Have I found my decision?

Is Neverland Paradise?

Whoa, marry them? These people are crazy demons and they expect me to marry them!

Hell no.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, since your eager to leaving The Sky." He said calmy.

"But why!" I pressed.

"Why, didn't you want to get out of here?" He looked at me quizzically.

"Yes, I mean that but why do I have to marry you people!" I motioned to Paradise and Neverland.

"Well you don't have to marry someone from there." He said with disgust, his face pointing to Paradise.

"You could marry someone from here." He beamed at me.

"No, I don't want to marry anyone from here because your all crazed demons out to get me!" I shouted.

"Oh, sorry about earlier today its just that we hadn't eaten in a while and you smelled quite delicious- ow!" I threw a pebble at his forehead and started walking back to Paradise.

"You know what, their better than you fairies!" I pointed to Paradise when Kiseop roughly grabbed my arm, his eyes resentful.

"I know you won't listen to this but be warned, they are vile and vicious creatures. I suggest you watch your back." And with that he walked back to Neverland, but after his second step a breeze flew by and he dissapeared into the air, like magic.

"I mean they might be mean but I think I'll take my chances, atleast only one of them tried to kill me!" I called out to nothing as I walked back to Paradise.

"Back I see." I had closed the door when Sungyeol walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulders, leading me to the living room. I had grown to become comfortable around him.

"Yea, after that stupid Kiseop didn't give me much answers or anything really." I huffed.

"Whoa, what did you just say?" Sungyeol turned me to face him as everyone else in the room had started looking at me again. But this time it was different, their expressions looked the same as Kiseop's had.

"I said I talked to Kiseop." I pointed to the door I had just came from.

"Stay away from those people." He looked at me with a face full of concern.


"Don't ask questions, I'm Sunggyu." He said in a rush.

"And I'm Hoya." The muscled man greeted me, he had very sharp canine teeth.

"So sharp." I said not knowing through slit eyes.

"What?" He cocked his head.

"Oh, nothing!" I said and straightened myself up.

"I'm guessing your hungry again." Sungyeol smiled as he rubbed my stomach.

"Hey what are you doing!" I blushed as I backed away and hid my stomach, evidently I had backed up too far.

"Oh, sorry." I was face to face with Woohyun.

Talk about your awkward.

"Look I'm-" We both started off the same way and ended up giggling at the coincidence.

"Hmm, maybe time does heal scars." I turned around to see that Sungjong had put his hands on my shoulder and was smiling.

"Maybe." I had easily warm up to these people, I felt so calm and at ease here. Almost as if I had been here before.

"So, I'm guessing your hungry right?" Sungyeol came in holding a tray of food.

"Uhm, thanks." I gratefully took it but felt really awkward with having everyone there staring at me.

"Well, we'll leave you to your delicious dinner I'm going to bed." Sungyeol yawned and walked up the stairs, a single feather falling out of his jacket, but Sungjong had swiped it up, smiled at me and walked with Sungyeol before I could think anything of it.

Not to soon after did everybody follow his lead, which left me at the covered dining table and the only sounds were the clinking of my silverware. Once finished my meal I sat there and guessed I should go to bed which reminded me.

Where will I sleep?

What will I wear?

I need a shower, I'm not smelling too great right now . .

I wasn't joking about the last one, I mean I was starting to smell really bad, and with the past events lately I've been perspiring alot.

"You can take a shower and sleep upstairs." Myungsoo said to me although I couldn't find him anywhere, his voice just echoed and bounced off the chipped walls.

Thinking that I could take this as some relaxation time I thanked Myungsoo and walked up the stairs, creaking with every step.

How could they have possibly walked up these stairs without creating a ruckus?!

Since every door was closed except for the one down the hall I quietly crept my way down trying hard not to wake the others. I found out that on the bed laid some neatly folded pyjamas with a note beside them.

"Stay cozy ♥" I turned it over and over seeing if there was any other message written but I ended up finding it blank.

Grabbing my soft pyjamas I walked to the bathroom and the tap. Even though the house was old, the utilities worked fine, thank God the bathtub was clean. Waiting for the tub to fill I undressed and wrapped a towel around my waist.

Once the bathtub was almost full, I unwrapped my towel and carefully dipped myself into the tub letting the warm steam relax my tense muscles.

I don't know how long it was but by the time I got out of the bathroom I could feel the big drop in temperature. Thankful for my new pyjamas I climbed into the surprisingly fresh smelling sheets and dozed off to sleep.


Hey look at that an update and now I am going to rant JUST a bit XD Okay, for starters (and no I'm not pointing fingers) if you think that you supposedly know how the story is going to end or how you THINK it should end, then write your own story or something, or if you think that you are not liking how the story is going then please, unsubscribe whatever, all i know is I don't want hurtful sound comments, and if you dont mean to sound hurtful, than baby, reword yo words man!

okay, now that im done ing, how did you guys like the story, yea yea i know why dont we marry them all blawblawblaw but there is a catch, dont you remember them saying dont hang out with those guys and vice versa -_-" okay so keep reading and wait cause its hard for me to update so quickly what with juggling four other stories. Maybe I'll try to update one each week or something? okay sorry about the long authors comment but anyways ENJOY =)



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yay an update :D
y u don't update?!
Lol I finally caught up:) please update soon!
Oh my gosh! This is so awesome, honestly~ ♥ My number one bias of all time is Hoon, and this story is giving me a pleasure! LOL Thank you for this XD And by the way, Hoon hasn't been stating his favorite color. :) Yellow is okay ^^ Please update very soon~ This is such a great fic 8D
oh, i forgot to mention this, but i know that i kinda ripped of j.k. rowlings "i open at the close" and changed it to my "i open the close." I was really at a standstill for what i could put, but if i find anything else in the meantime i will be sure to change it ^^ Enjoy!
my vote goes to Hoon!
Wonderbangfan10 #9
I want Hoon! :) So you can make things appear out of nowhere by just thinking? Thats cool! :) Update soon! :)
So Interesting :o