Only Yours

GTOP One-Shot Collection

this was supposed to be an 800 word drabble and it ended up becoming 2,000+

anyway i hope you guys enjoy it ^___^

if there's any mistakes just let me know. I posted this without proofreading (^-^;)



Jiyong walked back in the studio, a confused look coming over his features as he saw Seunghyun mutter a hurried goodbye and quickly pocket his phone.

“Hey,” Jiyong greeted, leaning down to peck Seunghyun’s lips. “Who was that?”

“It was just a friend,” Seunghyun muttered, refusing to meet Jiyong’s eyes, fidgeting with the big ring on his finger; combing his fingers through his hair; bouncing his foot. Jiyong took all of this in and remained silent. Seunghyun would talk when he was comfortable.

“Okay then,” Jiyong smiled at him. “Shall we get started? You’re up next.”

Seunghyun mouth stretched into a smile, thankful that Jiyong hadn’t pressed the subject further. “Yes, sir!” he exclaimed, raising his hand in a salute, causing Jiyong to fall into a fit of giggles.



A few days passed, and Jiyong was starting to notice a weird pattern in his hyung’s manners.

He would never talk on the phone in front of Jiyong unless it was a mutual friend or from work.

He would wake up early in the morning and come back late in the afternoon, and wouldn’t tell Jiyong where he went or what he did.

Whenever Jiyong came home late from the studio, he’d find Seunghyun in the kitchen, opening and closing pantry and refrigerator doors, taking out various pots and pans, and whenever Jiyong caught him, he’d turn into a blubbering mess, put everything back and run to the room.

One day, while Seunghyun was out—god knows where—he called Dami.

You’re jealous aren’t you,” she laughed.

“No!” Jiyong exclaimed. Why would he be jealous? He knew Seunghyun loved him very much, but this whole secret phone calls and secret outings were making him nervous, that’s all.

Well, you’re worried over nothing, my dear brother,” she commented lightly.

Jiyong narrowed his eyes. “Do you know something, noona?”

What? No! Why would you think that?!

“Are you suuure?”

Yes Jiyong. I’m sure. I just know that Seunghyun isn’t the type to cheat on you, if that’s what you were worried about.

“I told you I’m not worried about that.”

Do you want to go shopping tomorrow? Might help you feel better?

His sister knew him well. He hung up after deciding when and where to meet just as Seunghyun walked through the door. He looked surprised to see that Jiyong was still home, and still in his pajamas.

“Welcome back,” Jiyong greeted him. He watched as Seunghyun took of coat, followed by his shoes, and walk straight past the living room after muttering a reply.

Jiyong forced himself to stay put. To not follow Seunghyun into the bedroom and demand to know what was going on. He flipped through the channels until he came across a show that he could watch and tried to focus on it instead.

Half an hour later, Seunghyun joined him, freshly showered and dressed also in pajamas. He sat next to Jiyong and wrapped his arm around Jiyong’s shoulders.

Jiyong not-so-subtly pulled away.

Seunghyun threw him a confused look. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” Jiyong lied. “I just don’t feel like cuddling today.”

Seunghyun didn’t seem to buy it, but he let him be, his eyes trying to catch Jiyong’s gaze every now and then, but Jiyong refused to look in his direction. He stubbornly kept his eyes on the television set in front of him.


An hour passed by without either one saying a word to the other. Seunghyun tried a few times to get closer to Jiyong, but every time Jiyong pulls away, clearly not wanting any type of physical contact with him.

“Where did you go today?” Jiyong finally asked.

Seunghyun studied him for a while, noticing that Jiyong was controlling his features so as not to give away what he was feeling. “I went to visit my family,” he answered.

Jiyong turned around slowly to look at him. His brown eyes darted between his hyung’s dark ones. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”

“You were asleep when I left.”

“Why didn’t you leave a note then?”

“Jiyong I—”

“And why did you ignore me when you came back?” Jiyong could feel his eyes burning with tears he was forcing himself not to shed. He was not going to cry because of this. He was not going to let himself look weak.


