Episode 8

We Got Married (Jimin & Hayoung)

OH Hayoung sang along with her husband's song "Let me know" as the chorus part played through the cafe stereos that same day, and while waiting for her husband to arrive, sipped on a cup of hot chocolate in her hands.

She observed the place within a certain circumference and noticed some couples enjoying their partner's accompaniment. Without knowing it, her lips stretched into a wide smile after thinking about seeing her young husband again. 

On the other hand, Jimin couldn't get any more excited just from the thought of meeting with his wife once again. It's been a while since the last time they had seen each other and all they could do was to communicate through electronic messaging. Of course he wanted to see her personally.

He dashed towards the cafe front door as soon as he arrived. But in the last minutes, he suddenly thought of surprising his wife. And so, he walked to the bushes at the side to keep himself hidden for a moment. He called out for his manager back in the car and instructed him to give him a hand. The poor and busy manager couldn't do anything but to tag along. After all, he just couldn't let Jimin do it by himself.

"What is it?" he asked the individual when they were standing beside each other. Jimin's eyes turned into two smiling lines as he grinned cheekily to his hyung. Suddenly, it made the manager feel nervous. "What is it that you want?" he asked for the second time.

"Hyung, I've been to this cafe with Jungkookie once and I think there's a personalize thingy in here. Can you please do me a favor?" Jimin asked again.

It's a good thing that Hayoung was facing the other way with her back siding the door and so, Jimin's manager hyung was able to sneak inside without getting noticed. When he had the chance, he carefully ordered what Jimin has told him to and even inquired about doing a personalize messaging.

Indeed, his request was permitted and the plan rolled.

The young wife, who still had no clue, continued to play with her phone. She sighed a few times, glancing around the area including the front door. And since Jimin was being careful himself, he stayed unseen by her. 

"Should I call him?" she turned to the directors who were filming her. They just chuckled at the lady. Even them were unaware of what's happening outside the building. Only a representative of the show was informed about it when she saw BTS outside the cafe. Thus, they appealed for her to keep it a secret for now.

Outside the cafe went some members of the group. Jungkook and J-Hope joined Jimin by the bushes as they stole sneaky glimpse of Hayoung inside. They were giggling, as girly as it sounds, about Jimin's plan when he had told them about it. 

"Aigoo, why don't you just come in there and greet her?" the older member asked him with a tap on his shoulder. Jimin just shrugged his shoulders. "I think this would be more romantic." He said.

But just as the youngest of the group was about to open his mouth to speak, their manager has appeared beside them and notified Jimin about the success of their pre-plan. 

"I ordered one Macchiato and asked them to write the message. They'll send you a text once they gave it to Hayoung." Their manager reported. 

The other two just won't stop chanting and cheering for Jimin before putting into a stop by their manager hyung. When they were calm, he uttered. "I'm sorry to break the party but we need to go, you still have schedules." He held the other two.

Of course they were disappointed. They also wanted to see Hayoung and give her their greetings as to they were already there and it's just respect. Their downgraded smiles plastered on their faces as they bid goodbye to their Chimchim and wished him all the best. 



BACK inside the cafe, Hayoung was already pouting. She was getting impatient as it takes longer, worried if Jimin had seen her surprise. She even thought that maybe he did not notice of it. But then the beanie was there. The letters and characters H-A-Y-O-U-N-G-'-S were readable to not be seen.

However, her doubtful thinking was interrupted when a cafe worker called for her attention to give her a cup of Caramel Macchiato. The young wife was surprised because she did not really order herself another drink. And just like he had read her thoughts, the waiter smiled at her.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Oh Hayoung?" asked the waiter that she gladly answered with a nod. "Somebody has bought you a cup of Caramel Macchiato, he says to enjoy it." He added, placing it in front of Hayoung.

She just bowed at the waiter when she couldn't do anything. She wanted to ask for further details but he had already left even before she could. Despite that, Hayoung examined the cup and noticed a note with writings in marker ink stuck on the cylindrical plastic cup. 

Look behind you. 
- J <3

The wife rapidly turned around when she had read it and was surprised. There he was, her husband, standing at the front door and waving at her with a huge smile on his face. It was her who should be surprising him but she ended up being the victim instead. 


