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         Why in the world would Onew try to harm him like this? Key wondered. It made no sense. When he was broke, lost, had given up on so many things, Onew was there for him. Always. Onew had supported him. Key was not so vain to think Onew had done all this to be his sole number one. No, there had to be more to Onew's actions and with Minho's reputation and hardwork on the line, Key was going to see Onew today!

Onew was in his apartment  getting the upcoming semester's material ready. Only a couple of weeks left before holidays were over. His doorbell rang and he went to open it after looking through the peephole. A large smile illuminated his face as he exclaimed in joyful surprise, "Key!" and flung his door open, ushering Key in. Key was in stone washed jeans, one of his oversized sweaters and platform studded shoes. "Come in", Onew was excited. He had finally managed to make a good schedule for the upcoming semester and he needed to brag about it. Key came in without saying a word and Onew closed the door. He was already talking a mile a minute on the subject when Key handed him the file. "Here, look at this"

Onew took it, still talking then came to an abrupt halt when he got a good look at the papers and polaroids in the file. Key walked further into the living room.

"Taemin was very eager to give all of  it to me" Key said, staring unseeingly at Onew's kitchen cabinets while Onew was still looking and reading. After a good while, Onew spoke sombrely, "I will not apologise for any of this".

Key turned to face him. "I don't want an apology. I want a notarized statement from you detailing the fact you are at fault in all this. Not Minho".

Onew flung the folder away onhis kitchen counter before stating clearly, "I won't do it"

"Excuse me?"

"I said no Key. When I did this I knew I will eventually be found out. All I needed was time to get this Minho out."

"This Minho?" Key repeated softly, "Why are you talking like this?"

"Becaus eit's time you faced the facts", Onew snapped, "You are terrible at picking boyfriends".

Key's eyes widened. Onew ha never been concerned about his lovelife like this. Onew marched up to Key, grabbed his shoulders and ground out, "I love you".

Key was struck dumb all he could do was open and close is mouth like a blow fish at first. Then he martialed his thoughts. "Let me get this straight",  he began, allowing Onew's grip on his shoulders. "You hurt people I care about because you love me?"

"Key...", Onew began but Key cut him off and snatched away from his grip, "You nearly destroyed Jonghyun, now Minho and you know how much I care for them both".

But Onew shook his head, " I am still not making that statement"

"Fine"< Key rallied, "I will find another way". At the door, Key turned to face Onew one last time on his way out, "You understand, you and I are no longer friends and I don't want you anywhere near what or whom I hold dear". With that, he quietly left.

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