JongDa First Date

Love House

J- "So far ChaeSu couple went on a work date, TaeLee went on an aquarium date, I really wonder where JongDa couple will go."

M- " I have no idea where they will go, but one thing is for sure, I bet it will look like a photo shoot with those two together haha."


It was early morning. Today was my day off and I wanted to enjoy the day with noona. She was still in our room sleeping. I had decided to get everything for our trip ready. I looked at all the items spread out on the dinning room table. I hope I wasn't forgetting anything. I was so focused on packing that I didn't notice Chaerin had walked in.

" Are you ready for your date oppa?" I had given a slight jump at her voice.

" Ah, yeah I hope so..." She looked over at the contents on the table.

" Take another blanket unnie gets cold easily." I was thankful she was here, she had also given me an idea of where to take noona today.

" Thank you Chaerin-ah!"  She death glared me for a moment then smiled.

" Your welcome oppa just take care of unnie ok, see you tomorrow I have to go." And just like that she left me. I got that extra blanket and packed it in with the rest of the stuff. I placed everything in the car and went to go wake up noona. When I walked in the room she was already up and getting ready. 

" Are you ready for today noona?" She looked at me, her eyes still looked a bit sleepy. 

" Um, yes but why wont you tell me where were going?"  I had tried asking him in different ways to get him to tell me but he just evaded all my questions. I had also questioned Chaerin-ah since she had picked out my outfit for today, but she wouldn't say either. 

" Its a surprise, haha" He had given me that smile again. I sighed.

" Alright..." It was early morning I wonder what he has planned. We got in the car, and we drove off. 

" If your still sleepy you should sleep noona." I was still tired. The girls and I had just gotten back from our concert overseas. 

" No im ok."

" Its ok noona, plus it will be awhile before we get out of the city."

" Oh were leaving Seoul?" Finally I had a clue. To bad it was to vague.

" Yes, now go to sleep noona." with a bit of reluctance I closed my eyes.

As soon as her eyes shut, her breathing slowed and she was deeply asleep. She must be really tired. Dara noona had just gotten back late yesterday from an overseas concert. I really hoped what I had planned for today would make her feel better. The traffic lights turned red, I looked at her sleeping. I couldn't help but think that there was more to her than that beautiful, fragile looking girl. The light turned green and I kept driving.  I had driven for about three hours, as my lovely wife slept, but just as I pulled in to a rest stop for gas, she woke up. She looked confused for a moment then looked at me.

" Where are we?" I woke up a bit confused. Actually I had been waking up like this since our AON tour began. It would take me a few moments to remember where we were.

" Were are at a rest stop." Funny.

" You still wont tell me huh, haha." He grinned from ear to ear.

" Nope, hold on." He opened his window and told the gas worker how much to pump and handed him the money.

" Are you hungry?" I thought I wasn't until he mentioned it. My stomach decided to answer for me. 

" I'll take that as a yes, haha. And what would my lovely wife like to eat?" It was weird how good I felt having him call me his. 

" Ramen?" 

" Ok ramen it is, haha." He pulled up to a parking space and got out. As I unbuckled my seat belt he opened the car door for me, and held out his hand to me to help me up. Shyly I took it. He surprised me by not letting it go. I felt my cheeks go hot as we walked hand in hand to the store. We picked out our ramen and sat on the plastic chairs outside as we waited for the hot water to cook the ramen. It was adorable how impatient she looked. I couldn't help but stare at her.

I was hungry, but looking at it wouldn't make it cook faster. I looked up to find Jongsuk staring at me with an amused look on his face. 

" I have such an interesting wife, are you that hungry noona?" 

" haha, does it show that much?" I opened the lid on my ramen and began to eat. 

" Just a little, haha." he took a bite of his own ramen.

" How long was I asleep for?"

" Three hours."

" What? Why did you let me sleep for so long? Where you bored?" 

" Haha, you needed it you looked tired, and no I wasn't bored your snoring kept me entertained." Her eyes went wide open.