“No,” Jiyong interrupted him as he got up. “No. You know what? I don’t even care. Do what you want to do.”

Seunghyun could only look helplessly as Jiyong stormed to the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.



“Why are you here so early, Ji?” Dami croaked sleepily. “It’s only—” she looked at the digital clock on her nightstand “—7:13 AM.” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked at her brother who was standing over her bed, his arms crossed. Oh boy. He was in a bad mood.

“I needed to leave before Seunghyun woke up,” Jiyong said. He slid in next to his sister and threw the covers over his face. He didn’t need her to question his reasons. He just couldn’t face Seunghyun today.


He knew he was being irrational, but he couldn’t help it. He heard Seunghyun come into the bedroom late at night. He could feel Seunghyun looking at him. He could hear him heave a deep sigh before lying as close to Jiyong as possible without touching him.

He jumped out of bed at the first trickle of light through the curtains. He took a quick shower, got dressed and grabbed his keys in a matter of minutes. He was met with no traffic as he made his way to the apartment he shared with his sister.


“Are you gonna sleep?” Dami asked a smile apparent in her voice.

“Yes,” Jiyong answered, his voice muffled by the covers. “Nothing’s open now anyway. Let’s sleep, have lunch and then go shopping. Not like I need to go home early anyway.”


After they woke up, they ate, showered and changed, they headed out. Jiyong was starting to feel better after being with his sister. It’s been so long since they had the time to do this. They talked over coffee about random things. Jiyong avoided talking about Seunghyun so he wouldn’t ruin the day. He was going to deal with that later on his own.

Around 6pm, Dami started complaining. “Jiyong, come on. Let’s go home. My feet are killing me.”

Jiyong agreed and they left. They had used Dami’s car since it was conspicuous. They put all their shopping bags in the trunk before they got in and drove off.

During the ride, Jiyong closed his eyes. He wondered whether he should go back to Seunghyun’s place or just sleep in his apartment tonight. He opened his eyes again and checked his phone. He only got two texts from Seunghyun today.


From: Seunghyunnie

Where did you go today? I couldn’t find
you when I woke up. Is everything ok?


To: Seunghyunnie

Out shopping with Dami.


From: Seunghyunnie

Oh. Ok.


Jiyong muttered a curse under his breath and locked his phone. He hated fighting with Seunghyun. This wasn’t even a fight. He was just being stubborn. He looked up out the window and whipped his head towards Dami as he took in his surroundings.

“What are we doing here?” They were in Seunghyun’s neighborhood, making their way to his house.

“Jiyong, I’m your sister. I know you more than you know yourself. Just stop beating yourself up and go talk to Seunghyun. And I’ll drop your car off tomorrow,” she added when she saw Jiyong opening his mouth to protest.

Jiyong closed his mouth, and then opened it again. “But he doesn’t want to talk to me though,” he said, and the sadness in his voice made his sister’s heart hurt. She reached out her hand and patted his thigh. “I’m sure he does. Just give him a chance. Okay?”

They had arrived. Jiyong nodded and thanked his sister before picking up what little of courage he had left and made his way up the steps to the front door.


At first glance, the house appeared dark and empty. But after Jiyong closed the door behind him, he saw a soft light coming from the kitchen.

He took off his shoes and headed towards the source of the only light in the house.

The dining table was set for two, with a single candle lit in the middle. There were platters of food on the table and a bucket full of ice with a bottle of champagne in it.

When Jiyong moved closer, he could see that the food was homemade from the way it was clumsily arranged on the plates. A little smile spread across his face, his eyes tearing up. Did Seunghyun do this for him?

Just then, the man he was thinking about came into the room.

“Jiyong, I’m so sorry,” he whispered, his head bowed and his hands clasped in front of him. His hair was covering his face.

Jiyong moved towards him, reaching out to cup his face with one hand and wrapping his other hand around his hyung’s waist. “I should be the one who’s apologizing,” he started. He stood up on his toes and placed a kiss on Seunghyun’s forehead, using his hand to move the hair out of Seunghyun’s face.

