To Fetch or To Be Fetched

Is Neverland Paradise?

I rolled over, only to feel a strong force surrounding my waist. I looked up and saw that I was in the arms of Hoon.

"What the-" I pushed him but instead pushed myself and landed on the ground.

"Hmm, what?" He looked over the bed and saw me on the floor rubbing my sore tailbone.

"Why were you sleeping with me?" I said in an accusing tone.

"Well," He started and I gave him a look, "it's customary for people to sleep in their own rooms in their own bed." He said matter of factly, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Wait, YOU sleep here?" My eyes widened as I looked around the bland room.

"Well, it is my room." He stated once again.

"Cause it's just so, bland." I stated, making a slight face.

"Well I am so sorry I'm not, what do you call it, a designer." He chuckled as he motioned to his bland room.

I put my hands on my lap as I fiddled with them looking around the room to interest myself with. I heard steps approaching the room and the door swung open revealing Kevin in a bathrobe, carrying two wooden buckets.

I bit the inside of my lip as I tried to stifle my roaring laugh, my chest rising up a little repeatedly. 

Kevin noticed and scolded me, "Shush it, we're out of water okay!" He turned to Hoon to the last part, expecting him to understand what he meant without giving a whole anthology.

As Hoon was about to get up I stood up immediately an idea popping into my head, "I'll do it!".

I could both tell that they were giving me "Are you serious" looks.

"Well why not?" I cheerfully protested as I stood up and walked past Kevin grabbing the pails out of his hands as I walked out into the hallway, only to stop halfway because I didn't know where I was going.

I turned around, "Hey do you guys-" Kevin pointed at the wall infront of me and it magically turned into a large wooden door, the doors creaking open.

"Thank you!" I smiled back at him thankfully as I weaved my way through the doors and traveled to the lake. Every step of the way the buckets would bump against my thighs. Finally reaching the lake, I set down one of the buckets and bent down, scooping up some water. Surprisingly the water was a lot more clearer than I thought.

After filling both the buckets to the brim, I stood up and held the handles. Right when I was about to walk back to Neverland, something clamped over my mouth, while something else wrapped around my waist. I inhaled sharply only to not even inhale at all. I dropped the buckets as they bounced and rolled away, the water spilling everywhere. I gripped the 'clamp' on my mouth only to find that it was a hand. 

My eyebrows arched angrily as I commanded gun and pointed it to where I assumed the attacker's head would be.

"Hey, watch where you point that thing!" Sungyeol screeched. My gun dissapeared in a blue wisp as I felt it surge back into my arm.

Gripping Sungyeol's forearm, I twisted him around and faced him, "Why exactly are you attacking me?" I half-yelled at him.

"Because I am going to get you out and away from that wretched place!" He hissed at me.

"You mean Neverland, there's nothing wrong with Neverland!" I retorted.

"The only wretched place I know, is that one!" I pointed to Paradise.

"It doesn't even live to the name!" I directed my hand angrily to the pathway behind Sungyeol.

"Crap they're coming." He whispered quickly.

"What, who-" Right when I turned around to see who was coming, Sungyeol had placed his hand on my forehead and I instantly passed out.



I opened an eye, only to look at the ceiling of the room I was staying in at Paradise. 

"Ugh." I threw an arm over my eyes to block out the sunlight shooting through the window. My head was slightly pulsing.

"God, I need advil or something." Dizzily, I sat up, instantly regretting it.

I squinted over my eyes, only to see that I was all alone in my room.

"Atleast they're not watching me while I sleep."

Unless they left once I woke up. Now that would be creepy. I groaned as I haphazardly stood up off the bed, walking to the bathroom to wash my face. Bending over the sink I washed my face. Relishing in the cold feeling that would embrace my face. Once done, I turned the tap off, blindly reaching around for a towel that I had forgotten to grab. 

"Looking for something?"

I opened my eyes and saw in the mirror that Myungsoo was standing behind me, twirling a towel on his index finger.

I flinched, only to calm down with a deep sigh. "Thanks." I said grumpily as I snatched the towel from him, patting my face dry.

"Hey do you know where -" But he was gone, silent as the wind.

"Well then." Carelessly throwing the towel near the sink, I carefully trotted down the stairs. Not wanting another bad run in with anyone else. Only to reach the bottom of the stairs did I find that no one else was home. All empty, even void of Myungsoo who was here just a couple seconds ago. Pushing aside the lost presence of other people, I made my way to the kitchen. Hungrily walking over to the refridgerator. I plucked off the hastily written note.

The ripped paper read,  ' Out to get food, stay hungry  ^^ '

"Great," I carelessly threw away the note, " I'm starving." I sat down on the cloth covered table. 