Hayoung: I was really, really surprised. I mean, it's supposed to be my event for him. I planned so hard for this but he could only do his within a short period of time. I was really really dumbfounded. Well, in a good way.

The wife's cheeks flushed light pink when she remembered about that day. It registered in the camera so well that the staff did not need to edit it.

Hayoung: It's like a scene in a romantic drama?


"Omo, oppa! Jiminnie oppa...!" she beamed hugely at the latter after singing song his name and as he walked towards her pushing the door open, and then he rubbed his nape with his right hand. 

"Annyeong Hayoungie-ah! Have you been well?" he asked her before lodging down on the seat across hers, still keeping the grin on his face. 

"I'm doing perfectly good. How about you oppa? You must be tired." She said, noticing that he's also wearing what her unnies have given him.

"Uhmm, no, not really. I rested in the airplane a while ago." He reassured her, grinning from ear to ear.

Supporting her chin with her palms, Hayoung leaned her elbow against the table top and smirked as she looked at the beanie that her husband's wearing. Jimin noticed her ever so bright smile and returned it favorably, touching the front part of the comfortable hat.

"Oh right, did you buy this?" he asked her while pointing at the personalized black beanie on his head. 

"No," Hayoung shook her head to answer his question, taking a pause to smile as well, "it's a gift from my Apink unnies." She said.

Jimin's jaw literally dropped when he heard her say that. For him, it sounded like an approval of him from his wife's unnies. Although he hasn't met them yet. Nevertheless, it urged him to meet them, even for a short period of time.

"Ahh really? Wahh, I should say my thanks to them next time." He told her while puffing out his lower lip in an acting cute way. Of course the wife enjoyed the mini show, even if something bothered her upon seeing it. It just snapped in her when she realized it.

"Oh right! One of my high school friends watched one of your concerts and she got me a clear picture of you on stage." Jimin started to feel nervous the moment Hayoung mentioned 'a picture of him on stage'. Of course he had done some fan services to make the concert enjoyable but still and all, he knew some of them would be too much for his wife.

"Really? What did she think then? Did she enjoy it?" he asked her instead, gradually reaching out for Hayoung's hot mug of hot chocolate before taking a sip on it. The other's eyebrows furrowed when she saw him do it, whining a bit but gives it to him anyway.

Eventually, she fished out a pink handkerchief from her small back pack and gave it to him.

"Yes! She said she enjoyed it much--and that...she thinks that I must watch it too, especially your stage." Hayoung chuckled dryly after speaking, reaching out to wipe the corner of Jimin's lips for him. As she does so, Jimin stayed still, pursing his lips together.

Still, Jimin choked at her statement. There was sarcasm in her voice, he knew.

In the meantime, he decided to divert the conversation a bit to the positive side. "I agree, it could be a motivation if you could come to one of our concerts. I would definitely be energized if I know that you're going to be there." He said to her.


Jimin: I am not sure of what she thinks about our concert.

The young husband beamed unknowingly at the camera when the interviewer mentioned about Hayoung being jealous.

Jimin: Yes. I think she's jealous...


"Ehh, you can do well without me." Hayoung while leaning forward with her arms crossing on the table. Even so, her eyes panned down to the cold stuff in front of her. "But what is this?" she asked him before pouting her lips towards the drink.

"Hmm?" Jimin blinked fast while looking at the condensed cup of the Machiatto. "Ahh, it's my surprise for you. You should drink it." He said, motioning for her to drink it.

"But you bought it, you should drink it." Hayoung reasoned, looking at him with a soft expression to pursuade him. Although it did not work on Jimin for no reason. "No, I bought it for you so you should drink it." He even told her.

"But I like my hot chocolate more!" The young wife whined with a childish pouting of lips, stomping her feet like a child under the table as she tried to steal her drink back from Jimin. But even before she could, Jimin has already grasped her by the wrist, sticking his tongue out after. "No, I like your hot chocolate more!"

"But that's mine." Hayoung tried to protest, ending up being lectured by her husband. 

