Pheww~ You SAVE me

Match In Heaven

Elle POV

So nice~ I got changed into Yongguk t-shirt that he gave. So cozy~ I went down with my wet uniform. “Yongguk-ah!!!!You had eaten all the ramen!!”Himchan scream from the kitchen. Ramen Mania always like that. I went to the kitchen and join the others with the dinner. “You didn’t have schedule tomorrow??” Himchan ask me. “No.... I’m in Hiatus right now so I’m focusing in normal life and spent some time on study. Why??” I ask them and start taking some food. “I’m just asking I thought you’re busy since you didn’t come over here often like before” Himchan told me. “Yeah~ already be a must be busy all the time.” Daehyun attack me back. I side eyeing at him. “Don’t sad...I’ll come here often like before. Don’t didn’t even make our friendship broke down...Come on!!” I pinch Himchan cheek. Himchan just smile so wide. Ayyy..This guy has always cute!

                After relaxing with them, it’s time for me to go home now. “See ya soon!” I told them. “Be careful...Are you sure you don’t want me to send you home?” Yongguk ask me as he worries about my safety. “I’m okay~ trust me. Bye Bye!”I walk out from the yard and make my way back.

                On the way home, I feel someone is following me from behind. Impossible its Yongguk. Yongguk had known that I will be okay. I continue my walk back home. Then a bunch of thug comes out from nowhere. I’m flustered. “Hey...look here... a girl. So cute.” Oh come on. I’m about to turn back but I have been surrounded by them. I was taken back and there’s a wall. I’m just praying for someone helps me out. I close my eyes tightly without I know the warmth tears flowing. “Don’t cry....” He caressed my cheeks. “Don’t touch me!! Help!!!” I’m starting scream as loud as I can.

                “Stop there!!!” Then I heard a voice. Thank God... there’s someone! I open my eyes. I was so shock that Chihoon was there. He’s fighting with those thugs and his face got bruised. Those thugs got scared and run away. Chihoon come closer to me. “Elle? Are you okay?? What are you doing this night?” He’s asking me. “I just back home from my friend’s house.” I told him. He helps me to stand up. “Who??Yongguk?? Why he didn’t send you home??Didn’t he know that it’s dangerous for a girl like you to walk home like this??” Chihoon seems like mad. “Chihoon-ah...Not Yongguk fault. It’s my fault though. He willing to send me home but I insisted.” I told him. “You should just accept  he want to send you home. If I’m not take a walk here, you might being . You know right??”He told me. I just nodded my head. “Let’s go...I’ll send you home. I’m a guy so don’t worry much. I won’t do anything on you.” He’s trying to be funny. “Stop trying to be cool idiot. Thank you. From now on I will ask a guy send me home. Satisfied??” I ask him. “Only Yongguk or I other guy..” He’s so cute. “Did you just change your clothes??” He asks me. Oh my god!! I forgot to bring it along. “Oh my school uniform at their house!” I face palm and stop walking. “Their house? Who’s house??” Chihoon ask me weirdly. “BAP’s house. Yongguk house.” I told him. “You get changed there??And this shirt...was....Yongguk shirt??” He seems flustered.

                “Yeah... Why??” I ask him. “Did you guys......???” He’s thinking something else. I kick his shin. “We don’t! That house was lived 6 boys which is my friends. Himchan,Daehyun,Youngjae,JongUp and Zelo including Yongguk. They have two bathrooms. I used Daehyun bathroom since Daehyun can’t share bathroom with others. He won’t even allow it. Come on don’t think dirty!!”I told him. “Then how about your uniform now??” Chihoon ask me. “I have no choice but to turn back. It’s okay for you right??”I went turn back.

                I call Yongguk from outside. “Why you didn’t just get in??” Chihoon ask me. “You want to come in??I don’t want because they would say to sleep over instead. I have some work to do.” She told me. A few minutes then, Yongguk comes out. “Oh...Chihoon SSI....Oh Here your uniform. Are you guys going out or something??”  Yongguk ask me. “Yongguk...” “We just met on the way home. So we have a talk and I suddenly realized I didn’t bring my uniform. He just tags me along.” I told him to make sure that he won’t know anything suspicious. “Really? Okay then... I have to go in...My Ramen already done. Bye.” Then he goes in back. “Don’t eat too much Ramen! It’s not good for you!” I told him. He just raised his hands. I shook my head and went home with Chihoon.

                “How long you guys being friends?” Chihoon ask me. “Hum 5 years now??” I told him. “No wonder you guys close...”Then silent. When arrived at my house, I ask him to come in. “For what?” Chihoon flustered. “Your face... You need to get dressed your wound first before leave or not your family will be worried. Come in.” I told him and lead him.

                “Nice house~Phew~”He praised my house. “Well...It’s good enough for me. Have a sit first I’ll take the aid kit.” I run upstairs.

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