Seunghyun opened his mouth to protest, but Jiyong slipped a finger over his lips. “No, let me say this.” He took a deep breath. “I was being irrational, Seunghyun. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I guess I just got a little angry that you wouldn’t tell me where you went and what you did when I didn’t have a right to be. You’re entitled to your own life outside of us. But I couldn’t help but feel a little sad that you didn’t tell me because you always tell me everything. And now that I think about it, I think it was wrong of me to get angry like that. It was even more wrong that I never gave you a chance to explain yourself or—”

His ramble was interrupted by Seunghyun’s lips crashing on his. “You idiot,” Seunghyun whispered in the tiny space left between them once their lips parted. “Can we just forget about this? I made this beautiful dinner and set this beautiful mood. I don’t want it to be ruined. Also, I’m starving. Cooking is hard work.”

Jiyong tried to keep a straight face, but he couldn’t, dissolving into giggles and using Seunghyun for support. Seunghyun chest rumbled with laughter beneath him and he had to be physically dragged to his seat.

“Are you sure you made all of this by yourself?” Jiyong asked, although looking at the way the food was set, there was no doubt that it was, indeed, Seunghyun.

“Well,” Seunghyun said as he poured out the champagne in the glasses, “I had some help from Omonim.”

Jiyong’s head snapped up at this information. “Mom? Where did you even—?”

And then everything fell into place. All those morning to afternoon outings. The day he caught Seunghyun looking at the pots and pans. All those private phone calls.

“But…why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because,” Seunghyun said, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks, “I wanted it to be a surprise.”


Later that night, after eating Seunghyun’s delicious food, they got in bed with Seunghyun spooning Jiyong from behind. His hands played with Jiyong’s fingers. They were talking about nothing and everything. Jiyong’s eyes were closed. He was content where he was. This is the only place he ever wants to be. In Seunghyun’s arms.

His eyes fluttered open and a gasp tumbled out of his lips as he felt something cool slipped on his middle finger.

He looked down and saw Seunghyun’s fingers drawing away from his.

“I didn’t want to do it like this,” Seunghyun admitted. “But this moment is even more perfect than I ever imagined.”

Jiyong couldn’t stop looking at the gold band around his finger.

“Jiyong,” Seunghyun called.

Slowly, Jiyong turned around to meet Seunghyun’s eyes.

“Will you be mine?”

Jiyong felt his world stop. Everything around him stopped moving. Even he stopped breathing for a minute. The gold band was a heavy weight around his finger, and he was drowning in Seunghyun’s dark eyes.

“I’ve always been yours,” Jiyong heard himself say. He buried his face in the crook of Seunghyun’s neck.

“Only yours.”

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 18: LOL this was hilarious!!!!!!!
"icicle toes" that was funny :P
thank you for the collection, authornim!! i really enjoyed it :D :D :D
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 17: GOD!!!! why are all your fanfics all so good??????
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 16: awww this was really sweet ^^
i loved it :D :D
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was really good too!!!!!
yongie works too hard :(
the pics were hilarious though :D
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 13: LOL poor ji, he works TOOOO hard :P
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 11: LOL this was the best!!!!
flustered panda is soooo cute!!
i love how my ri is all protective over minhee
and minhee is ADORABLE!!!!! so cute!!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 10: oooohhhh this one was super good :D
don't worry authornim, you did great on this fanfic!!!!!
Dragon63 #8
Chapter 9: awwww this chapter was so sweet :D
my little ji is hurtttt hyunnie >:(
lol no im kidding :P
(am i commenting too much?? lol sorry)
Dragon63 #9
Chapter 7: woahhh this chappie is just making me blushh ^//////^
but it's really good :D
i wonder what seunghyun's gonna do to my little dragon :P
Dragon63 #10
Chapter 6: god this was funny too XD
im laughing so hard right now
poor seunghyun ^^