"But we're married. What's yours is also mine and mine, yours. Since I bought Caramel Macchiato, you should drink it." Jimin told her proudly.

"But I like my hot chocolate even more." She whimpered, only to receive no response from the husband. 

Without any other choice but to do it, Hayoung grabbed the cold treat across her and started drinking, sip after sip on it. Eventually as she does so, Hayoung and Jimin's eyes met in the middle that caused a short cringe feelings in them. Rapidly, they rolled their eyes away, still chuckling from the latter moment.

"Is it awkward?" Jimin asked when he got the chance. Hayoung just shook her head in return. "No?" the young husband asked her for the second time, and again she responded inaudibly through nodding her head.

After then, everything went back to normal like they didn't feel any awkwardness at all. It's one of the best things the Jimin x Hayoung couple has that the other couples don't. 

"Hmm, what should we do today then? Is there any place you'd like to go to?" the Bangtan husband spoke right after slurping empty the contents of the transparent cup that he's holding.

"Actually, there is." Hayoung said that somehow wondered her husband. He turned to look at her with curiosity in his eyes. "Our dorm," as soon as he heard those two words, panic started to build inside his body. It was too uncontrollable that he couldn't stop himself from fidgeting in his seat.

"Really? There?" he gulped all of the liquid stuff in his mouth.

Suddenly, he didn't want to leave his spot, to stay there and not to move for the rest of his life. It's just an exaggerration, but that was what he felt that moment. 

"Yeah, my unnies wanted to meet you personally." Hayoung shot him a playful grin, probably to , and successfully got his attention when she saw him toss and turn in his place.

"Ohh, okay." He did not really know how to react, and the only thing he knew was that he was all of a sudden not yet ready to meet his-in-laws.



JIMIN had been feeling uneasy about the meeting since they left the cafe and stayed queasy even inside the car. Yes, he was indeed comfortable when his wife met his brothers, very comfortable. But then he felt different now.


Jimin: When I was in the car, I had come into a realization. I told myself, 'wahh, so this is how Hayoung felt when she met BTS.' Suddenly, I felt bad about them making her serve them foods and all. 


"Hello?" the husband sat frozen in his seat when somebody picked up the call his wife has made. Hayoung had to report their arrival in any way. "Unnie, we're coming there now." His wife exclaimed happily, well almost yelling. 

"Ehhh, really?!" Jimin guessed shortly about who could be in the phone with Hayoung. The next thing he knew, his mind was not in a good state anymore. It was clouded with worries and insecurities thinking if the Apink sisters-in-law would like him. He needed to show a good first impression.

"Okay, okay, we're going to prepare for it now." The voice from the other line sounded so harsh in Jimin's ears, thus he was not wrong about it. On the other hand, Hayoung unsuccessfully stopped herself from giggling just from hearing her Chorong unnie's outstanding voice acting. 

"Good day to you Chorong-sshi." His voice cracked even if he did it bravely and confidently. He guessed that it wasn't enough, his audacity. 

"Ohh, hello to you too brother-in-law Jimin-ah." Chorong spoke with her usual tone, but it seems that she's still in the ice-cold mood mode. Jimin was agitated. 

"Ahhh, yeah, thank you for inviting me over." He answered with a smile as Hayoung brushed some of his hair to the side, probably to comfort him even with simple gestures. 


The camera focused on BTS' leader and special guest panel Rap Monster and captured him grinning from ear to ear.

Rap Monster: Wait! Just a moment! Do you see Jimin's arm right of this moment?

Everone's thoughts were shuffled for a quick moment when he carried a suggesting question.

Kyunghwan: OH! 

Altogether, the hosts' eyes landed upon Jimin's arm that was around Hayoung's waist, his hand was stiff but still held her by the side of her stomach.


The next thing he knew, Jimin's arm was already around her waist, covering her back with it. But he didn't really care, he was too busy talking with Chorong to even feel awkward about it. 

For a long while, Hayoung didn't think of telling him about this little gesture--or maybe she just let it be. "Okay, bye."

Finally, Jimin's heart was put into relief when Hayoung had finally hang up. And as soon as they cut the call, the young husband set out a funny yet deep sigh before cracking a 'thank goodness I'm still alive' stiff laugh. His wife just watched him lean back on his seat, feeling the sudden weakness in his body. 

