Not an update


A/N:Sorry guys.I have been neglecting this story for  while .Alot has happened but now its over so I have more time for this story now.You all have been patient so that has earned you a week of updates startings sunday!!!!I will not abandon this story.Oh~and just a heads up!Do you want a sequel?answer in comments please.


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Chapter 16: I love this fic so I will patiently wait until you continue c:
Anaida #2
Chapter 15: Since the title of this fic is alone, i thought loners as a pet name, but naaaah ! or lovelies but that has been in use already! Maybe munchkins??
Anaida #3
can i suggest something? This story is great but please no color coded convos, its confusing and it hurts my eyes! Please?
uuupppdddaaattteeee please????
sarah_xoxo1 #5
update!! update!! Update!!!!! And please make a sequel!!!!!!
_koreanfanfics #6
Chapter 9: Plz i want a sequel and update.this is so gooddfd
Maisaa #7
Chapter 6: Another update ♡.♡
*Happy dance *
Maisaa #8
Chapter 5: YAAAYYYY ....update \(^○^)/
Short one but still ♡~♡

thank you Author-nim
The world is in NEED to more history fictions & this one is really interesting~♡ ^.^
Maisaa #9
Chapter 4: Mm you're gonna to complete this or....??
Cuz I really like it
It seems interesting

Waiting for your update
DancingPotato2341 #10
Haii -_- .......................................................