Begin Anew


"Grave Misconduct!". Onew exclaimed as he calmed down from the surprise of seeing two hands running down his chest from his back.

"Throwing around big words,I see", Key joked before he bit Onew's lobe playfully. Onew was seating in the teachers' lounge, at its big table and he was going through the semester's curiculum, when that happened. He grabbed Key's wrist to pull him around so Key could take a seat beside him.

"Stop fooling around. It is this type of behaviour that got you in trouble in the first place", Onew scolded. Key's eyes clouded. He was very good at languages and had applied to be an interpreter at the UN. He was on his way to getting the job too when he was caught in a compromising position and he saw his dreams crumble. He picked up the pieces and ended up teaching in this high school. He was qualified for more but there had been more consequences of his behaviour. He was prejudged when they saw his application because for a time, he had made salacious headlines. That was until Onew, his dearest friend had stepped in and helped him get hired as an english teacher here. It was hard to adjust to the small leagues at first, but now he loved it and felt comfortable enough to fool around like this. His eyes cleared, "Ah, you worry too much. Victoria fusses less than you".

Victoria taught Chinese. She was also the discipline mistress with a soft spot for Key. As a matter of fact, a lot of his colleagues liked him and he told Onew as much."So you need to stop worrying like this", he concluded.

"I know, I know. It's just that I care about you and don't want to see you in trouble you know"

"You won't", Key promised, "Anyway, I came in to show you this". He handed Onew a still pristine, opened envelope with a fancy seal. Onew pulled out its contents to read and his eyes widened, "No way! But how?"

"Victoria put in a good word for me"

"Are you sure? This is how...nevermind. I am so happy for you Key", Onew said with fervor and  he squeezed Key's arm, still looking at the letter in awe.

Key had been officially invited to not only tutor but also assist in translating a reknown dignitary's work. Key was giddy. Things were happening, he could dream again and who knows, they might actually realise themselves this time. Onew was about to start forewarning Key but that one held up his hand to stop him, "Just be happy for me right now, Onew. We can worry together later", Key begged and Onew nodded, smiling.

       After school was over and most of the kids had gone home, Victoria talked things over with Key in the principal's office. There were protocols and such that had to be followed, procedures he had to be aware of. Decorum, needless to say, was utmost, considering Key's past. He flushed at that and still nodded solemnly.

"Good. I think we covered it all and Key, make us proud, you hear?" Victoria whispered, while hugging him, then whispered, "I believe in you, no matter what was said before".

He hugged her even more for that, before letting her go. There was a lot to do because he would be moving into the dignitary's home  and there was a lot of paperwork to go through first. Key had been in a similar situation of employment before. He knew he was going to have barely any contact with the outside world for the duration of his employ and prepared accordingly. So the day for departure finally arrived. And he was miffed. He had forgotten how aggravating the whole ordeal was. Especially when going through security. Anyone would think it was the presidency he was going to. Anyway, that meant whoever he was working for had to be very important. By the time his bags were taken to the rooms he was shown as his, he was seriously irritated. He had barely finished freshening up when his door was knocked on. He opened and was led to a huge office? Library? He was not sure, the books, desk and the rest of the room's arrangement confused him. He looked around and his eyes ended on a lone figure in the middleof the room. The figure came foward out of the shadows and Key could see him better. He was literally a prince! At least he looked like one to Key.His bearing and his looks! Tall, dark and handsome seemed trite, but it was as it was. Hands in pocket, the figure walked toward Key with purpose and held out a long and veined hand, a strong beautiful hand for Key to shake, which he did.

"Hi, I am Minho"

Key frowned in more confusion, "No titles?" and the young man smiled, "No, just Minho, and you are Key"

"Yes", Key nodded. The handshake was firm and warm. Key was beginning to feel flustered and forced himself to calm down. Minho invited him to take a seat at the table and eat of the food served. As Key was eating, Minho commented with a smile, "You must have been famished".

Key was embarassed at his manners. It is true he was very hungry but that did not excuse his manners. He tried to apologise but Minho waved it away, "Eat,eat. It is promising". Key wondered at that statement. 

        While Key ate, Minho filled him out on what would be expected of him. Once the meal was over, Minho led Key to a smaller room. This was an office, of that Key was definitive. Minho led him to a table with books and notes. "Do you know what I do?"

"You were an athlete?" Key did not follow the sport milieu but he had seen and heard about this young man here and there. Minho nodded and removed his blazer and placed it neatly on a chair. His muscles flexed and Key could not help but let his eyes roam discreetly over the lean physique before him

"I was. But now I work for a biomechanical engineering firm and I specialise in prosthetics, focusing on athletics and uhm other things"

Key was impressed, "You make them?!"

"Unfortunately no", Minho laughed ruefully, "I am more of a consultant on what they should be and how they need to be made".

Key was sure Minho was downplaying his role considerably but he let it pass. It was not as if he would understand any of it anyway. Minho continued, "They are very expensive pieces of machinery not to talk of the prices the finished products are sold at. You understand what I am saying?"

Key was getting it and said so. It explained the crazy security and all those confidentiality forms. It had nothing to do with 'decorum'. But everything to do with the millions in any currency of information that could be found in this room alone.

"Good. Let's start", and they did. Not only translating the works, Minho was also trying to learn the language and new words because he attended and spoke at varying seminars. He wanted to reach a wide and international market.

Both grew close as time went on while they worked and one day Minho finally asked, "So what happened that you ended a pariah?"

Key closed the notebook he was studying and leaned back in his seat. "I'm surprised you don't know. With all your connections, you never heard my story?"

"I have not been in the gossip mill for a while", Minho admitted

Key took a deep breath then spoke. "Ah what the hell! I slept with a client"

Minho looked disappointed, "That's it?"

"You don't know?"


But Key shook his head and said, "It was someone not unlike you. Respected, intelligent, reknown".

Minho could not help feeling pleased and Key laughed, "I fell inlove and we started an affair. We were caught and I lost my appointment, my prospects, everything".

"That's not fair. What did he lose?"

Key shrugged looking at his hands and laughed weakly, "Me?"

"Yes, he did! His loss!"

Something in Minho's voice had Key look up at him. They stared at each other a while before Key shook his head and stood up, "I am off to bed". He was leaving when Minho grabbed his wrist to stop him, "I would never treat you that way".

Key gently pulled his wrist away, "Thank you", he said and left without a backward glance.

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