Make Time


        Minho's lawyers were indeed working overtime to settle this matter and eventually they did but not without some backlash. Minho lost the project he had been working on. It hurt. It hurt a lot. He was gathering his things in his office at the end of the day when his secretary buzzed him that he had an unscheduled appointment. "Let them in" was all he said. His office door was opened and he was surprised at whom it was. "Can I help you?" he asked unsure as to this visit.

Onew came in and shut the door before walking further in, "Yes", Onew answered before reminding Minho who he was. "I am Key's best...I am a fellow teacher at the highschool where Key taught"

"Yes?" Minho was still not clear as to the reason for Onew's presence.

"I am the one who gave out all that information". 

Minho's confusion cleared. There was no doubt as to what Onew was talking about. "Why?" Was all Minho could muster out.

"That's not important. This is",  Onew said and he handed Minho a manila envelope. "It contains signed and notarized letters from me, detailing all I did".

Minho's was a little thrown aback by Onew's complete lack of apology at all he wrought. "Just like that?"

"Yes. You don't want them?"

"I do but I must say I hope never to have anything to do with you ever", Minho managed

"You won't" and just like that, Onew left. Their meeting was brief, bizarre and Minho hoped never to have to do it again. Anyway, with these letters he could get the project back. No he would get the project back. That was what mattered.

                Key read Minho's good news in the newspaper, some time later. He was cleared and could resume wok on the project. Key was glad for him. He worked very hard on it. Something kept bugging Key though. Onew was nowhere high placed enough to have access to all that he did, never mind cause all the damage he did. So how did he? Key went back to the photos and noticed all the places Onew was photographed at, Key had been with Jonghyun. This was not spur of the moment. It was planned. For Onew to be at all these places, he had to have knowledge of Jonghyun's plans. Key remebered that even he did not know where he and Jonghyun would go sometimes. It was often a surprise. BUt one person always knew and sometimes even planned their outings. That little twerp! Key wasted no time in calling the twerp in question. No, better yet, he would go in person so they can talk face to face.

"What?" Taemin snapped as greeting when he opened his door. Key barged in. Taemin's apartment was very cosy, very warm. Unlike him. Then Key took a good look at him. Taemin himself looked different. He was more casual, relaxed even, in an outfit that showed his slender form to perfection. If he were not so devious, he very much would be someone Key would have liked to know better.

"This whole mess was you", Key accused.

"What mess?" Taemin asked while he padded barefoot down the few steps from his doorway to his living room. He apparently favoured the same oversized sweaters Key did as he sat down and it fell off exposing a lovely smooth shoulder. Key refused to be distracted. Taemin looked up at him expectantly.

"All this",  Key made a downward circle with his index. "You got Onew to be your patsy".

"Ah, that", Taemin replied without remorse and picked up his remote control to mute his stereo. "It was not very hard. He was on the same page as me about you and Jonghyun".

"I knew it ! ", Key burst out. "You are in love with Jonghyun".

Taemin's casual demeanor cooled, "What if I am?"

"Then how was hurting him loving him?" Key was bewildered

"When soft measures don't work, you know", Tamin shrugged and Key realised this was pointless. Taemin believed what he did was right and there was no changing that. Fine. It was past anyway, no longer his affair.

"What of Minho?"

"What of him? Your Onew had an attack of conscience" Taemin informed him with a moue of disgust, "Minho is fine". Then Taemin stood up abruptly, "You can leave now"

"I will", Key agreed, "But you need to ease up Taemin. Isolating Jonghyun is not the way to get him. Tell him how you feel or let him be".

Taemin let loose a bitter laugh, "Don't talk about things you don't know", he warned softly. "I was his and he was mine before you came into the picture. And then it was all about you. It still is. It drives me crazy knowing all you need to do is give him the slightest encouragement and he comes back to you without hesitation".

Key was taken aback by all the passionTaemin was showing right now. He was usually in control of his emotions. "So you and Jonghyun..."

"Yes. This used to be our place and he dropped me immediately you came along. He wanted to be exclusive with you. He had never been before. There were others but he always came back to me" Taemin ended. Key said nothing and Taemin composed himself before Key quietly said, "I will be leaving then".


"We are through"

"Yes. As long as you are not in Jonghyun's life at all,  do not worry about me. Stay away from Jonghyun", Taemin ended.

"Shouldn't that be my decision?" a new voice said and both Key and Taemin whirled around toward the door.

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