Chapter 2

My Street Dancing Wife

Eunhyuk went back to his work and finished everything off. He was exhausted and tired, but nothing was worse than knowing the fact he just got rejected. This is the first time anyone has ever said no to him and it was a total shock. He got out of the company, planning to go home.

"Sir is everything okay?" asked the driver opened the door for Eunhyuk to enter

Eunhyuk shrugged and said nothing until they got moving. "No. Everything is not okay."

"What's wrong?" the driver questioned

"It's just..." sighed Eunhyuk


"Someone caught my attention that's all." Eunhyuk continued "I still can't believe what she did to me though."

"What did she do?"

"Rejected me!" he remarked "No one rejected me before. Not even my own parents."

The driver began to laugh uncontrollably. "It's natural to be rejected Eunhyuk. You just never experienced it before."

"It feels weird," he confessed "yet why do I feel happy?"

"Who knows." answered the driver "You are a weird person you know that Eunhyuk?"

The rest of the car ride was silent. Finally they had reached Eunhyuk's mansion. It had 2 floors and held an enormous pool in the back, not to mention the huge master bed Eunhyuk lived in. Also, there is a balcony that has the most beautiful view of the moon and stars.

"Have a nice day Eunhyuk." said the driver

"I still wonder why you won't let me call you by your name." laughed Eunhyuk

"When you were little you called me driver so I am quite used to it. I can't imagine you saying my name any other way." smiled the driver

Eunhyuk got out of the car by himself and headed inside the mansion. He headed straight to the kitchen to serve himself some red wine. Maybe this can help me forget about her... Eunhyuk walked up the stairs to the balcony. He placed the glass of wine on the table, making his way towards the railings, staring into the vast night. Just when he felt he was finally relaxed, his phone starts ringing.

"What." said Eunhyuk disappointed he couldn't have alone time

"Oppa fo you want to go clubbing with me?" asked Gyuri in the highest pitch possible

Eunhyuk sighed. "Gyuri I'm not in a good mood today. Maybe tomorrow."

"But you promised today!" she whined "Do you want to have with me or what?"

Eunhyuk shrugged. Why does she always threaten that out of all things? She knows that she's just any other booty call out there right? Does she really think I care for her? Well... she does have a better body than other girl's I've been with and she is a fine booty call...

"Fine. I'll be there in a few." concluded Eunhyuk

Gyuri squealed in delight. "Okay!"

Eunhyuk ended the phone call and sighted to himself. Why is my life so hard? He made his way to the walk in closet and grabbed whatever was on top of the drawers. Putting on the white V neck and black skinny jeans, Eunhyuk quickly slipping into his dark blue converse and called for the driver.


After 30 minutes of driving, Eunhyuk arrived a the club. He saw the long line and smirked to himself as he went to the entrance. The body guard nodded once he saw Eunhyuk and allowed him to go inside. Eunhyuk walked slowly not really trying to find Gyuri or even care to call her on his phone. I'm in a club so should I have a one night stand or have the same woman I had yesterday? Maybe mom and dad was right... I might need to down down if I want to have a solid position as CEO, but the longest relationship I've had was with Gyuri, and we aren't even dating. Ehh who cares about this right now. I'll get a wife later; every girl wants me.

When Eunhyuk made his way to the bar, he can see that all the women was looking at him wither winking or trying to seduce him with their dancing.He sat on the chair and ordered a martini. The bartender smirked as he made the drink, making sure the alcohol was extra strong. Maybe I've been to this club to many times... Even the bartender knows what I drink. As Eunhyuk met the glass with his lips, his hand shook pouring some of the drink to the floor. Thank god I dodged that on time. What the hell? Why did everyone yell? He placed the drink down and headed to where the big circle held, the cause of the noise. His mouth dropped when he saw her...

"Let's go Hyoyeon!" cheered one of the guys

Eunhyuk clenched his teeth in distaste. How do these people know her? Eunhyuk felt a pang of jealousy, but placed all of his attention back on Hyoyeon., Man she is beautiful... Hyoyeon moved from left to right pop locking perfectly, and nailing even dance step. Man she is wearing the same outfit from this afternoon, but why do I still feel so ? The guys joined Hyoyeon ending the dance by all of them doing a back flip.

When the song ended, people threw in 10s, 20s, 50, and even 100s, but no one put in a 1 or 5. The dancers didn't pick up the money but bowed while the workers to collect. When they were done collecting the money and saying their thankyous, everyone moved back into the circle and continued clubbing. Eunhyuk saw each of the three workers take 100 and gave the dancers the rest.

Hyoyeon's eyes widened. Why the hell is he doing here? What was his name again? Is he like a stalker? Hyoyeon chose to make a run for it and Eunhyuk chased after her.

"Oppa there you are!" exxcalimed Gyuri

Eunhyuk broke contact with Gyuri and ran after Hyoyeon. He saw her blonde hair but as he reached the exit, she was no where in sight. Damn! Why am I so unlucky today?! Eunhyuk went back to the club and spotted Gyuri, who crossed her arms. Her brows were furrowed and she clearly was not in a good mood. Oh great.

"Oppa did you ditch me just now?" questioned Gyuri

"Ditch you? No way would I do that." scoffed Eunhyuk

"But you left me alone just now!" she screamed

"Aish!" responded Eunhyuk "I'm not in a good mood today Gyuri and either you can sleep with me tonight or I get someone else."

"Am I just some person you can toy with and play around?" snapped Gyuri "Is that all I am to you Eunhyuk? A ing booty call?"

"Oh and she has a brain ladies and gents." Eunhyuk said sarcastically

"You know what? Were through!" concluded Gyuri

Eunhyuk laughed. "There was never a we in the first place."

He saw Gyuri running out of the club and crying. Eunhyuk shrugged feeling a little guilty, but other than that nothing. I guess I gotta find another woman to be a candidate for my wife... A woman stepped towards Eunhyuk.

"You need some company?" she asked biting her lip "You much be quite lonely after that girl just ran out."

Eunhyuk grinned. You know what? I'll take care of the wife thing tomorrow, but first... "Yes I do need some company, for the whole night."

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Foreversnsd01 #1
Chapter 10: Please update this story !! I really curious about what is going to happen next
chinbaby #2
Chapter 10: When will you update? I miss the story.. :(
Hyoyeonthequeen #3
Chapter 10: Update soon!!!
kim_032 #4
Chapter 10: Kai likes Hyo??!
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^
zoewaders #6
Chapter 9: Oh my gee.... I LOVE this STORY!!! UPDATE SOOON!!!
chinbaby #7
Chapter 9: Oh MY GOD. This is great. Keep updateeeee, love youuuu~~~
Really really need hyohyuk moments hmmmm
Chapter 9: Hyohyuk ♡♡♡♡. I missed them so much. Thank you for doing such a great story. Update soon ^^
dala_llama #9
Chapter 9: lmao good story, please update soon!
kim_032 #10
Chapter 9: Haha HyoHyuk so cute please update soon..