Chapter Fifteen

Someone To Love Him

The morning sky was still cloudy when Jaebum stepped inside the library. He'd decided to get there a bit earlier than the rest of his group mates. He wasn't sure but there was a possibility that the other boys would be too busy glaring at each other to help poor old him do any work. Jaebum sighed as the thought of having to do the project by himself flitted through his mind. He hoped it wouldn't come to that.

But seriously. What exactly happened between the three of them? The question gnawed at his brain from time to time.

He nodded a greeting to the librarian at the front desk and quietly moved to find a workspace. The library wasn't the biggest he'd seen but it was nothing to scoff at either. Graceful arches lined the ceiling and the walls were littered with old paintings. He nearly ran into a wall just staring at everything.

A quick look at his phone let him know that he had about an hour before the others arrived.


He wasn't sure how much time had passed but a hand on his shoulder startled him out of the book he was reading.



The dark haired boy rolled his eyes in amusement. "Who else?"

Jaebum took in the boy in front of him. For some reason, he found it hard to believe that this was the same rude, stuck up kid that had sat next to him in class. The leather jacket and converse were gone and traded for a simple hoodie and a pair of slightly worn down runners.

"What are you doing here so early?" The dark haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Early? It's ten after eight." 

"Oh." He said blankly Jinyoung had an amused expression on his face but didn't say anything. Jaebum wasn't sure what to think of this other side of Jinyoung. His eyes were gentle. His voice was teasing. And he smiled more.

"So, did you find anything?"

"Oh. Yeah." Jaebum mentally shook his head. Whatever change that had happened to Jinyoung was good. He didn't need to dwell on it any longer. How pleasant the other boy's smile was or how cute his eye wrinkles were wasn't relevant either.

He quickly held up the book he had been reading and shoved it into Jinyoung's hands before walking back to the table. "That one should come in handy." He added. 




The alarm had gone off at around six. Jackson had shut it off but hadn't made a move to wake up the other boy that was currently in his bed. It had been easy to convince Mark to stay the night since his dad hadn't returned home and Jackson's parents were away. The two of them simply ate dinner and fell asleep almost immediately and they were content with just that.

Jackson stared at the sleeping boy tucked against his chest. Mark's red hair fell messily over his face but to Jackson, he couldn't see it any way other than adorable.  

He loves me. It was still running on repeat like a broken record and it was impossible to stop the smile that broke out on Jackson's face.

From the moment he and Mark had first met, Jackson could already tell that he was falling. His heart stirred with strange emotions every time he thought of Mark. And now he knew why.

He pulled Mark closer against his body and rested his chin against the older boy's head.

Jackson wished he could just stay in bed with Mark for the rest of the day. The idea of dealing with Jinyoung and school work wasn't very appealing at the moment.




"Those two seem awfully cozy," Jackson whispered. The two boys had finally managed to pull themselves out of bed and get to the library. Albeit being slightly late, it hadn't looked like they had missed much. Jaebum and Jinyoung were working away quietly in a corner of the building.

"Jacks, cut it out. I don't feel like fighting today." Jackson huffed but didn't say anything otherwise. It was true though. Despite everything, Mark really wanted to start some things over again. And that included giving Jinyoung another chance. He'd been thinking about it for a while and was still unsure, but now he was watching Jinyoung work silently next to Jaebum. No rude comments or complaints came out of his mouth.

Mark decided that he wouldn't stand for Jinyoung's bullying anymore but he would also make an effort to fix the negative relationship they had. Recently he'd felt a bit tired of hating.

Now if only Jackson would stop looking at the other boy with guns in his eyes.




"Okay, I think we're good for today. I didn't think we'd get so much done." Jaebum mumbled while reading over the research. The silver-haired boy had been skeptical when the last two members had finally arrived. He'd thought that the three boys would be at each other's throats the whole time but surprisingly that wasn't the case. Aside from the occasional name calling between Jackson and Jinyoung, They'd managed to get most of the research finished. Mark had been unusually quiet the whole time. Jaebum didn't want to wonder about it, but he hoped the older boy was okay.

"Ugh finally..."Jackson grumbled. Mark smiled sweetly when Jackson rested his head against his shoulder. The small gestures thrown at each other had not gone unnoticed by Jaebum. He doubted that they were just best friends. Beside him, he could see Jinyoung scoff and roll his eyes. Jaebum sighed inwardly.


"Hey. Why don't we grab something to eat?" Mark suddenly asked. Jaebum looked to see Mark still looking at his papers and scribbling something. Jackson gave the redhead a questioning look but remained silent.

Jaebum cautiously glanced at Jinyoung to see him eyeing Mark weirdly. Seriously what was going on? Weren't they enemies or something?

"All of us?" Jaebum asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. I know a place close by. We can eat lunch there." Mark answered still not looking up from his work.

"Oh... ok, I'll go. Jinyoung?"

The silence was tense when Jinyoung didn't answer immediately. He was busy boring holes into Mark's head who still refused to look up. Jaebum wasn't really sure what was happening but he felt like he had to do something before Jackson got tired of Jinyoung and snapped. Which looked very near possible at the moment.

Jaebum quietly slid his hand under the table and gently squeezed Jinyoung's hand.


Jinyoung started when he felt someone hold his hand. He looked at Jaebum eyes wide and heat crawling into his cheeks from the gesture.

"Come with us. It'll be fun." Jaebum murmured softly.

Fun was the last word Jinyoung would use to call the impromptu lunch date but there was no way he was gonna say no now.

Jinyoung had no idea what was going through that fool's head. Even Jackson looked slightly confused with the suggestion but it didn't matter now. He was going to make the best of this... whatever this was that was happening. The warmth surrounding his hand made him feel light headed. In a good way.




A/N: Hello!!! Sorry for being gone for such a long time! Hope you enjoyed reading!!! ^^

A FAVOUR: If anyone has any feedback on this chapter please let me know! I really want to write well so all of us can enjoy this story!! Thank you!

- Firevein


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markson_15 #1
Chapter 19: don't you dare not finish this! i mean like plzz it's amazing!! update very like very soon, plz! :)
Chapter 18: This is.....

Damn it I can't even wait for the next chapter!
Please update more!! Xoxo

Marzially #3
Chapter 18: Damn it i thought he will punish him, u know what punishment lol ;). Update please!
candycane23049 #4
Chapter 4: Wait I am confused Jaebum is his best friend in the beginning of the fic and now is a new student?
Chapter 15: JJ Project. Jackson is just so thoughtful...
What was your plan JinYoung.
Can't wait for what will happen next.. ^_^
Chapter 14: MarkSon ♡♡♡
Chapter 14: ohhhhh so cute , some markson to make your day better ;D thanks author!!!
Chapter 13: I loooooooove. Oh my dear so cute
Chapter 13: oh the born of jjproject !!!!!!!
i need more markson moments
thanks author !!