"Maybe I'll go explore, I'm sure they won't mind." I said sneakily, rolling my eyes, only to stop at the window. 

Jumping off the table I scurried off to the backyard. Which, coincidentily was the field I had been led to by Hoya before I discovered that I could materialize weapons just by thought. Well some weapons. I always wondered where they went. I mean, I knew that there was a connection from something to something, shown by the blue jagged spark that would happen.

A cold breeze blew past and I rubbed my arm, warming away the goosebumps. However in doing this, I caught a glance at something on my ring finger. At first I thought it was just some dirt, but in reality, it was a tiny outline of the gun I always used. the tattoo in wonder, I figured that the 'connection' would now go from my finger to my hand.

Holding out my hand, palm up, from the tattoo to the center of my palm a jagged blue spark connected the two. I could already feel the weight the of the gun. The gun was forming from the inside out, turning blue to the natural grey and silver. 
I tightened my grip around the gun, relishing in its mechanics. I inhaled sharply as I raised both my arms and aimed my gun, facing it far into the forest. I pulled the trigger. I swear it was the most spectacular thing I could've done.
The bullet turned an bright electric blue, it seemed to spark with anticipation as I fired it into the forest.. In a 30 cm radius surrounding the bullet was a ring, matching the same color as the bullet. It whizzed off into the forest, only to split a tree in half.
"Oh !" I laughed half-heartedly as I looked at the tree. 
"Well, that was unexpected." I swayed on the balls of my feet, putting a hand on my hip as I admired my handiwork. 
"Well yes it was." 
I stiffened as I turned around and hid my gun behind my back. I could feel the weight lightening as I imagined it transfering back into the tattoo.
"We got food so if you want to come inside and eat." Sungjong waved me over.
"Oh, yes, I'm absolutely starving!" Walking over gleefully, I followed Sungjong into the house.
Unto following Sungjong in the house, however, I noticed that he took a slight backwards glance at the tree behind me, a tiny smirk playing on his lips. Continuing to follow him into the house, I could hear the clatter of plates and cutlery on the table. Not to mention the bickering going on between Sungyeol and Myungsoo.
"No, that goes there you idiot." Myungsoo 'tsked'.
"Yah, who you calling idiot, idiot!" Sungyeol squawcked. I giggled at the sight when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Woohyun offering me a plate with utensils on top.
"Oh, uh thanks." I smiled politely and took the plate from him not meeting his eyes. Still standing in the same postitions we both turned slightly to the sides when, 
"Look, I'm sorry-" We both started.
"You go first-" We continued, only to laugh off the awkwardness.
"Okay how about this," I raised my hand in a surrender, "let's just have a clean slate and go our merry way." Holding out my hand, I raised an eyebrow. Waiting for Woohyun to take it.
"Deal." He said with a smile and clapped my hand, shaking it enthusiastically.
"Yay, let's eat!" Dongwoo walked past us, twirling as he went to the dinner table. I looked at Woohyun, giving him an eyebrow rise. He just responded with a look that seemed to say, 'Don't worry, he's always like that.'. He shrugged it off as he continued on his on way to the dinner table. Me awkwardly trailing behind him.
I was standing alongside the table, scanning the foods as I wondered what I should get when Sungjong popped up beside me.
"The pasta is absolutely magnificent." He nodded, agreeing with himself.
Giving a light chuckle I decided to take his word for it, scooping myself a serving of some cheesy pasta. I guess everybody could sense that I felt a bit awkward, Sunggyu especially.
"~~~~~, don't worry we aren't going to attack you like last time." He gave me a tiny, reassuring smile. But reassured I felt.
I guess when I shook hands with Woohyun, in a sense I shook hands with everybody.
ew. this ending is horrendous. please excuse me for my failing stupidity as a terrible author. ugh
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yay an update :D
y u don't update?!
Lol I finally caught up:) please update soon!
Oh my gosh! This is so awesome, honestly~ ♥ My number one bias of all time is Hoon, and this story is giving me a pleasure! LOL Thank you for this XD And by the way, Hoon hasn't been stating his favorite color. :) Yellow is okay ^^ Please update very soon~ This is such a great fic 8D
oh, i forgot to mention this, but i know that i kinda ripped of j.k. rowlings "i open at the close" and changed it to my "i open the close." I was really at a standstill for what i could put, but if i find anything else in the meantime i will be sure to change it ^^ Enjoy!
my vote goes to Hoon!
Wonderbangfan10 #9
I want Hoon! :) So you can make things appear out of nowhere by just thinking? Thats cool! :) Update soon! :)
So Interesting :o