Dinner Time

Is Neverland Paradise?

Hoon led me to the kitchen which was just past the gates I had just entered. Surprisingly there was already a large oak table set up in the middle of the room.

"Hey look who's here." Another man stood up; I'm assuming it's Aj considering he was the only who I hadn't met yet.

Looking back I saw that the garden gates had dissapeared, now being replaced with the gray brick wall.Hoon walked me over to the table, pulling my chair out for me. I gave a small smile, my quiet thank you lobbed in the middle of my throat. Sitting in my chair I looked quietly at my plate, the awkwardness seeping in.

"So, ~~~~~, how has your day been so far?" Soohyun look at me expectantly.

"Oh, uhm, it's been . . . interesting." I thought back to Hoon's elegant wings.

"Would you like to eat in your room?" He tilted his head.

"Oh, no it's alright." I put my hands up, I wouldn't want to offend them.

"No it's perfectly fine, you won't offend us really, it's just that we wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable." He smiled warmly.

"Uhm," I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at me, "sure why not." I smiled as gently as I could, giving in.

Awkwardly I stood up from my chair and made my way to the hall when I remembered that I had no idea where my room was.

"Uhm, wheres my -" Hoon waved his hand and a hallway appeared infront of me at the end was a door, I expect this was my room.

"Thank you." I said sheepishly and trotted to my room. Feeling as if I came off as a snob I opened my door and quietly sat on my bed, waiting to hear the clatter of plates against cutlery outside my door.

I didn't.

Quietly I peep-toed to the door cracking the door open a tiny bit and sticking my head out. All there was was the hall from earlier today. Standing up straight I walked back to my bed and flopped down on it sending a white stuffed rabbit doll flying onto my face.


I picked up the doll and looked at it and was kinda freaked out. I gingerly placed it back on the bed as I admired its somewhat frightening realistic characters. It looked like a real friggin rabbit. 

"Hey there!" It said

"What the !" I fell off the bed and commanded my knife. 

Two seconds had passed and a white furry head slowly loomed over th edge of the bed, its ears pressed tightly against its head.

"I'm sorry." It spoke (okay just like, imagine the voice from something from digimon XD)

"Uhm..." I looked at the bunny as it jumped onto my chest.

"Hi I'm Buster!" It crept closer to my face, seeing as the bunny was no threat I shooed away my knife.

"Hi, uh, Buster." I smiled picking the bunny up and placing him on the floor beside me while he was still talking about himself.

"I thought you were a stuff toy." I whispered to myself, holding out a finger, about to poke the bunny while it was ranting.

"Yea, my favorite food is- hey what do you think your doing!" He jumped and slapped me in the face with his ears.

"Uhm I don't know, maybe being slapped in the face by a live bunny doll!" I said accusingly.

"Thats my disguise!" He said cheerily and hopped off into the hall, magically opening the door.

"Hey get back here I'm lonely!" I said pleadingly, standing up and running after the bunny, only to find myself lost in the hallways.

"Jeez, how do they find their way through here?" I thought aloud as I meandered through the halls, pointlessly as I didn't have an absolute idea as to where I was going. I walked and walked and walked. And ended up getting nowhere. It felt like I hadn't seen a door for ages when I finally stumbled upon one. A hope at last.

I looked around, and pushed open the door, only to find myself in a very bland room consisting of whites, blacks, greys, blues, and the like. The only thing that had actual bright color was the flower on the desk which was a sunny yellow. I walked into the room, closing the door behind me and resting my back on it, letting everything soak in.

Stepping away from the door I walked around the room. There was a large bookshelf, consisting of books, there was a red book with golden seams. Putting my finger at the top of the spine I pulled it away from its home leafing through the pages. 

It was blank.

Dumfounded, I put it back on the shelf, picking a random green one.


I grew curious, grabbing each book and leafing through the pages only to find that each one was blank. No words, no scratches nothing. Flawlessly empty. I looked out the window and saw that it was already night time.

I doubt I'd find my way back to my room.

I sighed, and layed down on the bed, it took me a while before I could actually fall asleep.


I feel like the end of this chapter was pure crap, sorry but i was rushing and i really wanted to post it but dont worry you get a surprise in the morning ;)

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yay an update :D
y u don't update?!
Lol I finally caught up:) please update soon!
Oh my gosh! This is so awesome, honestly~ ♥ My number one bias of all time is Hoon, and this story is giving me a pleasure! LOL Thank you for this XD And by the way, Hoon hasn't been stating his favorite color. :) Yellow is okay ^^ Please update very soon~ This is such a great fic 8D
oh, i forgot to mention this, but i know that i kinda ripped of j.k. rowlings "i open at the close" and changed it to my "i open the close." I was really at a standstill for what i could put, but if i find anything else in the meantime i will be sure to change it ^^ Enjoy!
my vote goes to Hoon!
Wonderbangfan10 #9
I want Hoon! :) So you can make things appear out of nowhere by just thinking? Thats cool! :) Update soon! :)
So Interesting :o