" Wait what? I don't snore."

" I know I was just playing, you did talk though" I thought about what I dreamt of but I couldn't remember.

" What did I say?" 

I bugged him the whole time he drove to tell me what I had said. I was beginning to think I didn't even talk. But then again the girls did say I talked sometimes. I let the whole thing go though once he pointed out the view to me. It was beautiful seeing the ocean.  He parked the car in this gorgeous secluded beach. She walked ahead of me towards the beach, as I walked behind carrying the stuff I had packed. Stopping at a short distance from her I set up the blanket and umbrella on the beach. I watched as she took of her shoes and walked to where the waves met the beach. I took my own shoes off. 

" Do you want to go in the water?" She turned around sensing my intentions.

" Huh, what are you planning."

" Nothing." She stuck out her tongue and scrunched up her face.

"Liar." I took two long steps towards her. Her face changed from teasing me, to laughing. 

He ended up chasing me. In the end catching up to me and picking me up effortlessly in his arms. It was interesting how my brain slowed things down. Making the way our eyes met, as he carried me to where the waves met the beach, make my heart flutter. Had it ever done that before. I wasn't sure, but I didn't want to question it like I did everything else. In that moment all I wanted was to just enjoy my time with him. We spent the rest of the day playing around like that. During lunch, we had a picnic under the umbrella. Later we watched the sun set. It was a date every girl would want. 

The drive home seemed a bit shorter since there was less traffic. Also Dara wasn't sleeping this time. We talked about random things. From her career in the Philippines, to what dramas I had been doing. It felt very effortless being around her. I didn't have to pretend to smile, or laugh when she said or did something funny. Was it wrong of me to want to keep her with me forever?

We got home around one in the morning. It was late. As we got ready for bed, I thought of Chaerin and the conversation we had on the plane ride back.

" Your sleeping in the bed together?"

" Yes, our bed is huge and we both fit comfortably. Plus he is doing the musical and overseas concerts for JYJ's new album. Don't you want to sleep comfortable in your bed after those long days? I think we both know how tiring it can all be sometimes unnie."

I got out of the bathroom to just barely stop Jongsuk from getting his blankets for the couch.

" You can sleep on the bed if you want Jongsuk-ah."

" Noona I already told you I wont let you sleep on the couch."

" No.. I meant we can both sleep on the bed...together." I froze where I was. I agreed, she also let me choose which side of the bed I wanted. I felt like her asking this of me wasn't an easy thing for her to do. I was beyond happy that she trusted in me enough for her to ask.

" You lay down first Jongsuk-ah, I forgot my phone charger in my suitcase." I agreed once again. It felt like as soon as my face touched the pillow I was out.

I found my charger, I connected my phone and when I went back to the bed Jongsuk was out. He must have been really tired. 

Seeing him that way made my heart flutter again. I quickly turned the lights of and climbed into bed. Was I foolish in hoping this marriage was real?












Next chapter, what kind of housewarming party will our three couples have? ^-^

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Mgnly4 #1
Chapter 15: Can you continue please? I really like this fanfic especially CL and Junsu they are cute together. You writte really good is simple but I don't know I only want to more. I can't wait for the next update ♥
fitrifeehily #2
Chapter 20: Omo, my ChaeSu feeeel...
Thanks, hope to see your update soon~~
fitrifeehily #3
Chapter 19: Toooo shortttt~~
Make it longggger in the next chapter ^^
exotics_aileean #4
Chapter 19: mmaaaaaaaaaahhhh~~~~~~ *squeals*
fitrifeehily #5
Chapter 18: Thank God you still continue this beautiful story~~
Thanks, update soon, can't wait for the next update!!
Ahh, and imagening Chae meets the Kim's family~~ahhhhh F.L.P!!!! XD
Chapter 18: omg, i can't wait for the next update^^
Estherbunny #7
Updat soon author-nim!
exotics_aileean #8