Better Now


Key did a get a call later. From Taemin. "What?" Key opened

"We need to talk"

"We have absolutely nothing to tell each other"

"Yes we do before you destroy more lives"

"You give me too much credit"

"The plaza, Key. One hour"  was all Taemin replied and hung up.

Key was there on time and saw Taemin sitting patiently at a table. He walked up to it and while he was sitting, Taemin commented, "I can see what both of them see in you".

Key raised his eyebrow in disdain and Taemin continued, "That vulnerable and at the same time reckless air about you".

"Hm", Key grunted with a twist of his lips. He was rolling his eyes in his head wondering where Taemin was going with this. Drinks were brought and Taemin spoke again, "Minho is in a lot of trouble because of you".

That got Key's attention. No, not again. "How? I don't work for him or the project"

"Same thing that hapened to Jonghyun is happeneing here" and Taemin detailed the situation to Key.

"So you reported us", Key stated

"I didn't. Just like I told you before!", Taemin answered impatiently and for him to lose his cool like that, Key was beginning to believe him.

"Then how did they know all this?"

"You tell me", Taemin demanded,  eyeing Key 

"You think I ...., no, no. I may talk a lot but not on things like this"

Taemin raised a disbelieving eyebrow that Key ignored.

"Anyway", Taemin was speaking again, "I called you because I don't want Jonghyun involved. If you are questioned, mentioned, whatever, don't bring him up"

"As if I would", Key answered exasperated. But Taemin fisted his hands, "I mean it Key". Then he got up abaruptly, yet so gracefully, he barely made a sound and left Key.

Key went home and did some rearranging to clear his mind. He found some old discarded notes from his work with Jonghyun and also with Minho. He was meaning to shred them but had been distracted. He smiled sadly and put them away. He didn't want to call Minho imagining someone as proud as him would not appreciate pity. Neverttheless, he was still worried. So he called.

"Hi", Key said when the phone was picked up


Key hesitated before asking, "How are you?"


"Don't lie"

"Ok", Minho conceded, "Like "

"More like it", Key laughed softly while playing with his phone's cord. Then, "Minho, what can I do to help?"

Nothing. Hearing your voice helps though".

Both were quiet for a while before Key spoke again, "I am sorry for leaving like that"

"It's alright. I already knew that was your M.O."

"Really?" Key asked surprised before he too conceded, "Ok yeah, I do tend to take off when hits the fan. I can't fight you know". Key joked

"Even for me?" Minho asked very softly. Key could not answer and Minho continued, "It's alright Key, You don't have to answer that. I am tired. I am going to sleep" and he hung up.

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