"Are you okay?" she asked him and rubbed the side of his arm with her left palm. 

"Well, I think I left my soul back at the cafe." He joked while holding unto his chest with his both hands, clenching onto his shirt with a slight mental breakdown. Suddenly, all he wanted to do was to end the day quickly.



JIMIN started to feel cold sweats drip from the skin beside his eyes, although Hayoung, who took notice of it, rapidly took out a handkerchief to wipe it for him. When she did, a small laugh stifled from .

"You'll be fine." She told him reassuringly. For a quick moment, all of his worries faded away just from hearing her voice. And to a little, Jimin started poking her sides that earned a delicious giggle from her. "Okay that's enough, let's go." She said more.

A few more moments and the two eventually stepped out from their seats inside the van. At first, they were shy to show it in the camera, but it couldn't be hidden that they were holding holds as they walked towards the dorm building. Their interlaced fingers were covered in between their jackets sleeves. 

The camera focused on it when the filming director noticed of it from the back. The couple on the other hand, continued on strolling even without giving a care about it. Jimin even placed their entangled hands in his jacket's pocket after a while.


Interviewer: How did it feel to hold hands with your husband?

Hayoung: There were butterflies in my stomach. I'm not sure about him though...because his hand was shaking and it was cold. I think it's because he's nervous.

The 19 year old wife chuckled again at the thought of how it felt as she held her husband's hand that day.


"Just be yourself, they'll be nice to you, I swear. I'll be right here." Hayoung rest assured him once again but in a low tone voice that sounded so sweet for Jimin who was really nervous.

"I don't know Hayoungie, what if they don't like me?" Jimin asked her back and something told the audience that he squeezed her hand when they saw the pocket slightly inflated due to the small movement. 

"They will like you! You're like so awesome!" His wife nodded her head happily in return. Suddenly, his confidence boosted from it's total zero level up to the half hundred percent. Her words influence him that much. 

"Okay, I trust you." He said in return, rapidly leaning closer to kiss the side of her head that surprised Hayoung. Her eyes widened up a bit together with her lips that slightly parted because of his action. But she just bumped his shoulder with hers.


Rap Mon: Oh my gawd!

Bangtan's leader couldn't help but to react in English to that kiss. Even the hosts sang, squeaked and squealed because of it.

Misun: Aigooo!


Later on, they arrived in front of the dorm door. She was still out of her mind but it was only for a few minute moments, she knocked at the door but realized that she has the key for it. Hesitantly, Hayoung let go of his hand to open the door. 

"Ahhh, sorry!" she laughed dryly as she typed in the pass code while covering it with her whole body. 

Jimin frozen in his place. He could have stayed there standing if only Hayoung didn't snap him out of his short hysteria. Eventually, he walked in when he was told by his wife to step in. It was like being in a new territory.

It was Namjoo who welcomed him first from the living room of the house. She was sitting comfortably when he saw her, watching the television and monitoring their fans through their SNS at the same time. However, Namjoo stood up from the seat to greet Jimin with a huge smile on her face.

"Ohh! Our second brother-in-law is here!" she joked at him that kind of confused the husband somewhat. 

"Hello Namjoo-sshi!" Jimin greeted her still with a humble bow as he walked towards the couch before being asked by the sister-in-law to be seated. Suddenly, the others started walking out of their rooms one by one.

He saw Bomi, then Eunji and Naeun, and finally Chorong who was busy scrolling through her phone as she walked. Nevertheless, she stopped doing what she'd been doing and lifted up her head to meet Jimin politely. 

"Ohh, brother-in-law!" she called out comfortably towards him, as if she used to call somebody that. 

"Omo, annyeonghaseyo Chorong-sshi." Jimin stood up once again to politely bow towards the eldest of the Apink siblings, and then he let them be seated on the couch while he stayed on the floor. 

On the other hand, Hayoung went to the kitchen to get her husband something to eat or maybe to drink. Namjoo went with her as well, helping out the younger with the guest service.

