


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Chapter 32: I don't know if I already thanked you but THANK YOU for great stories.
specially FOR YOU I WOULD..
you are on of the Best Writer for me ♥
Chapter 34: rereading another story of yours... it’s always the best XD
Chapter 32: Can't believe this just and ;-;
This so freaking cute and good and addictive~
Thank you for one more storie sz
Jaebum, best cousin ever hahahahah
Chapter 33: I gotta say your writing style is not my favorite, but i still finish your stories anyway. I think this one is particular is my fav from yours <3
Daeppyongie #5
Chapter 32: Awwhhhh i'm freaking squealing and i can't stop smiling!!! I really really really love this story, thank you so much! I even love the way you write your story, it is simple and didn't exaggerated when describing one emotion, it'a straightforward and clear. Thank you so much, keledek author nim!! I will go back to this story again! Thanks again and love you
Chapter 34: i'm glad i found this fanfic ahhhhh I LOVE IT
Mennah #7
Chapter 24: Re-reading. I love all your fanfics, authornim♡
oneshot13 #8
Chapter 33: Love you and all your stories!! <3
Chapter 33: Uuuppppssss I think you have an epilogue for this story.. XD