
GTOP One-Shot Collection

this just came out of nowhere lol

Seunghyun made his way into the studio, pushing the door with his shoulder, two steaming cups of coffee in hand.

"I got the coffee!" he exclaimed happily. But he didn't get a reply.

He sighed as he saw the tiny figure slumped over the desk, pen in hand, cheek pressed onto the notebook, a slight snore emitting from his nose.

He walked over to the desk, placed the coffee on the coasters he found there, and proceeded to lightly shake the shoulders of the sleeping man.

"Jiyong," he whispered softly. "Baby wake up. I got the coffee. Come on baby wake up." Seunghyun continued to shake his shoulders, hoping to wake him from his slumber.

Jiyong shot up straight, a hand coming up to scrub his face, eyes still closed. "What is it?" he mumbled, voice barely audible from sleep.

"Sorry I had to wake you, but we gotta finish this tonight, babe," Seunghyun said softly, a hand rubbing soothing circles on Jiyong's back. Jiyong's head began to droop again before he gave a violent shake and shot his head upward. This time he opened his eyes slowly, blinking against the sudden brightness. He looked up at Seunghyun, still trying to process why he had to wake him up. Slowly, his eyes flitted across the room, then on the desk where he spotted the two cups of coffee and his notebook. Then he noticed the weight of the pen in his hand. I must have dozed off.

"Where's everyone?" Jiyong asked, hand reaching for the mug of coffee. He took a sip and uttered a hum of satisfaction as the caffeine rushed through his veins. He needed this more than he thought.

"It's almost 5a.m Jiyong, everyone already went back to catch at least a couple of hours of sleep."

"Why didn't you go with them? You need to rest too, hyung," Jiyong said, his voice slightly worried.

"And leave you here by yourself? No way," Seunghyun shook his head. "Besides, I can't sleep when you're here in the studio and I'm alone at home," he pouted.

Jiyong gave him a smile. "Well, I'm glad you stayed here with me tonight or else Yang would've had my head tomorrow," he said, his voice grateful.

Seunghyun just bent down and kissed the nape of his neck, then pulled a chair and sat down next to him, taking his own coffee in his hand.


Three hours later found them yawning and stretching in their chairs, trying to get the kinks out.

"We're finally finished," Jiyong said, a yawn eating up his last word.

Seunghyun chuckled. "Yeah. Guess we should go home and get some sleep."

Jiyong nodded. Yes. Sleep. That is what he needs right now.

They were just finishing up gathering their things when the door opened and Youngbae's head popped in. "You guys are here early," he commented, making his way into the studio and plopping on the couch.

"Actually, we were just leaving," Seunghyun cleared. Youngbae looked up from his phone with wide eyes. "You mean you guys still haven't slept?" Both men shook their heads. "Are you guys insane?!" Youngbae shouted. He got up from his seat and walked over to Jiyong, taking in the deep black circles and bloodshot eyes, "You need to rest Jiyong. Your health comes first. And you," he turned to Seunghyun, "your job is making sure he gets the sleep he needs. But instead you stay up late with him."

Jiyong put his arms in front of Seunghyun defensively. "Hold on, Youngbae. Seunghyun was only making sure I finished what I had to so I can actually go home and take the day off," he said, a sweet smile tugging at his lips. "He worked with me on this. If he hadn't, I'd probably still be stuck here for the rest of today, in the same pajamas that I've been wearing for the last two days." He scrunched his face as he said that last part. Seunghyun couldn't resist kissing his nose then. Youngbae turned away, feeling guilty for blaming his hyung now that he knew all of this.

"Okay fine. Sorry I got worked up like that hyung."

Seunghyun shrugged his shoulders and patted Youngbae's muscled ones. "It's alright. We're all stressed out lately."

"Oh! Before I forget. Youngbae, let me show you what to show Yang when he comes in lat--"

"No. Jiyong. Go. I can find it later without your help. You need to go sleep. Now." He placed his hands on Jiyong's shoulder, moving him to the door. Jiyong sighed in defeat and let himself be pushed out the door and Seunghyun followed.

"Call me if you can't find it--" Jiyong started as they got into the elevator, but he was interrupted.

"No." Youngbae said. "I won't call you. I won't call Seunghyun. And I don't want to see either of you here before tomorrow." He finally managed to drag them out of the building, locating Seunghyun's manager and asking him to take them back to Seunghyun's villa.

"Why did you ask manager hyung to take us?" Jiyong protested. "I can drive my car!"

"No you can't," Youngbae retaliated. "Look at you! You can't even stand up straight!"

Jiyong huffed but he knew his friend had a point.

Finally the van pulled up and Jiyong and Seunghyun scrambled in, bidding Youngbae goodbye. They tried their best not to fall asleep during the ride back to the house but it was proving to be difficult. Just when they thought they couldn't stay up any longer, the car pulled up to the front door of Seunghyun's home. Seunghyun told him that they'll be unreachable for the next 24 hours and asked that no one disturb them, earning a nod from the man before he drove off.

Jiyong and Seunghyun shuffled into the house, took their shoes off and placed their coats on the hanger and their keys on the table next to the door on autopilot. Then Seunghyun grabbed Jiyong by the waist and led him to the bedroom where they flopped on the bed, groaning in satisfaction as their tired bodies hit the soft mattress.

"Do you wanna take a shower?" Seunghyun asked.

Jiyong looked up at Seunghyun with one eye. "Hyung are you serious? I can barely open my eyes. Just let me sleep and I promise I'll take one when I wake up," he said, voice muffled because his face was half on the pillow.

Seunghyun chuckled and decided to leave him be. He stood up, a considerable feat on his part, and quickly changed into his sleep clothes. Since Jiyong was already in his, he pulled the comforter from under the sleeping and slid next to him, pulling the younger man to his chest. Jiyong mumbled sleepily, snaking his hands around Seunghyun's waist and snuggling against his neck. A content sigh escaped his lips.

Seunghyun smiled against his hair and kissed the top his head, slowly moving downward until he reached his nose. He placed another kiss there before finally placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

"I love you, baby," he whispered into the space between their lips. "I love you so much."

He continued to murmur those three words until he drifted off to sleep.

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 18: LOL this was hilarious!!!!!!!
"icicle toes" that was funny :P
thank you for the collection, authornim!! i really enjoyed it :D :D :D
Dragon63 #2
Chapter 17: GOD!!!! why are all your fanfics all so good??????
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 16: awww this was really sweet ^^
i loved it :D :D
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 14: this was really good too!!!!!
yongie works too hard :(
the pics were hilarious though :D
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 13: LOL poor ji, he works TOOOO hard :P
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 11: LOL this was the best!!!!
flustered panda is soooo cute!!
i love how my ri is all protective over minhee
and minhee is ADORABLE!!!!! so cute!!
Dragon63 #7
Chapter 10: oooohhhh this one was super good :D
don't worry authornim, you did great on this fanfic!!!!!
Dragon63 #8
Chapter 9: awwww this chapter was so sweet :D
my little ji is hurtttt hyunnie >:(
lol no im kidding :P
(am i commenting too much?? lol sorry)
Dragon63 #9
Chapter 7: woahhh this chappie is just making me blushh ^//////^
but it's really good :D
i wonder what seunghyun's gonna do to my little dragon :P
Dragon63 #10
Chapter 6: god this was funny too XD
im laughing so hard right now
poor seunghyun ^^