Past Memories Unveild

Match In Heaven

Chihoon POV

                I bet she’s quite well off. Did she live alone?? I wonder around and look at the furniture and accessories in here. I stop and take one of the frames at the shelves. Who is this guy??It’s not even Yongguk....”Hey...come here and sit.” I startled and put back the frame back.

                “What are you looking at just now??” Elle ask me while open the aid kit box. “Who’s the guy in that frame??” I ask her as I curious about that guy. He seems familiar though. She stops for a while. “My ex boyfriend.Bobby.Why?” Bobby?? So is she??? “Bobby??? Bobby that we met at photo shoots last week?” She just smiled and nodded. Ahhh No wonders they look so awkward. “When you guys dating?”I ask her. “Ermmm....Around first year in High school? Oh.. Last year of Middle School until 2nd year of High school??”That’s mean they’re broke up just last year??? So she’s Bobby’s girlfriend that Chaeum talking about. “That’s quite long. Did Yongguk know it??” I ask her. “Hump He knows it. He such a good friend. Even though I know he’s aching.....”Did she know that Yongguk love her? “Aching???” As I point out, she had done dressed the wound. “Nothing...It’s already late...its better you go home. Before Chaeum blow up your phone.”She told me. “Ahhh yeah... Thank you for treat me. I owe you. Good night.”I told her before leave. She just smile and nodded. “Good night...”Her voice was so soothing and sweet. My steps got as heavy as I leaving the compound. I bet she was okay. But did she really know Yongguk love him?

                On the next morning, I got a text from Bobby. Ahhh...what is this.... Did I have to bring his guitar too? I get up and walk sluggishly to the bathroom to get ready for school. While wearing my necktie, I suddenly fell into a daydream. Just imagine Elle hug me from behind after bring the breakfast for me. “Chihoon~Good Morning!” She back hugs me tightly. “Good Morning Elle... Did you sleep well last night??” I ask her with my y voice. “Eunngg~ Thanks to you. I’m really fell into a deep sleep and dream of you.” She told me and just stay in that position. “Really??What kind of?” I ask her while patting her hands wrapping around me. “I dream we go for a very nice trip only two of us...The funny thing are you got your face with mud. Then you scream like kid. I want to see you be like that?” Heol... That’s not good then. “PON! PON!POOOOOOOOONNNNNBOOOM!” “Ouch!!!OH My GOD. Aisha...Bobby...”I being so frustrated as Bobby honking outside the house and makes my daydream stop like that.

                “Hey!!We’ll be late!”Bobby yelled from his car. “Sorry....” I get into the car and drift away. “Hey...Is Elle you’re ex girlfriend you break up last year during Christmas?”I immediately shot him the question that had been lingering in my head. “Yeah...she is.... She’s so good for me. I never thought we would end it during Christmas.” Bobby told the truth. “What’s make you guys break up??” I ask him even further. A lot of question has made up to find out their relationship. “Honestly...I ask it. I am so dumb for believing Shun that Elle is having a relationship with Yongguk.” Shun?? She’s the causes they broke up??

                “Really?? But didn’t you feel like suspicious at first??” I ask him. “Of course. Just you imagine on first year we get in the high school. She already being friends with Yongguk.You know right how the anxious had been stake in me each day when they often seen go out and take recess together with other guy but not her own boyfriend. But then I understand why she being likes that.” “Because of what???”

                “She doesn’t want anyone know that we’re in relationship until one day Shun and her friend saw us go out for a date at Chocolate Cake shop at Hongdae . The news about us had spreading all over the school until causes a stress to her. Then Shun insult me for believing a witch girl like Elle. I believe her and decide to break with her. But then...Yongguk came see me and told everything was totally wrong. Even with explain from Yongguk won’t even believe.” Yongguk go meet him in person to explain the situation??? “Until one day ,Elle get into hospital because of severe injuries during practicing boxing. Yongguk told me that she let everything out and try to forget me while playing boxing until she got injuries. I felt bad to her.”Until that bad??? For real..... I bet Bobby was her first love. That’s why she so depressed. “Why you didn’t go back with her??” I ask him again.

                “I’m embarrassed for not being her man that should believe in her on what we promise. That’s why I didn’t want to make up with her back. I saw how Yongguk comforted her and brighten her days make me realized that maybe Yongguk is the right guy for her.” Until that far?? Wow.... No wonder she called Yongguk her best buddy for the rest of her life. “I bet you also fall in love with her right??” Then Bobby point out the actual question to me.

                “Me??Fall in Love??I don’t know.” I immediately look to the front. “Hey...Chihoon..I have known you for ages. I know how you react when you love someone. Good luck to turn the table. When she really loves someone, she will give everything only for you. You remember right when I was struggling to get trainee as idol?? You know whose make my dream come true?? Elle. She sacrifices herself and searches all her friends to make me into it. No doubt. If someone gets her and tied knot in the end, he would be the luckiest guy in the world for having Elle. She’s flawless. Let’s go...” Bobby had parked the car and get out from the car. Is that really what he means?? I bet he already experience all good memories that they had create together for 3 years.

                We enter the lobby and all girls going crazy. “Oppa!! You look great yesterday!!!” One of the girls told me. I got blushed so hard. I won’t easily show that to everyone. Then I saw Elle comes from the opposite way and she stop as she Bobby. “Hey...Bobby.... How are you??Already feeling well??” Did she know that Bobby was sick these 3 days. “Of Course....Thank you for taking care of me. Where’s Yongguk??” Bobby ruffles her hair. “Hey! Don’t ruffle my hair like that!” He might be late. Like always he is. Oh there he is!! Oh Hi Chihoon!!” She simply greets me and run towards Yongguk. His hair looks messy a bit and Elle lock his head. “Just looks how well they get well along?? “Bobby smiled when she sees his girl is happy beside Yongguk.

                So what I am going to do to turn the table?? I took a glance at Elle at the back. She was so calm and didn’t bother with the whisper I heard from those girls at right there. Yongguk already gone to somewhere else with Daehyun. Maybe teachers call them. My phone vibrates on my pocket and I immediately take a leave.

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