
Is Neverland Paradise?

Everything felt very . .  tight. As if I was in some sort of bond, or enclosed space.

I opened my eyes and checked to see if they were open since everything was pitch black.

"Looks like your awake." A pair of red hollow eyes stared at my through the darkness, I could already feel the sweat sliding its way down my jaw.

"AJ don't scare her." Another pair of red eyes popped into the dark, but this time it was followed by a pair of white glinting fangs.

I couldn't tell if either of these people were Kevin, each voice sounded the same.

"You know, you smell really good." Something crept its way along the side of my neck as a calypso voice echoed in my ears. A sharp inhale was followed.

"I think I'm gonna go now." I stood up but was forcefully pushed back down.

"Your not going anywhere." Something was holding my arms back from fighting.

"No, let me go!" I shrieked, flailing my legs.

", she kicked me in the balls!" A voice growled.

I kicked in the same area and headbutted whatever was behind me and dashed to the door (where I remembered it) and succesfully found myself in a long hall.

"Get back here!" A voice distantly yelled.

I ended up spraining my ankle on the run down the stairs, but after I was out the door something grabbed my ankle. Or should I say nothing.

Nothing was grabbing my ankle except air.

"Let go!" I scrambled away as deep claws dug into my calf. Running along the path I collapsed at the cross road.

"Oh, we meet again." I looked around to see that it was Sungyeol.

I instantly backed up and hit an evergreen tree, snow fell of the branches and landed on my knees.

"Don't worry we won't hurt you." He slowly got to his knees and inched his way closer to me, I shrunk into a ball.

"Everyone says that, look at me!" I showed him my cut and disheveled hair.

"Don't worry I'll heal that for you, lets go back to the house okay?" He showed me his hand.

"I won't hurt you." He smiled at me.

"No, not after one of your friends tried to grab me." I huffed.

"I'll protect you from Woohyun." He sounded fairly genuine.

"Oh, okay." I hesitantly took his hand as he led me back to Paradise.

"Hey look whose back!" Woohyun opened his arms wide for a hug and started walking to me, instinctively I curled myself into Sungyeols chest.

I could feel Sungyeol shaking his head as Woohyun walked away, shoulders slightly stooped.

"So are you going to eat that sandwich now?" Sungyeol grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.

"I guess." I was looking at everybody else sitting all around the brown couch, all staring at me.

Quickly looking away I walked alongside Sungyeol to the kitchen. Sitting on the edge of a covered table, I watched Sungyeol prepare the sandwiches, which was odd considering the fridge was empty.

"Here you go." He handed me the platter of food that looked like the same one I had declined to eat.

"Thanks." I quickly but carefully nibbled on the sandwiches, since I was still seated Sungyeol bandaged my ankle.

Once finished, I decided to explore the house.Or in this case, stay by Sungyeols side the whole time. I ended up following Sungyeol to the 'living room', everyone was still staring at me. Deciding that I should just ignore them, I sat myself on the floor beside Sungyeol.

"Why are you sitting there?" He grabbed me under my arms and lifted me onto his lap, I was still pretty shaken about the last time I was here so I slowly slid myself off and plopped myself back onto the floor.

"Suit yourself." Sungyeol puffed out his cheek.

For some reason I was at ease here in 'Paradise'. Don't know why considering the first time I had visited Paradise, everyone was still looking at me so to hopefully draw attention away from me, I played with the floor.

"Doesn't seem to bright does she?" I looked up to see the same man who had greeted me with mortal the first time we met, his hair was still in the same coif.

"Excuse me?" I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing." He went back to looking away from me, if only everybody else could take his lead.

"I'm getting out of here." I had enough of Neverland and Paradise, not to mention this , I might as well kill myself.

"Where are you going?" I heard Sungyeol call, I was already out the door.

"Going to go kill myself to get out of this hell hole!" I screamed at him.

I heard him say something else but I was too far away.

Turning on my heel I ran down the path as the green trees morphed back into their dark green state. However once I was at the cross-roads, a third path had opened up. Since I was at the entrance of Paradise, a new path had conjured itself up to my right. This time no sign accompanied it.

Curious, I walked down the path but found nothing but a lake.

"Go figure." I kicked a rock into the lake with a quiet plop and fell onto the ground, landing on my .

"Exhausted I see?" A voice said from nowhere, I quickly turned to see that he was wearing 'Neverland outfits'.

"Where the heck . . " I looked around to see if there was another opening that this man could've come from, but the only one I could find was the one I had just walked.

"I'm Kiseop by the way, nice to meet you." He held out his hand, but I slapped it away.

"Get away from me." I curled my legs to my chest, and buried my head onto my knees.

"I'm sorry about earlier, my friends don't exactly know how to control themselves, well other than Kevin." He seemed to keep talking on and on, and didn't look like he was stopping anytime soon.

"May I ask where I am?" I broke his speech.

"Where we are, well, were nowhere." He stated so matter of factly.

"Yes, nowhere or somehwere, or anywhere." I just stared at him.

"So then what do I exactly call this place?" I asked.

"The Sky, is what most people here call it." He looked upwards.

"The Sky?" I repeated.

"Yes, The Sky." He kept looking upwards.

"May I ask how to get out of "The Sky?"

"Yes." He turned to me.

"Well how." I made myself sound as desperate as possible.

"Can't tell you." He giggled and strided away from me.

"Pfft, fine I'll just go back to the option of killing myself." I said under my breath.

"Can't." He called.

"What, why?" I turned.

"Because even if you tried, you wouldn't die, maybe a couple scrapes here and there but nonetheless perfect health." His back was to me.

"Please tell me, is there any other way, I'm dying to get out of here."

"Well, if your that desperate." He turned and faced me.

"You will have to marry one of us." He smiled a toothy grin.


ohohohohoh, will you marry someone, and if you do, who will you choose!

okay sorry for not having infinite in the story that much , but dont worry the will show up alot in around the next two chapters


Sorry for lamo update, but thanks for stickin with me =), oh and I changed the story to cause i decided that there will be a 'scene' with someone

anyways I'm deciding on who your husband or husband(s) will be, yea thats right MULTIPLE HUBBIES

on other news, I got braces and they stink, ANYWAYS comment below, its always nice to get feedback!

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yay an update :D
y u don't update?!
Lol I finally caught up:) please update soon!
Oh my gosh! This is so awesome, honestly~ ♥ My number one bias of all time is Hoon, and this story is giving me a pleasure! LOL Thank you for this XD And by the way, Hoon hasn't been stating his favorite color. :) Yellow is okay ^^ Please update very soon~ This is such a great fic 8D
oh, i forgot to mention this, but i know that i kinda ripped of j.k. rowlings "i open at the close" and changed it to my "i open the close." I was really at a standstill for what i could put, but if i find anything else in the meantime i will be sure to change it ^^ Enjoy!
my vote goes to Hoon!
Wonderbangfan10 #9
I want Hoon! :) So you can make things appear out of nowhere by just thinking? Thats cool! :) Update soon! :)
So Interesting :o