The truth

Noona look at me

Youve been missing for 3 days and everyone is worried about you. Theyve all been searching the area, including ricky who severly blames himself




Chansoo and Minsoo made there way towards the cafe, but before the enetered chansoo grabbed minsoo's arms and turned him to face her

'Minsoo, promise me something' she said seriously

he looked at her and smiled 'What?'

'Dont go mental ok? dont use violance'

he hesitated *chansoo i'll promise you anything* he nodded 'For you, anything' he said causing chansoo to blush

They entered the cafe and walked straight towards jiho. Minsoo glared at him as he looked up. Fear was shown in his eyes.

'Y...yes?' he stuttered

before minsoo could start chansoo interupted him 'JIho where is ~~~~~' she asked her voice very threatening

minsoo stared at her in admiration andn looked back at jiho with a glare. Jiho looked at the two of them blankly 'I dont know what you're talking about' he said and then turned back to his work

Minsoo clentched his fist in anger but before he could reach for jiho, chansoo grabbed jiho's coler and lifted him up 'YA' she shouted loudly causing the rest of the cafe to turn and face them 'WHERE THE IS SHE' she roared

jiho trembled slightly, minsoo grabbed chansoo and pulled her away, the manager came storming down and kicked them out along with jiho. When they were out minsoo grabbed jiho and pulled him to an allyway

'Ya' Minsoo growled 'Where is she'

Jiho shook his head in fear 'I....I....I dont know what your talking about

Chansoo had tears coming out of her eyes, she pushed minsoo away from jiho and looked straight at him 'JIho' she said sofetly 'Please just.....just stop...' she choked slightly 'I just....i just want her back' the tears finally began to run down her cheeks. Seeing her this way moved, both jiho and minsoo as they both had tears threatening to come down.

JIho sighed 'Just...just dont interrupt ok' he said eventually

Minsoo growled but chansoo shot a look at him that silenced him, she turned to face jiho and nodded in approval

Jiho took a deep breath and began 'It all goes back to when i was dating ~~~~~, you know howon has always liked her. wel lone thing you dont know about him is that he is heavily involved in gangs' this caused chansoo to gasp slightly and minsoo got closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, in comfort

Jiho coughed before carrying on 'and well you dont know with but i have a little sister, she's only 8 and shes severely ill.' tears formed at the rim of eyes 'and well howon took her away from the hospital and threatened me using her. He said that if i didnt do what he wanted he....he'd...k..kill her' he took a deep breath, chansoo was on the verge of crying 'And so i had to break up with ~~~~~ so that he would harm a year goes by and  this time he really wanted me to help him get ~~~~~~, and i refused and so with out me knowing he took my little sister again and so i was forced to go alont with his plan'

Chansoo sighed and let the tears fall, Minsoo looked at him and said 'so where is she now?'

JIho looked up at him *i guess its safe to say now seeing as my sister is dead now* 'She's prorbably at their warehouse......he didnt tell me exactly what he was planning after capturing her but he did say they would go to japan' he said with a sigh.

Minsoo looked at chansoo worryingly 'Jiho-ah where is the warehouse' chansoo said paniking 'we might be to late'

Jiho gave them the address and watched them run off *~~~~~~ im so sorry*

---------- they didnt know that ricky was listening in to their converstion------------------

'.....thats the address' jiho said

Ricky ran off without a second doubt *I have to save noona*

DID I LEAVE YOU IN SUSPENSE? sorry the update was late

I couldnt bear making jiho bad so i made him good


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LuckyMend_97 #1
Chapter 37: I loved it!!! ^.^ Ricky is too cute >///< and the end made me laugh a lot xD Minsoo is such a noisy boy haha
Chapter 33: That text conversation made me giggle. Ricky, you're adorable ^^
Best Ricky fanfic ever <3
Authornim! You're the best! ^-^
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 37: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......what a nice reconciliation it is :) kekekekeek
leehazaini #5
Chapter 37: hi! I'm new here.. I mean, I'm new to fanfiction.. Sooo, this story was great!! Is it too late to comment? Hehe! ;)
Rereading this 'cause miss and love this.

"'Umma we're leaving' you shouted but didnt hear a reply. Aish she must have fallen asleep again." but forever laughing at that part because my mom is like that irl omfg all she does is sleep.

This fic was so great. Thank you <3
changhyun #8
Gkjbdkjznns noooo the end already?? ; ;
gonna miss this <333