Chapter 11: Lost

The Mediator 2 (GOT7 MARK feat.BTS Fanfic)
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"Wendy? What are you doing here?"

Joey faced me as he asked, giving me a dubious look.

"Er...I was just on my way to the bathroom!", I scooted off quickly, avoiding his stare. After I closed the bathroom's door behind me, I heaved a sigh of relief.

What a close shave! It would have been embarrassing if he found out that I was actually eavesdropping at Jessica and Tammy's conversation.



What's wrong with her?

I was left alone standing there after Wendy gave me a short reply and hurried off quickly.

In my opinion, she was behaving real weird and I swear I saw her placing her ears against the girls' room, as if she was listening to what they were saying.

Aish, let's not allow her spoil my morning.

I shook those thoughts off my mind.

"Hey! What are you girls up to?", I said right after I entered Jessica and Tammy's room.

"Joey! Don't you know that it's a courtesy to knock?", Tammy threw her bolster at me.

"Yeah, we were planning on something and we couldn't let someone know just yet!", Jessica smiled cunningly.

"You scared us right there! We thought that you were her!"


"That of course", Jessica snorted as she rolled her eyes.

"You mean Wendy?", I asked, just to make sure.

Jessica returned me with a 'duh' look and she pulled my arms to bring me closer to her.

"So, are you in?"

Honestly speaking, I didn't enjoy Wendy's presence. All along, I have thought that it would have been just Mark, Jessica, Andrea and me but Mark just had to bring another Wendy home this time. I can't bear to see my brother being hurt again, so I would rather he stay with someone who will always be by his side. And that person of my choice would be Jessica.

"Sure, count me in", I gave her an absolute reply.



"Good morning Mama Tuan", I greeted her when I saw her already up, preparing breakfast at the kitchen.

"Let me help you", I added and went beside her to fry some eggs.

"Oh Wendy, you are so sweet~ It's really nice having you here! You know, I have always been waiting for this day, when my future daughter-in-law will cook alongside with me for the family", Mama Tuan chortled at her own words.

I blushed at the expected compliment and I was loss for words.

"What future daughter-in-law?", a voice then suddenly came from the back which startled me.

"Who says that I'm marrying her?", Mark teased as he placed his arms over Mama Tuan's shoulders and scanned me from head to toes.

"Mark! Stop fooling around!", Mama Tuan punched his chest lightly and shot me an apologetic look.

"Sorry Wendy, he didn't mean to say that!"

"Mum! You are the one who should stop! You will scare her away like this, right jagiya?", Mark told Mama Tuan and then winked at me.

"Anyway, I will definitely marry her, but you've got to see if she's willing to accept me. She's one tough girl you know, so I need you folks to help me to bribe her more!", he continued.

"Oppa...", I narrowed my eyes at him but both Mama Tuan and him were making pinky promises now, which caused my cheeks to burn up instantly.

Fortunately, Yugyeom entered the kitchen just in time to save me from this awkward moment.

"Good morning everyone! Hmm... I smell delicious food!", he sniffed and his eyes sparkled when he saw those eggs and sausages that were cooking.

Mama Tuan switched her attention to him immediately and told him to settle down first.

"Alright, please wait for a moment. Breakfast will be served soon!"


"Yummy! These hamburgers are really well cooked and it's delicious!", Papa Tuan widened his eyes and gave a thumbs up sign after taking a few bites into it.

"Who made this?"

"Dad, do you even have to ask? Of course it's my special fan! She knows best what I like so she specially prepared this for me! Now, give me back my hamburgers and enjoy your own French toast which mum had made for you", Mark whined like a little boy and pulled the entire plate of hamburgers towards himself.

Yugyeom attempted to steal a piece, but he didn't succeed.

Mark was quick enough to slap his hand away and stuck out his tongue at him.

"Noona...", Yugyeom pouted and showed me his sad puppy eyes.

"Oppa, geu-man-hae...", I finally give Mark a warning glare.

Everyone is having breakfast together and that plate of hamburgers I have made were meant for sharing.

When Mark finally gave in to me and pushed back the plate to its original position. From t

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Chapter 30: omo. in the span of 24 hours, I finished reading this series. from the first story and now this sequel
I just... I...... I can't find the right words to express what I am feeling right now.
Reading this story made me feel sad, happy, angry, and most of all, bliss. complete bliss.
I am so thankful to you author-nim for letting me ride in this rollercoaster of a story.
truly one of a kind.
thank you so much. I'm lookinh forward to your future got7 BTS stories. ♥

p.s. I'm reading soulmate too right now.
and I'm still torn between mark and jin.
I wish I was R.M.G. ♡ ;)
bb_elephant #2
Chapter 30: This was an amazing story! You are such a talented author! Keep up the good work! I can't wait to read more of your stories!
oppaa2728 #3
Chapter 31: you are amazing... truly a good author
thanks for making such a story
hopefully you'll continue making a good and even better (but this one is really good. so how to create a better i dont know)
super happy for them... and their baby aha
good job authornim ^.^
bb_elephant #4
Chapter 29: Awwwwwww. Just wow. Amazing! Joey though. Haha.
bb_elephant #5
Chapter 27: Mark .... Wendy .... I hope they get back together soon.
bb_elephant #6
Chapter 26: OMG! JESSICA! I don't even know if I want her to die or not! I guess she's done bad things but it seems like she really understands her actions and everything that she has done.
bb_elephant #7
Chapter 25: OMG! MARK! JESSICA I WILL KILL YOU! but you're not real .... Haha. So this is what Jessica meant when she said that she would harm Mark ....
bb_elephant #8
Chapter 23: To be honest, I thought Jackson's wishes would include raising a donkey and go skydiving like what he said on Roommate. Haha. I bet the person that called Mark is Jessica. She's back to cause trouble! Haha.
bb_elephant #9
Chapter 20: Wahhhhhhh! Their "married life" now begins! But I do wonder what happened to Jessica...... Hmmmm..... And I love the whole Peter Pan and Dory thing. Haha
bb_elephant #10
Chapter 19: . . . THEY'RE GOING ON WE GOT MARRIED?!?! YAY!!! Wendy, please let Mark help you get through all this.