Chapter Six

Someone To Love Him

Jackson holds Mark's gaze for a couple of silent moments before he faces the front of the car and turns on the ignition.
Jackson drives Mark home, saying to himself that the only reason why he stood up for Mark is because they're friends. He refuses to look at other possible reasons.

Mark watches as Jackson pulls out of his driveway and leaves. Then he goes back inside, being as quiet as possible so his father doesn't wake up and start going on a rampage.
He collapses on his bed and stares up at his ceiling. If all high school parties are like that, he will never go to one again.

The weekend passes in a blur for Mark, doing chores for his father and making sure that he manages to finish homework. While for Jackson it passes at a snail's pace since he just lies on his bed, making no attempt to do his homework or be social with anyone. His parents pass it off as him just being an average teenager but Jackson can't get something off his mind or more like a certain redhead off his mind.

"Monday has got to be the worst day of the week." Jackson says as soon as Mark arrives at school. Mark grunts in response, finding it too early to do anything that resembles using his brain.
Jackson laughs and flicks Mark's black hat, "That's a first."
Mark shrugs, he wanted to try it out ever since he saw Jackson wear it at the party on Friday, not that he's gonna admit. "There's a first time for everything." He says.
Jackson smiles, "I like it." Which makes Mark blush, the bell goes, ruining the moment and signaling the start of class.
Jackson sighs, wanting to spend more time with the other but has to wait for the class they have together. Mark feels the same, he feels protected around Jackson.
They say goodbye and go their separate ways to their first class.
Mark doesn't go far before he is stopped by Jinyoung, "You got lucky. This time you won't be." Jinyoung is alone which strangely makes him seem even more scary than usual.
"W-what do you mean?" Mark stutters, wishing that Jackson could be with him.
Jinyoung steps closer and smirks, "Watch your back. That's what I mean." He pushes past him.
Mark is late to his next class, he doesn't bother to explain why he was because he knows the teacher doesn't care. So instead of going home after school, he has to go to detention.
Mark sits at the back of the classroom and pays little attention to what's going on but he's still paying more attention than any of the other students in the class.

The bell goes once again, freeing everyone from their class. Mark, being at the back is the last to leave. Jackson who is waiting for him starts to get anxious but then immediately feels better when he sees the redhead.
"Hey," Mark says when he reaches Jackson, who gives him a smile.
"Hey, where do you wanna eat today?" Jackson asks.
Mark shrugs, "Anywhere as long as it's with you." After saying that, he starts to blush and wonder if he said the wrong thing but Jackson's smile says differently.
"I have after school detention today." Mark says as they start to walk to the cafeteria.
"That's stupid of you." Jackson replies, hoping that nothing will happen while Mark is in detention.
Mark rolls his eyes, oblivious to Jackson's feelings.
They walk into the cafeteria, unaware that Jinyoung's eyes follow them the entire time.

"Try not to get into too much trouble, okay?" Jackson says, dropping Mark off at detention.
Mark pretends to be annoyed but secretly he's pleased that Jackson cares that much. "Thanks for that extreme amount of faith you have in me." Mark says.
"I have complete and utter faith in you, it's other people I don't trust." Jackson says.
Mark gives him a smile and walks into the detention room, leaving Jackson standing alone and looming after Mark with a goofy smile on his face.

Mark is the only one in detention, he sits there staring at the clock, begging for the time to pass faster. If he has to stay much longer, he will die of boredom.
The door opens and Jinyoung comes in, making his way over to Mark. "I knew you'd be here."
Mark gulps, getting a bad feeling in his stomach. "What do you want?" He asks, frightened.
"You need to learn a lesson, people like Jackson can never like people like you." Jinyoung says, now right next to Mark.
"P-people like me?" Mark asks, wondering what Jinyoung is going to do next.
"People who don't deserve to live." Jinyoung replies, pushing away Mark's desk and grabbing the front of his uniform.

Jackson decides to walk around the school as he waits for Mark to finish his detention. When it's nearly over, Jackson makes his way to the room.
His heart drops when he sees Mark lying on the floor covered in blood.
He rushes to the redhead and yells out his name, Mark opens his eyes. "Jacks." He whispers.
"Who did this?" Jackson practically growls.
"Jinyoung." Mark murmurs.
Jackson swears under his breath, Of course it was him. "I'm gonna kill him."

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markson_15 #1
Chapter 19: don't you dare not finish this! i mean like plzz it's amazing!! update very like very soon, plz! :)
Chapter 18: This is.....

Damn it I can't even wait for the next chapter!
Please update more!! Xoxo

Marzially #3
Chapter 18: Damn it i thought he will punish him, u know what punishment lol ;). Update please!
candycane23049 #4
Chapter 4: Wait I am confused Jaebum is his best friend in the beginning of the fic and now is a new student?
Chapter 15: JJ Project. Jackson is just so thoughtful...
What was your plan JinYoung.
Can't wait for what will happen next.. ^_^
Chapter 14: MarkSon ♡♡♡
Chapter 14: ohhhhh so cute , some markson to make your day better ;D thanks author!!!
Chapter 13: I loooooooove. Oh my dear so cute
Chapter 13: oh the born of jjproject !!!!!!!
i need more markson moments
thanks author !!