Chapter 28: On hiatus

The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK feat.BTS Fanfic)
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"Hi! I have er.. Brought you some books here in case you wanna read them inside", I crouched down, got the paper bag from the ground and waved it in the air.   Jessica was smiling at me from inside  and she gestured for me to pick up the phone from the table again.   "Wendy, thank you so much...", she said on the other line, with tears welling up in her eyes,   "I really don't know how to thank you for all that you have done for me... You are my savior and after much reflections, I felt really sorry for how I have treated you back then... I-"   "You don't have to thank or say sorry to me anymore", I told her as I placed my palm on the transparent panel which was separating the two of us. Then, I jerked my head to tell her to match her palm together with mine before I said to her again,   "All of us are even now. Everything's back to square one so there's no his or her fault. You've brought everything back into place so that's it. Kkeut. And...", I gave her a wide smile.   "We are now friends. Friends?"   I raised an eyebrow at her while waiting for her answer.   "Friends", she confirmed it with much determination and tapped on the transparent panel agitatedly, as if she was giving me a Hi-5. I did the same too and the both of us broke into fits of laughter after which.    When the officer inside shot us a glare to tell us to tone down, it was only then we adjusted ourselves in our seats and behaved.    "So, how long will you have to stay here?", I asked carefully, trying my best not to hurt her feelings in the process.   Jessica shrugged her shoulders at me.   "Hmm... Maybe 2 or 3 years? I don't know. I will only be informed after next week's hearing."   "Ah I see... Sorry that I can't be here with you anymore. I will be heading back to Singapore in just three days", I pouted and told her sadly but she simply waved me off.   "Nah~ It's alright. My parents will be flying over soon", she said.   "Anyway, how are Mark and you doing now? It's about time you two get back together right?", she asked curiously but my face fell when his name was mentioned.    The morning had broken like the sweet melody of a blackbird, full of promise, freshness and newness to come. But now, it sat like a cold cup of coffee waiting to be drained away. And, it was all caused by just one thing. .His name. Mark.   Wow, so this is what Mark can actually do to me.   Sensing that something was weird, Jessica knocked onto the panel to get my attention again.   "What's with that expression? Is there something wrong Wendy?"   I snapped back from my thoughts and gave a faint smile.   "Jessica, Mark and I will never be together again... I am just one of his many fans now...", I sighed hard as I let that sentence out of my mouth.    Jessica was taken aback by what I have just said.    "W-what do y-you mean W-Wendy? I thought t-that you t-two came here t-together?", she stuttered in her own words while asking me.    Shaking my head, I told her that I got Jin to come along with me.   "Maldo andwae!", she exclaimed with her eyes widened.   "Mark just came by a while ago...", she trailed and then looked up to face me again.   So... Mark was the one.    *FLASHBACK*    "Annyeonghaseyo, I would like to visit Jessica Koh today, so I'm wondering if I have to register here or what?", I approached the staff at the counter and asked as soon as I entered the prison's premises.   The staff looked up at me and then handed me a form.   "Good morning Miss, you will have to fill up this form if you would like to see her. Anyway, if there's anything you would like to hand over to her, you will need to inform the officer inside the room", she pointed at the paper bag that I was holding.    "Ne, gamsahabnida", I nodded, filled up the form and slid it over to her.   As she was keying in the details into the system, she tried to carry on a conversation with me.   "Oh, Jessica-ssi sure have good friends like you guys. Her visiting slots for today are all filled now. You are the second and the last visitor for her today", she turned and smiled at me.   I leaned towards the counter and titled my head, giving her a questionable look.   "So you mean that someone actually came before me?"   "Yup. Miss, you are really lucky to have come by early before anyone else after him, or else this would have been a wasted trip", she settled the paperwork and then handed me the visitor pass.   "Walk straight and to your right."   "Ne, gomawo."   *END OF FLASHBACK*   "Wait, don't tell me that you don't know about this too!", Jessica's voice caught back my attention.   "About what?", I immediately gave her an uncertain look.   She studied my face for awhile before le
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Chapter 30: omo. in the span of 24 hours, I finished reading this series. from the first story and now this sequel
I just... I...... I can't find the right words to express what I am feeling right now.
Reading this story made me feel sad, happy, angry, and most of all, bliss. complete bliss.
I am so thankful to you author-nim for letting me ride in this rollercoaster of a story.
truly one of a kind.
thank you so much. I'm lookinh forward to your future got7 BTS stories. ♥

p.s. I'm reading soulmate too right now.
and I'm still torn between mark and jin.
I wish I was R.M.G. ♡ ;)
bb_elephant #2
Chapter 30: This was an amazing story! You are such a talented author! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to read more of your stories!
oppaa2728 #3
Chapter 31: you are amazing... truly a good author
thanks for making such a story
hopefully you'll continue making a good and even better (but this one is really good. so how to create a better i dont know)
super happy for them... and their baby aha
good job authornim ^.^
bb_elephant #4
Chapter 29: Awwwwwww. Just wow. Amazing! Joey though. Haha.
bb_elephant #5
Chapter 27: Mark .... Wendy .... I hope they get back together soon.
bb_elephant #6
Chapter 26: OMG! JESSICA! I don't even know if I want her to die or not! I guess she's done bad things but it seems like she really understands her actions and everything that she has done.
bb_elephant #7
Chapter 25: OMG! MARK! JESSICA I WILL KILL YOU! but you're not real .... Haha. So this is what Jessica meant when she said that she would harm Mark ....
bb_elephant #8
Chapter 23: To be honest, I thought Jackson's wishes would include raising a donkey and go skydiving like what he said on Roommate. Haha. I bet the person that called Mark is Jessica. She's back to cause trouble! Haha.
bb_elephant #9
Chapter 20: Wahhhhhhh! Their "married life" now begins! But I do wonder what happened to Jessica...... Hmmmm..... And I love the whole Peter Pan and Dory thing. Haha
bb_elephant #10
Chapter 19: . . . THEY'RE GOING ON WE GOT MARRIED?!?! YAY!!! Wendy, please let Mark help you get through all this.