OPPAS ????

Why Did I Even Meet You ?


Another day at school.... ARGH ! >< I'm like sooo boreeddd ~~ -.-" 

RINNGGGG ~~~~~~~~~

Finally ! I thought to myself. It was lunch time and as per normal me and Eunjung went to the canteen to get something to eat. Just as we entered the canteen Infinite entered and fangirls started screaming and running towards them. Just my luck. ><  "Aish ! Those fangirls are annoying sometimes ! -.-" I growled. Infinite just happened to pass by us. I saw Sunggyu and HIM. God ! Why did you make him THIS handsome ? What ?! ~~~ SNAP OT OF IT ! I mentally slapped myself. Sunggyu winked at me but I didn't really care cause we became quite close since we're neighbours. >< I took a glance at Eunjung to catch her attention but just like what I expected,she was staring and controlling herself from screaming for Sungyeol. Sigh ~  I thought of getting of the crowd so I could get myself out from all the screaming when I felt someone grab my wrist. I looked back to see Sunggyu. "Hey ~~~. You and your friend wanna go eat together with us ?" I hesiated there for awile. "Umm...." I took a glance at Eunjung and she gave an expression of 'You better say yes or not I'm sooo not gonna be your friend anymore ' look. "I think its okay for us..." I said giving him my cute eye smile. I noticed that one of the guys behind him blushed when I did that. Cute ~ I thought. We were sitting around the table talking and getting to know each other.

"Yo ! I'm the guy with the Best smile in the whole school,Dongwoo !"giving his cute smile.

"Hey babe. I'm the hottest guy here,Woohyun" winking to me.

"Hi noona ! I'm the maknae of the group ! Sungjong !" God. Isn't he too pretty to be a guy ? i'm jealous.

"Hey ~~~. I'm Sungyeol. Nice to meet you." Sweet guy. Is this why Eunjung likes him ?

"Hi. I'm L." He's the guy that I got mesmerized that day ! So he's name is L. How weird. But cute. Hehe~ Wait !  Kim ~~~ ! What are you thinking ?! You can't fall for him that easily ! ><

"Hi. I'm the best dancer in this whole school,Hoya !" He was the guy that blushed just now.

"As you guys know, I'm Kim ~~~ and this is my friend Lee Eunjung."

"Annyeonghasaeyo. Eunjung imnida." She said covering her blushed face when she suddenly made eye contact with Sungyeol.

"I guess since we are getting to know each other already,I should do this !" Sunggyu said standing on the table.

"Now ! Everybody listen up ! From now on these 2 girls, Kim ~~~ and Lee Eunjung are Infinte's lovely dongsaengs ! So whoever,whether its a guy or a girl,dares to disturb them will be handled by us personally !" Sunggyu said with much confidence. Eunjung and me were too surprised to say anything. Our mouths were wide open alongside with our epic shicked expressions.

"Woo ! From now on since you guys are our LOVELY dongsaengs you should call us oppa ! C'mon ! ~~~ ! Say 'Woohyun oppa ~~~' for me once !" Woohyun tried to use his aegyo on me to make me do it.

"Woo-Woohyun-Woohyun op-pa ~" I strutted. "Omo ! You are too cute !" Woohyun said,pinching my cheeks.

So yeah. Me and Eunjung were saying 'oppa~~~' non-stop until they're satisfied but Eunjung got excited and sounded so natural saying 'Sungyeol oppa'. That girl must be soo happy right now. >< Well,at least she's happy.

I was still awkard saying oppa but I just had to get used to it since they are my 'OPPAS' now. >< L was just spacing out not really caring about what we were doing. Hoya on the other hand kept blushing everytime I said 'Hoya oppa' .

Oh my god ! I can't believe I have 7 oppas to take care of me ! ^^ I'm so happy ! I just hope thise fangirls won't harm me or Eunjung. Aish ! I bet they won't dare ! Haha ! :D


Hey ! :) How was this chapter ? Okay ? I tried my best ^^ I hope you like it ! <3


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I'm sorry, but I won't be able to update anytime soon, cause me and my co-author are having exams and have been busy the whole year. I'll update by November, ok


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rockUrbody #1
great job !
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 26: update soooooooooooon!!!! pleaseeeeeeeeee........
TheKrisWife #3
Kpop32hola #4
I prefer Hoya than Myungsoo.... There's to many ffs about Myungsoo that I'm tired reading them.....
ailisu #6
Oi kaw diam. hahahah.
ayee, sunggyu. you want a girlfriend? you want to do 'it' too? tsk tsk
Hahaha! Nvm. I understand you! I am currently writing a story too but I'm too busy with school that I hardly have time to write! Anw, I will always support you! HWAITING! ^^