good to be back

Noona look at me

'ok well all seems well' the doctor said in a very happy voice 'ive just been informed by the nurse that your family and friends are on their way'

you smiled at him 'thank you so much doctor' and you bowed slightly as a sign of respect 

he bowed back 'just doing my job' he said with a wink 'if you need anything just call the nurse'

you nodded you head as you watched him leave. you rested your head on the back of the hospital bed and sighed *what exactly happened before i hit my head* you furrowed your eyebrows trying to concentrate on your memories, all you could remember id bits and pieces . you saw flashes of you and ricky holding hands, you and minsoo along with chansoo. you held onto your head painfully as you saw fast images of howon smirking and then a dark room. you sqeualed in pain when you remebered the large force that hit your head.

'NOONA' ricky shouted in worry 

you looked up your eyes tearing up from the pain and saw ricky stading wide eyed, he ran up to you and held you in his arms, you rested you head on his chest and weeped slightly 

'its ok noona' he said sofetly while the back of your head 'everythings going to be ok' 

you breathed in strongly and inhaled ricky's scent, you smiled at the fimliarness

'~~~~~~~' you both looked up only to see your mother smiling wth tears in her eyes, she ran up to you and hugged you tightly 'my baby your awake' at the sound of her voice cracking your tears fell out once again 'omma i missed you' you said, you voice muffled by your tears 

and right on queue chansoo ran inside '~~~~~~ you ' she said in tears 'you left me alone for so long' ans she joined the hug with you and you mom. you found it difficult to breathe but you missed them so much you didnt even care 

minsoo chuckled 'ya guys do you want to lose her again..let go she cant breathe'

both chansoo and you mom let go of you and smiled at you affectioantely 

'i really missed you guys' you managed to say after a few moments of silence 

'we missed you to honey' you mom said sweetly 'especially ricky' she looked at him and smiled 'he used to come every single day without fail and ist by your bedside and just talk to you'

you looked at him and he blushed slightly, he rubbed the back of his neck and coughed ' doctor said if you had someone you lov...erm knew talk to you it would increase your chances of waking'

you slowly got of you bed and wrapped you arms around his waist 'thank you ricky..and i do love you that probably why it worked'

rickys smile reached to his ears (a/n leave me alone his ears are cute ok)  'i love you to noona'

you mom squealed and then you heard a click you both ly to see your mom spazzing like a teenager and chansoo taking a picture.

'what' chansoo said innocently 'you two look really cute together and a picture is a must'

you chuckled *its good to back*


basically my internet went out for a couple of days...and then i got writers block which is why this chapter is terrible...but i promise to make it better!

so most of you guys want another love interest.....i wonder who it is if you have any prefrences do put it in a comment  ^_^ i look forward to seeing you ideas! 

i shall be updating a little more often now seeing as my internet is back and im on christmas break! yahay!

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LuckyMend_97 #1
Chapter 37: I loved it!!! ^.^ Ricky is too cute >///< and the end made me laugh a lot xD Minsoo is such a noisy boy haha
Chapter 33: That text conversation made me giggle. Ricky, you're adorable ^^
Best Ricky fanfic ever <3
Authornim! You're the best! ^-^
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 37: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......what a nice reconciliation it is :) kekekekeek
leehazaini #5
Chapter 37: hi! I'm new here.. I mean, I'm new to fanfiction.. Sooo, this story was great!! Is it too late to comment? Hehe! ;)
Rereading this 'cause miss and love this.

"'Umma we're leaving' you shouted but didnt hear a reply. Aish she must have fallen asleep again." but forever laughing at that part because my mom is like that irl omfg all she does is sleep.

This fic was so great. Thank you <3
changhyun #8
Gkjbdkjznns noooo the end already?? ; ;
gonna miss this <333