Chapter 2

My Recommendations for Exo Fanfics
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Do you like demons and the supernatural?

Title: 7 Kings and One Master

Author: HolyCow

Tags: demons, fantasy, romance, exo, ocs

Characters: OC, All EXO members


Description:      The Demon population believes The Master is a Legend, only heard in stories and old tales but The Master is real... Of course no Demon as ever seen the Master not even the 7 Kings. The Master is the true ruler of the Demon world the one who enforces the laws. The Master is the one who created the 7 Kings to rule in the 7 regions of the Demon world.

After the 7 were created the Master disappeared and for 10000 years the 7 had complete control. They took over, making their own laws and forgetting the old.... Forgetting everything they promised.....

What will happen when the Master returns and tries to take over again and what will happen when the 7 Kings join forces to get rid of the Master once and for all. 

Now with this one all the EXO members are demons, but only a few of them are going to be Kings. The 7 demon Kings were given their roles as Kings by the Demon Master. After that had happened the Master disappers for 10,000 years, then suddenly sh

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Son of the Coldness
by MarryM

it's one of my own one shots featuring Chen as the main male character and it includes different genres; and it's enjoyable to read from what I've heard from some readers.
Hope you'll check it out and like it as well ;)
Chapter 15: OMG, how have I only just realised that you put On Ebb on here? Thank you so much ;_; And I hope everything's going well for you and that you've recovered from whatever was troubling you.
Chapter 12: The snippet of the story your writing definitely has potential, but the spacing and grammatical errors in this piece stand out the most. You switched from past tense to present tense to past tense again, so be careful! Also, when someone is having a dialogue, they should have a separate line for themselves, and it continues until a different person/scene is introduced.

"If you would just hold the flashlight still I could probably figure out what is wrong and get us out of here.” I say as calm as I can.

Notice how you put the period at the end, but it's actually supposed to be a comma!

But if the person is doing an action after their dialogue, then it's supposed to be a period.

Hope that helps! :D
Exokayla #4
Hey I love your recommendations, your a/n's are really funny and make me want to read these stories. I'm new here, so it's good to have someone to recommend stories to me. You should totally try writing, you definitely would make an entertaining author, maybe we can co-write together? I'm not extremely familiar with EXO, because I'm a new fan, but I really want to write a fanfic with them in it. So let me know okay?
Silver Lining by SJsuperholic

One of my favorite Kai fics even though it's not completed. The use of the author's vocabulary enhances the story so much! You should definitely check out her other fics :) All Exo-centric

Where He Waits by optimus-unreal
Made me cry. Maybe it's because I'm a softie, haha.