Bits and Bits


                    Jonghyun was standing at the top of the four steps leading down to Key and Taemin. He was dangling a set of keys and did not look at all pleased.  "Jonghyun!", Taemin exclaimed. Key was calmer as he asked, "You heard?"

"Enough", Jonghyun nodded while shrugging off his long coat and coming down the stairs to join them. He turned to Key, "Are you alright?"


Then he turned to Taemin, "You are fired"

"Why?!" Taemin demanded

"I can't trust you because you can't control yourself. I bring out a bad side in you", Jonghyun said shaking his head

Taemin was speechlesss. So was Key because Jonghyun turned toward him and took Key's hands in his. Jonghyun completely ignored Taemin.

"Key, come back to me. I know Minho is charming and was not a coward like me. But I have learned a lot since then. Like what is important. You"

Key was very tempted, so tempted. He knew Jonghyun had changed and God! He wanted to give in, but no. He had his own dreams to pursue. He had put them on the backburner long enough.He slowly pulled his hands out of Jonghyun's with a sad smile. Jonghyun returned it and joked, "All this rejection, Key. I'd take it very personally if I wasn't confident in myself".

"I am sorry", was all Key managed

Then Taemin burst out, "Oh for goodness sakes! Both of you, get the out!"

Jonghyun's head whipped around to Taemin who did not back down, "You fired me remember. I don't work for you anymore", he finished defiantly. Jonghyun nodded and led the way out for Key and him to leave. Once outside Jonghyun asked if Key needed to be dropped off somewhere or something. Key gave him a slow half smile, "You don't give up do you?"

"When it comes to you? Never", Jonghyun admitted. Key came closer to Jonghyun and kissed him very softly, "No I don't need a lift anywhere Jonghyun. Goodbye". When going, Key did not turn  to see the look of longing on Jonghyun's face. Because he felt a little bit of it himself.

     Once home, Key made  a decision. He booked that flight ticket finally. It was time to focus on himself alone. He knew he could be self centered, but he was not selfish. Oh well, another character trait to add, he shrugged. Then he called someone he knew would bite his head off.

"The are you calling me for after so long?"

"Hello to you too Vicky",  he could barely suppress his laugh, thinking how the discipline mistress could outcuss any of her students. Yet, at school she acted as if butter would not melt in .

"Don't call me that", she barked, "What do you want?"

"I was calling to let you know I am taking a little trip"


"Was wondering if you would housesit for me"

That caught Victoria's attention. "Hold on. You are really serious"

"Yeah", Key acknowledged, "I need to clear my head"

Victoria's voice softened immediately, "Aw baby, I understand. Does Onew know?"

Key quickly debated with himself about telling Victoria all. He decided against it. The upcoming semster will be without Key anyway, so it will be Onew's problem.

"Yes, he does", Key lied

"Alright, sure, I will house sit for you. You ok getting to the airport?"

"Yeah, yeah. I have all that sorted"

"Don't be too long Key and come back better"

"I will"

"No more running away when hits the fan"

"Yes to that too"

"You know I love you"

"I love you too Victoria"

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