Not a Little Bit


Key looked up, still in shock, "what are these?" he asked raising a set of pictures.

"Ah, I see you found them", Minho answered casually and walked to his desk to pick up a book. He had still not changed from his work clothes. Key stood up, furious at Minho's noncholance. "That's it?! Thats it!"

Finally Minho turned to face him and asked, "Do you really want to know?"

"I wouldn't be in this state otherwise", Key snapped. Minho loosened his tie, removed his vest, served himself a drink and came to sit before Key. on the otherside of the desk. Key sank back in Minho's desk chair.

"At first, I was having Jonghyun followed"

"Why would you do that? He is your dearest friend".

Minho drank a bit then gave a small laugh. "I haven't been as innovative as him lately. Ideas simply pour out of him. I needed to know his edge".

You could have asked him, Key thought but said nothing out loud and waited. Minho spoke, "Then you came into the picture and I found myself paying more attention to you than him". He paused.

"I hope you are not expecting me to feel flattered at this", Key ground out and Minho smiled ruefully, "You can be so unkind sometimes, Key"

"Go on", Key ordered and Minho did, "Your scandal with him eased things a bit for me and I just had to contact, Victoria is it?" And ask for you"

"So, that was all bs you saying you don't follow gossip mills"

"I don't, I get facts".

Key took a deep breath and Minho stood up, turned away from Key, then continued, "That is why it was hard for me to cater to that charade you and him were playing in front of me. I could feel the sparks still between you".

Key asked, tentatively, "Is that why you wanted ----?" Before he had finished, Minho barked, "Yes!" He whirled around to face Key. "You give all of you to a guy who wasn't even there for you and you refuse me!" He sounded genuinely outraged at that. So Key softly reminded him, "You used me Minho". Key breathed deep again. He had been down a similar road before, not again.

"I don't have the strength or inclination to deal with this Minho. If it means so much to you, here", Key threw out while getting up and walking to Minho. He pulled down his cut offs and briefs and bent over the table. Minho did nothing for a while, then spoke, "If you think I won't call your bluff, Key, you truly don't know how much I burn for you". He lay his glass with a decisive clank on the desk and knelt behind Key. He took a gleaming cheek in each hand and squeezed and caressed. He was simply fascinated and did not want this to end too quickly. Key did not react but Minho did not even seem to notice.  He kissed each cheek gently and kept fondling for so long Key got impatient, "This is for you to get out of your system, Minho". Minho ignored him and did exactly what he wanted at the speed he wanted. Key's eyes squeezed shut and his hands clenched into fists, while he bowed his head to fight a moan. How did things turn out this way? Minho was skilled, infact, very skilled and had Key very ready by the time he entered him.  When it was over, Key quietly fixed his clothes and left to clean himself. Minho was still sprawled on his office floor.

      It was the wee hours of the morning when Key packed his belongings, called a cab and left. Onew was already waiting for him at his apartment because he had called him before hand. "You really need to pick your boyfriends better", Onew chided as he helped Key heave his things in.

"You think I don't know that", Key managed to bite while  he huffed and puffed over a large suitcase. He always packed as if he expected the end times and, added to his belongings were things he had also aquired while with Minho. So the suitcases were heavy! Once in, Onew prepared something for them to eat and they talked.

"I don't think Minho will be happy with you for this stunt again", Onew opened while cutting some bell peppers. Key was setting the table. "I know but I had to leave Onew. Between him and Jonghyun, it was simply too much".

"And this is the way?" Onew asked quietly

"It is my way", Key answered just as quietly.

Onew only shook his head. He stayed a while before leaving. Minho did not call and Key did not expect him to. Minho was a proud man and one humiliation was enough. Well, back to contemplating the future, he supposed.

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