The Dinner


               It was the day of the dinner and Key was feeling giddy with excitement as if it was his dinner. Minho had been building this person up so much, now he, Key felt he knew and would love this person as much as Minho did. Key had chosen a casual dinner attire with a tucked in sky blue shirt in soft grey trousers. His feet were sockless and in loafers. He kept his two button blazer on while looking at the beautiful display of food on the dinner table. He was still looking when he felt Minho's arms circle him. He turned in them to face him. Damn, Minho was handsome. His khaki pants were folded back quite a ways showing a lot of ankle. He too wore loafers of a darker brown than Key. His shirt was a pastel green and tucked in as well. Key saw that Minho had left off his dinner jacket. Minho lowered his arms to circle them around Key's waist and pulled him closer then he tucked his head comfortably in the crook of Key's neck.

'I am very happy I met you Key", Minho whispered solemnly

"Me too Minho. Me too and tonight", Key paused, "I want to make love with you"

"You are sure about this?" It will not be a one night stand Key. We will be together. Are you ok with this? No hiding, nothing like your previous relationship".

Key gave a mirthless laugh, "Relationship? Can it be called that?"

Minho dropped his arms and Key took Minho's hands in his to squeeze them while they looked at each other. It was at that moment that the doors were burst open and a jovial voice exclaimed, "You could not hold on for that till I was gone?"

Minho pulled away reluctantly and leisurely, "It's your fault for always barging in unannounced, Jonghyun! Come here you hobbit!" Minho finished, his voice raised with joy at seeing his friend.

Key was frozen.

            Before Minho had called out the name, the voice alone had held Key in disbelief. He turned around slowly to see Jonghyun and Minho hugging. Jonghyun's ever present, trusted right hand, Taemin, was behind them like a spectre, silent and watchful as usual. His eyes slitted when he saw Key and walked up to him to say very softly, "Out to destroy another good man, Key?"

Key did not reply. Jonghyun had not seen him yet. He was engrossed with Minho. Then he did and whispered, "Key".

Key came foward with a confidence feigned, "Hello Jonghyun".

Minho smiled uncertainly, "You know each other?"

Key answered first, "Yes. I worked with Jonghyun for a while"

Jonghyun frowned at that and slowly nodded in agreement with Key's words. Taemin's slender form had drawn closer but still stayed behind, watching. Key hated it then and still hated it now.

"Great!" Minho was saying, "We all know each other so conversation should flow and not be awkward"

Key could not help the bark of laughter that escaped him. He smiled when the others looked at him before Minho led everyone to the table.

           During dinner, Key let Jonghyun and Minho talk away. So did Taemin. It was Taemin who started it. "How did you ingratiate yourself here?"

"Ingratiate, hm", Was all Key said as he drank his beer. He preferred it over the wine offered which was why Minho had included it. 

"Answer me!"

"I did not. I was invited"

"By whom?"

This rapid fire session was getting on Key's nerves and he excused himself. As he was leaving, Minho grabbed his hand to say , "Don't be long. You know how I pine".  Key smiled and nodded before leaving.

          He was simply facing the mirror and thinking, when the door opened then, was shut. He straightened and braced himself.



"I take it Minho doesn't know about us", Jonghyun said as he sauntered closer to Key who remained where he was.

"Have you two slept together?"

Key did not answer, it was not Jonghyun's business. Jonghyun came closer and placed his hands on Key's waist. Key trembled. Damn! The things Jonghyun had done to him and still did to him. Key closed his eyes when Jonghyun came closer still. Jonghyun looked up at Key and he could sense Jonghyun smiling so he shook his head, "No, not again"

"So you say", Jonghyun murmured in that beautiful voice of his that had swayed many a people to his cause and Key into his bed. "But you are so hard", Jonghyun said while palming then caressing Key's through his pants. He was nuzzling Key's neck and Key was breathing hard and he gripped the counter sink behind him. Jonghyun was lifting his head further to kiss Key when the bathroom door was knocked upon.

"Jonghyun?" It was Taemin calling

"What?", Jonghyun snapped sharply. Just as his voice could be smooth like velvet, it could turn sharp as a whip on a dime. And he wielded his voice with purpose, always.

"Minho needs you"

"I am coming"

"He says it is urgent", Taemin pressed. Key was grateful for the interruption. He knew Taemin knew he was in there as well. Jonghyun laid his head on Key's chest, "This is not over Key", He whispered before turning around to go unlock the door open. He gave Taemin a glare before sauntering off.

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