"I see you're wearing the beanie huh? Do you know who bought that?" Chorong pointed out the beanie on Jimin's head when she had the chance to ask him. Jimin, in return to it, fixed the beanie on his head and said, "Yeah, I heard from Hayoung. Thank you...uhmm...sisters-in-law for buying this for us." He stuttered at the mention of the words 'sisters-in-law' but the girls didn't mind actually. It was also awkward on their part. 

"We only want the best for our maknae since she's our baby Hayoung." Eunji added that somehow scared Jimin. 

His list of reponsibilities all of a sudden gained a few more weigh upon his shoulders. All he wanted is for Hayoung to be happy and of course to protect her. 

"Actually, we saw some negative comments about this marriage." The group's power vocal even told Jimin in a serious manner. His eyes fluttered in worry upon hearing it. 

"Really?" he asked them, forcing a smile despite the heavy burden in his chest.

"Don't you search Hayoung in the internet? She's receiving a lot of criticism because of this marriage." Eunji spoke more.

The truth is, Apink has planned this beforehand. When Hayoung left their dorm first thing in the morning to fetch Jimin, the other Apink members had another meeting about this engagement. They unanimously agreed to make Jimin feel responsible of Hayoung's happiness and safety, and to do that, they decided to let him know that not everyone has a positive say about this, and Jimin should understand.

"Well, I haven't got the chance." He told them only to be interrupted by Chorong. "She always search for you, you know that." The leader of the group said.

"Ahh really? Yeah, she told me about that too." He answered her with a huge grin on his face, hiding his eyes through his famous eye smile again.

"Honestly brother-in-law, she stays up all night just to know everything about you in the internet." Chorong leaned a bit closer to whisper unto him, avoiding to be heard by Hayoung who was just a few distances away from them.

Gradually, the maknae line was coming closer.

"Here's the fruit and the juice." Everyone turned their attention towards Hayoung and Namjoo as they placed the tray of foods on top of the table. Jimin wanted to help his wife with what she was doing but he was too anxious to move that he couldn't even lift any of his arms. Only his eyes wandered around.

"What did you talk about?" the wife asked them, finally setting down in between Jimin and Eunji on the floor. 

"Nothing much, just telling Jimin brother-in-law to be kind to you since you're working hard for him." Bomi answered her after stuffing a slice of apple in , deliciously. 

"Eyy, I don't think that's necessary." Hayoung retorted out of the blue, earned a look and sarcastic laughs from her sisters. She just didn't know how much her sisters worry about her. 

"What's not necessary? That he must be kind to you?" Chorong asked her with full of authority. It just made the couple look at each other and chuckled sheepishly. 

"No, that's not what I meant!" Hayoung defended her answer, waving both of her hands to protect herself and her husband behind her. "I meant that Jiminnie oppa has always been kind to me so I don't think it's necessary to say it again." She said the second time, finally clearing out her side. 

"But we still need to tell him that. It makes us feel fine to do this so just let us say what we want to say maknae!" Eunji stated out to justify their side of the story, and Hayoung understood what her unnies wanted to tell them, to him in particular. 

"Anyway, can we guarantee your words Jimin-sshi?" Bomi asked in addition to what Eunji had said. 

Park Jimin, who was known for being one of the bad boys in the Korean hiphop industry suddenly proved that love could soften even the baddest heart when he met his wife's family. He wanted to show them a good impression so he tried his best to respond politely with a bit of the playful Jimin side.

"Of course, I would not dare to hurt Hayoungie, or your fans would kill me." He said half-jokingly, successfully making the sisters-in-law laugh. 

"You should not be afraid of our fans killing you, you should be afraid of us doing it once you make our maknae cry." Bomi mocked him in return like an older sister who lectures her little brother. 

"Of course, actually, I am afraid right now." Jimin blurted out that made the others gape at him in disbelief. They didn't know that Jimin would take their threats seriously, they didn't even have the strength to punch him. 

"Ehhh, and why is that?" Eunji asked him with a sheepish grin, poking unto him more while he's still soft with them. 

"I don't know, it just feels like I must not do something wrong today." Jimin told them in full honesty. For once, he wanted to show them that he's being true. 

