Different Impressions

Is Neverland Paradise?

I woke up on the floor, my body now sore from the stone tiles.

"Is the floor more comfortable than the bed?" I turned around and saw that a very tall, toned male was at my door holding a tray of food.

"Huh, no, I think I fell on the floor." I rested my head on the cold flagstones.

"Oh, well I came to bring your breakfast." He held up the tray and placed it on the bed, then closing the door on his way out.

He left so quickly I couldn't even say thanks.

After sorely regaining my stance, I sat on the bed and picked at the food. Eggs and bacon. Hastily I ate the food seeing as I hadn't eat in almost a day or two.

"I see you're liking the food." I jumped a bit and dropped my fork onto my plate.

"Sorry did I frighten you?" The man from earlier asked.

"Just a bit." Relaxed, I picked up my fork and finished my meal.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself; I'm Hoon." He held out his hand. I raised an eyebrow before returning the favor.

"You know I don't bite." He winked at me before picking up my now empty tray. 

I just sat there, watching him.

"C'mon outside, you can explore the castle if you'd like." He stood up and walked out the door.

"The castle?" I called.

"Yes, we changed the house overnight, the 'modern' thing didn't really work out for us." He smiled and slightly bowed before leaving into a long corridor that I didn't bother going through. Alone that is.

I was following Hoon; silver, white, and grey tapestries dressed the walls as torches lit the way.

"Oh, I didn't know you were following me." Hoon nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Yea, I didn't know where to go and I didn't want to get lost so I figured I would just follow you." I smiled back nervously, hoping I didn't look like a total idiot.

"Well, everyone is doing their own stuff, so you can go to the garden if you'd like." Hoon pointed at the window.

I looked outside the window, large everygreen trees were the border of flowered hills. 

"I'd love to but-" I looked back to where Hoon was supposed to be, now an empty space.

So there I was, standing in an empty kitchen, not knowing where this so called 'garden' was. A butterfly flew in and landed infront of me, slowly fluttering its wings.

"Oh," surprised from where it came from, I asked, knowing it was useless, "and where did you come from?" 

It rose into the air, taking off in the direction of the window, now a gate.

The gate was silver, topped with gold bobbles. In the middle was a tiny indent in the shape of a butterfly.

"Aw, how am I supposed to do this now?" I rattled the gates, noticing that I was wearing a small butterfly shaped ring. Small enough to fit into the hole.

Where did this come from?

It was gold, unlike everything else in the castle. It antennae were diamonds, engraved on the edges of its wings were, ' I open the close'.

Knowing what it meant, I slipped off my ring and fit in into the shape. It locked into place, causing some sparks to fly out. Something clicked and the ring flew back onto my finger.

In awe, I pushed open the gates, feeling the tall grass brush against my legs, but as soon as I felt this, the valley changed with a sweeping movement. Instead of grass, the whole ground was covered with blue bells.

Picking up a flower, I saw that the butterfly from earlier was sitting on it, it never stirred with any movement I made.

"I see your liking the garden." I jumped, turned around and commanded my gun.

"Oh, its just you." I sighed, the gun dissapeared with a 'poof', the butterfly was flying away.

"I also see that you have mastered your weaponry." Hoon grabbed a blue bell and tucked it into my hair.

"Yea, all I have to do is 'summon' it and its there." I thought, thinking of the time when I put a knife to Soohyun's throat.

"Well atleast you don't have to carry them around." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

Soon, a wind picked up and it somehow untied the ribbon in my hair, it sent the fabric flying into a tree. My hair fell in ringlets around my shoulders.

I sighed, and walked towards it when Hoon stuck his hand out infront of me.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." He slightly crouched and I saw that there were two rips in the back of his shirt.

"Uhm, Hoon your -" Two wings popped out of his back, they resembled the butterflys wings.

He jumped off the ground a flew to the tree, grabbed my hairtie, flew back down, and handed it to me.

"Uh, thanks." I stared at Hoon's wings, at a loss for words.

"Would you like to touch them?" He cocked his head, watching me.

"Huh, oh no, I'm uh, fine thanks." I said in a rush, startled.

He laughed, taking steps closer to me, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his wings.

It felt like silky velvet, like mist. The sun caught the colors in his wing's like stained glass. But the color that stood out the most was yellow, I'm guessing thats his favorite color. The wing tips stuck out in a wispy formation, and each wing was composed of three small ones, making it look more elegant than it already did. 

I didn't notice that I was looking at it for a long time, I could tell by Hoon's facial expression that he was getting bored.

"Oh, sorry." I retracted my hand and stepped back.

"Huh, no its okay." He gave me a smile.

"If you guys are done flirting, you can come and eat now!" I heard someone calling from the castle.

"That's Aj, and we really should be getting inside now." He took my hand as he led me back into the kitchen.


Yay! new years present! by the way, im not ENTIRELY sure if this is hoons favorite color, i googled it and everything but i couldnt find it T^T so i just picked a color that nobody else liked yet so uhhh yea, if you do know hoons favorite color please comment below and i wil change accordingly ^^

anywhore, this question is getting redundant, but are you guys liking the story so far? sorry i had to cut it short here its just that I wanted to finish it and i was like REALLY EAGER to finish it and it will pick up on the next chapter so dont worry =) also sorry if i couldnt explain much on the wings either =/ again, i rushed this chapter in the hoped to finish it soon

have a great new years everybody!

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yay an update :D
y u don't update?!
Lol I finally caught up:) please update soon!
Oh my gosh! This is so awesome, honestly~ ♥ My number one bias of all time is Hoon, and this story is giving me a pleasure! LOL Thank you for this XD And by the way, Hoon hasn't been stating his favorite color. :) Yellow is okay ^^ Please update very soon~ This is such a great fic 8D
oh, i forgot to mention this, but i know that i kinda ripped of j.k. rowlings "i open at the close" and changed it to my "i open the close." I was really at a standstill for what i could put, but if i find anything else in the meantime i will be sure to change it ^^ Enjoy!
my vote goes to Hoon!
Wonderbangfan10 #9
I want Hoon! :) So you can make things appear out of nowhere by just thinking? Thats cool! :) Update soon! :)
So Interesting :o