More Over


It was just Taemin and Key. "You haven't changed a bit, I see", Taemin announced in that soft, sibilant voice of his.

"What? Are you going to report this too?"

"So there is something to report?"

"Look, I am not here to cause trouble Taemin. I don't plan to"

"Yes, Just like last time. You didn't plan to then. And you saw the result. That was a very lucrative deal, Jonghyun lost out on. His credibilty being questioned did not help any".

What about what I lost? Key was thinking

"Please, don't cause more trouble Key" and on that note, Taemin his heel with his innate grace and walked away.

        The rest of the dinner went rather well, Key thought. It was something that Minho did not feel all these undercurrents in the air. Finally, it was over and Key had come to a decision. Taemin gave him a pointed look before he left with Jonghyun. Immediately the guests were gone, Minho pulled Key to him for a very wet kiss, "It's time"

"Yes", Key nodded, "Let me change. I'll meet you in your room". Minho practically ran out and Key smiled fondly at that undignified exit.  Minho was in his room waiting. It had been over an hour now, where was Key? He finally called down to find out and was informed Key had left. How come? It was not that easy to leave his grounds, especially under their work circumstances. "I want to know when and how" he ordered.

"He left in one of the cars that brought your guests, sir", he was told. Minho hung up slowly. He was trembling with the effort of not letting himself lose control.

                            Many days later were to find someone else in a similar state, Victoria. Key had turned off all means of communication in his home. That did not stop her from leaving him blistering messages. "What is wrong with you? Have you lost it?! What were you thinking?! Her voice got louder the more frustrated she got at not getting him.  "Don't you care about your future? Or mine?! It's my recommendation that got you there. You better call me", she warned, "These are not jobs you simply walk away from, you hear?".

Onew's mesaages were calmer. "Are you alright? Take care of yourself and call me when you can, Key". Key knew he had messed up. His UN plans were blown. He was still too tired now anyway and went to sleep again. Something he had been doing quite a lot of.

Of course, he could not go back to his teaching at the school. He had some savings that could last him a while unitl he found something else. He was pondering all this one morning when there was a knock on his door. He opened it and was surprised, "Jonghyun! What are you doing here?!" while he looked around beyond his surprise guest.

"Noone but me Key. I left my detail behind", Jonghyun assured him and Key raised a questioning eyebrow to which Jonghyun answered, "And Taemin too. Can I come in?"

Key let him in without a word. Once in Jonghyun turned to face Key, "I take it Minho still doesn't know about me"

"Yes" Key answered coming into the room and going toward his living room to restore some order. Jonghyun followed. "Key, we had something good. We can again". Jonghyun's voice was matter of fact.  But Key shook his head "No, no, no".

"Key, all that happened was in the past. We will just be more careful that's all".  Jonghyun took Key's hand in his to rub it and Key let him. It brought back those memories and Key's eyes closed and he his lips remembering. Jonghyun was watching him and came closer. He lifted his other hand to cup Key's head and ran his fingers through Key's hair. For a moment, Key actually contemplated accepting what Jonghyun was saying  before he regained his mind and pushed Jonghyun away. Key was about to say something when Jonghyun's phone rang and he answered sharply, "What?!"

Key took that time to distance himself from Jonghyun. By then, Jonghyun was done and after hanging up, told Key, "I have to go but we still need to talk".

"There is nothing to say Jonghyun"

"Yes there is Key. A lot".  and Jonghyun left on that note.

     By nightfall, Key had still not made headway with plans for his future. It was then he got another knock on his door. It was a sharp and rapid  rap. What now?  He thought irritated as he unlocked his door without checking. It was Minho and he barged in very angry, "I didn't appreciate you leaving with my guests", he opened

"That was days ago though", Key answered without thinking. Then caught himself when he saw the look Minho threw his way. "I am very sorry for all that happened. Blame the idyllic atmosphere", he finished flippantly.

"No, Key. I blame you! We were going to start something good and you bailed!" Minho's voice was raised by the time he finished his sentence.  Minho and Jonghyun had the same manner of speech sometimes, Key thought offhand. They really were very close friends. He wondered if they had the same manner of making love too. He shook his head, hopefully, definitely not!

"You don't understand Minho. My past..." Key struggled to find words while ringing his hands and Minho spoke, "I see it was a similar situation. But Key I am not that person you were with before", Minho cried out and grabbed Key's hands firmly in his own. Key averted his eyes. Why not? Minho was young, handsome, rich, intelligent, charming, successful and kind. So why was he still seeing Jonghyun in his head? Key let Minho pull him into his arms to be kissed. It was soft at first before becoming more passionate once Minho drew his hand between Key's legs. Key pulled away from Minho's kiss to say, "If  we do this, then we don't work together. You find someone else". Minho protested, "But Key, you are one of the best and are already familiar with the material"

"No Minho, I want to do it right this time, please"

"Ok then Key. You were already fired anyway. That went without saying", Minho threw out there while getting down to his knees to start kissing Key's stomach. Key popped Minho's head jokingly, "You shouldn't say that so easily"

"Why not?" Minho asked looking up from his kneeling position, "I plan to take care of you anyway. So don't worry",  he finished and started ping Key's pants.

"Ah", Key's voice hitched once Minho's hands got into his pants, "I am to be  a kept man"

"Won't that be wonderful", Minho teased looking up again to smile at Key.

Key was trembling because Minho was holding him and started Key's tip slowly and sweetly. The whole time his tongue was playing with Key, he was looking in Key's eyes. It felt so good, Key's head fell back in pleasure and Minho pulled Key out to instruct him, "Lie back on the table". Key did so and Minho pulled Key's pants off completely in order to spread his legs and get between them. It was incongruous. Minho was still in his worksuit with only his tie loose and sleeves rolled up. Yet, here he was kneeling between Key's bare legs, a leg on each shoulder. Key was only in his t shirt when he propped himself on his elbows to watch it all.

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