"Ahh, just be yourself Jimin-sshi, we're not going to eat you." Chorong added to enlighten the mood of the husband. 



AFTER a while, Apink finally dismissed the husband to have an alone time with Hayoung. They also knew that it's been a while since they met each other so they probably missed one another. And so, they decided to carry themselves back in their respective bedrooms. Only Hayoung and Jimin were left in the couch together alone.

"How are you huh? You must be tired." Hayoung asked her husband while stacking the dishes on the center table. When she was done, she stood up to bring it to the kitchen, behind her was Jimin who trailed along. "Am I always in a wrong-timing?" she added, feeling guilty about asking him out when he just came from a long aerial travel. 

"No." Jimin shook his head at it with his back leaning against the counter table while watching her wash the dishes. "I was hoping that you'd see me in the airport actually." He added, finally moving beside her to give her a hand.

"Oh, it's okay." Hayoung tried to stop him from working and held unto his hands, not realizing that her own hands were bubbly and soapy already. 

"No, I'd like to help, please! It's okay, I like cleaning anyway. I'm the cleanest BTS member." He even joked at her, got the sponge and placed the dishwashing soap on it. 

"Okay, let's do it together then." Hayoung told him as she joined through rinsing the plates that Jimin has finished soaping. 

While doing so, the two had the time to tell stories about each other's past months without one another. Jimin told Hayoung that he was watching her LUV performances whenever he had the time and it was true for the WGM staff has filmed those unaired parts. Hayoung on the other hand, told him that she wanted to attend to any of his concerts.

"What about coming to Japan on February for our concert?" he suddenly suggested that somehow made Hayoung smile. 

"Can I?" she turned to look at him with a pair of fluttery eyes. Jimin firmly nodded his head at it as a sign of agreement to the idea. 

"Although we should ask for your sisters' permission first." He told her as he finished up washing the rest of the dishes, and was only waiting for Hayoung to be done with hers.

"Hmm, I think they'd love the idea. We're promoting to Japan anytime soon anyway." She reported to him that enlightened Jimin for the rest of the day. 

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[WGM-HY] I am still alive guys, in case you're wondering. lol but updated after a long time. thank you for waiting :)


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youngmin22 #1
Chapter 18: Can you make bonus for this story or anything to show about how Hayoung and Jimin feeling?
I really like how cute an adorable they are.
And if you can, please make a sequel?
I love this story.... :)
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 16: Can u make bonus or something? Srsly.... Im crying here... Pls make it sequel or whtever... But tq fr the great story.. :( :')
144385 #3
Chapter 14: YAY BTS are comeing back with a new song! Definitely wanted to see how Hayoung reacted to that. May I ask another question? Do any of you know the We Got Married host (Especially the man that is lil bit short and funny///other than Danny Ahn) because it felt uncomplete when all the fanfiction only knows Misun, Eric, and Choa.
TiffanyMiyoung1 #4
Chapter 14: Please update authornim!!! I <3 the story ~
TiffanyMiyoung1 #5
Chapter 13: So cute ^^
144385 #6
Hey! actually I have a question. Do WGM is actually scripted, on the activity they do also the word they spoke? Do most couple actually have feeling for each other afterward? Are they also caring toward each other behind the scene?

This is random, but yes, I'm curious to death.
Please help by replying this very "random" question.
readers_paradise #7
Chapter 2: I didn't even finish reading this chp yet .....but u felt the need of telling you how I feel right now .......god I am grinning like an idiot .....wow I am already shipping them ....you portrayed them way too good ....actually wgm is the first variety show I came across and it was really fun watching it ......while reading I am just playing scenarios in my head ......how I wish it would be true seeing my two fav's on this show ......Good Job authornim Hwaiting!!! I am really anticipating this story .....I don't care how how long you will take to update chps but I will definitely read it till the end ....I really hope you update more often ....but anyways I am thankful for this fic .....I love you for this paring authournim ^_^
coreesm #8
Chapter 13: the latest chapter make me tear up
honeydewfav #9
This... I can't handle the cheesiness anymore.. hahaha.. It worth enough waiting for ya update... it just *thumbs up*

Btw, good luck for another chapter (and another too) xD