

          Being a kept man was not so bad, Key finally decided and Minho never made him feel uncomfortable about it. The only thing was that, Key had not yet allowed Minho to go fully in him. It was not a problem now but Key knew the day would come, it would have to be dealt with. Till then, Minho was always surprising him with gifts, dinners, outings, he loved it. The pressure was also off because their relationship was clear, no work, all play between them. One night, Minho told him he had something important to do and might need him, Key. Key did not think much of it, it was probably just a small matter of translations and interpretations at a simple dinner.

The night came and Key was still confounded with himself at why he would not let this gorgeous, kind and charismatic young man have all of him. They did everything else but when Minho would open his legs or ask him to turn over, he would balk. Key made a personal promise to himself that when they came back from the dinner, he would let Minho have his way completely.

           The dinner was the usual. They were often called dinners but they were more business meetings than anything else and Key had learned to make himself scarce during those times when the meetings got very serious. But this time Minho shook his head when Key tried to leave. "But...", Key began. He did not want to put  Minho in an awkward position because not all his colleagues were accepting of his lifestyle. Some also knew of Key's past but Minho's influence curbed any tendencies to make Key very uncomfortable. Key had once whispered to Minho, "Don't worry too much. I can take it. Focus on your work". Minho had been reluctant but a reassuring kiss from Key had encouraged him and things had been better from then on because Key could be very charming when he put his mind to it. Minho gently pulled Key to himself  and led him toward the room the others were ajourning to. There were about a dozen or more people in the room and soon all were seated at a great oblong table.  They were called to order and the meeting began.

Key was spacing out when the doors were flung open and he looked up. His body clenched. It was Jonghyun with Taemin closely behind him. Jonghyun came in jauntily and Taemin followed quietly in a more sedate pace. Jonghyun saw Key and paused. It was unoticeable to anyone not in the know. Then Jonghyun resumed his walk to his assigned seat. Key figured Jonghyun had to be an important member of this group because nothing resumed until he was settled and when he spoke, all listened.

When they were together, Key knew Jonghyun was a powerful member of society, he simply did not know how powerful. He was seeing a different Jonghyun here from the playful, cavalier one he was used to because he and Jonghyun had never attended his meetings when they were together.

"You are tense", Minho whispered. "It'll be over soon", he reassured while rubbing Key's knee beneath the table, and soon it really was. Immediately Key was alone, Taemin came to him. "Are you here to spy again?"

"No" Key answered wearily, "Minho brought me"


"I don't even know what's going on", Key said in exasperation

"So you say", Taemin replied, "You forget I have seen your IQ scores".

Key had had it, "You know what Taemin. I should be the one digging into your loyalty considering you are the one who reported us. I never did anything wrong".

"Except betray Jonghyun's hard work to the competition"

"I never did that. How many times must I say so?"

"I still don't believe you" Taemin said point blank, "That said, if you repeat that, I will not let you go lightly".

Key took a deep breath, "Does Jonghyun know you are threatening me like this?"

Taemin's eyes narrowed. Obviously Jonghyun did not. "Maybe I should mention it"

"Hmm, you should. I wonder how Minho'll take it though. From what I saw last time, he still doesn't know about Jonghyun and you huh?"

Taemin had the upper hand and Key knew it. Taemin turned around gracefully to go join another group leaving Key feeling helpless. Finally, he went to join Minho to let him know he was going on the terrace to get some fresh air.

"Don't be long", Minho whispered in his ear, as he often did,  before turning back around to talk with his cronies. Key breathed deep of that fresh air. He could not wait to go home and get with Minho, and a smile was already forming on his lips at the thought.

"Your smile always draws me, Key", it was said softly and Key turned around to see Jonghyun leaning against the wall, hands in pocket and staring intently at him. Key's heart started beating very fast. Key remembered again how he and Jonghyun had been. It was wild. Jonghyun had radical opinions he was never afraid to voice. That was how he was able to be innovative in his work. He brought his radical and innovative thoughts to bed and Key had learned amazing things in and out of bed with him. Jonghyun never held back. Key knew his intelligence, his wit and he took a step back as Jonghyun got off the wall to advance toward him. Jonghyun smiled at Key's retreat so that one decided to stand his ground and raised his chin. Jonghyun finally was before Key and put his arms out to place them on the balustrade, having Key effectively between his arms. He kept looking at Key until that one had to avoid his gaze. Then Jonghyun made to kiss him and Key avoided it.

"What?" Jonghyun asked with a slow, half smile, "What is a small kiss between friends?"

That ticked Key off. "We are not friends, Jonghyun", he snapped, pushed Jonghyun away from him and stepped out of his arm prison. Key turned away from Jonghyun, backing him. Jonghyun drew nearer still and Key could feel him.

"You left before I could fix anything Key", Jonghyun said quietly behind Key. The usual lightness from his voice was gone, he sounded grave. "I came home and you had left. I was very frantic", Jonghyun admitted with a small laugh, "I knew it wasn't easy for you". Jonghyun ended looking away from Key while putting his hands in his pockets.

Key said nothing and Jonghyun put his hands on the back of Key's waist to pull him closer. Key could not help responding when he felt Jonghyun behind him. "You remember how it was", Jonghyun whispered in Key's ear, "Especially by the lake".

"It was in broad daylight too", Key replied, his eyes fluttering.

"You were so shocked", Jonhyun teased then he brought his hand around to dip it into Key's shirt.

"You never had someone do that to you", Jonghyun reminded him.

"Mmmmmmm", was all Key could moan because of all Jonghyun's hand was doing beneath his clothes. He swayed to the beat Jonghyun set with his caresses.

"Has anyone done that to you since?" Jonghyun asked and there was a subtle edge to his voice, Key was too far gone to pay attention to.

"No," Key answered

"Not even Minho?"

"Not even Minho"

Key did not see the look of satisfaction on Jonghyun's face.

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