Chapter 33

You Who Came From The Stars

Mei didn't know how she spent the night without bursting with excitement. She hurried through her studies so she wouldn't have to skip on her beauty sleep – she needed to look her best tomorrow. And she hurried through the test as well, finishing well before time so she could rush back to the dorm and go through a 2-hour beauty special Tiffany had so generously offered.

'Are you sure this will work?' she asked Tiffany anxiously, her feet resting in hot water for an impromptu pedicure.

'Of course, babe.' Tiffany smeared a large dollop of one of her numerous beauty products on Mei's face and began massaging. 'Trust me on this.'

'Is my hair okay?' she wondered aloud, 'I don't need a trim, do I?'

'It's okay. Now shut up or you'll have lines on your face.' She shut up quickly and let Tiffany do her work. After the massage, she went in for a long bath, soaking and relaxing. It felt good because she was tired after a week of hard study but soon, she had other worries. Like the sudden downpour that started outside. She wished with all her might it would stop soon.

And if that wasn't bad enough, she had no idea what the hell to wear?

'This?' she looked at herself in the mirror. 'Nope, too funky.'

'How about this?' Tiffany threw her one of her party wears. It was shiny and sparkly and obviously meant for clubs.

'Too fancy.' She dumped it in the ever increasing pile of clothes, then grabbed her hair, now having a full blown panic attack. 'I have nothing!!!' she screamed. 'Nothing to wear! Oh god, what should I do????'

Her phone rang just then. 'Sehun!'

'I'm going now! Have fun!' Tiffany stepped out of the room. Mei ignored her.

'Ya, where did you run off too?' Sehun asked, speaking loudly. There was a lot of noise behind him. 'I thought we'd hang out today since it's the last test and all…'

'Hey Mei!!!' someone else screamed into the phone. 'Come on over and party with us!'

'Get the hell off me, Baekhyun!' Sehun growled, then came back online. 'Sorry about that. Where are you?'

'In hell!' she replied, getting worked up again. 'I have nothing to wear!'

'Why're you telling this to me?' Sehun snapped, sounding like he was flushing. 'I have no interest in knowing what you're wearing or not. Keep that sort of talk for Luhan and Kai… oomph!' His voice faded a bit. 'Ouch… what the hell?'

'That's not how you talk to girls.' Baekhyun reprimanded him before talking to her. 'Hello Mei, we meet again.'

'Uh yeah. Not to be rude or anything but can you please give the phone back to Sehun? I need advice!'

'Hmm, that cub is no good when it comes to fashion.' Baekhyun told her. 'What you need is a little lesson from Auntie Baek.'

'And Uncle Chen!' Chen's voice was easily heard over the background noise. 'Now tell us, what do you need help with?'

'I have nothing to wear!' she told them.

'Oh, stop it now!' Baekhyun giggled. 'We can flirt later… hey!'

'Get your mind out of the gutter, you !' Chen told him, then, 'Hey Mei! Nothing to wear, huh? That's tough. What's your wardrobe status?'

'Empty and all clothes on the floor. I can't decide!' She was nearing tears now.

'Well, how about you do something new? Make a statement?' he suggested seriously.

'Oh, that’s a good idea. We'll be right over!' Baekhyun yelled, then the call ended. She stared at her phone in her hand, unable to comprehend. Had he just hung up on her?

Great, just great! She sighed, slumping on her bed. Now I'll never be ready on time. She still had a couple of hours but like, she wanted to blow his mind. She was sniffing, getting ready for a good old crying session when suddenly, there were loud noises – stomping feet, if she wasn't wrong and loud obviously male giggles that were unheard of in the girls' dorm – in the corridor.

She'd just opened the door curiously when three people came crashing in, a tangle of arms and legs that rolled into the center of her room before stopping. Kai followed more serenely, hands in his pockets and smiled awkwardly. 'Hey.'

She blinked, looking from Kai to the tangle – which consisted of Sehun, Chen and Baekhyun – and back again. 'How did you…?'

'I used my womanly charms!' Baekhyun announced, standing up and dusting himself off. 'See, I told you we could totally pull it off.'

'Get off me!' Sehun pushed Chen off roughly, crashing him onto the bed. 'Geez, why the hell am I wearing this?'

'We're all women here!' Baekhyun snapped at him. 'Now get in touch with your inner girl and help your friend.'

He turned to smile at Mei. Mei stared in shock, then finally broke down. She laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks.

Baekhyun was wearing a hastily crafted wig – it hung over his face in terrible locks and made him like a hag. As if that wasn't enough, he'd added who knew what to make fake s – they were all askew now. Topping it all, however, was the way he'd knotted his shirt right beneath the fake s and she had to admit he looked pretty womanly, especially since the jeans hugged his rather curvy perfectly – long as you ignored the terrible hair.

Chen and Sehun were similar – except Sehun's lack of fake s, they were identical to Baekhyun. Sehun looked like he'd been forced into it though, his lips were pinched and his normally angry face looked positively threatening. He looked like a hot, psychotic babe with a flat chest.  

'You guys are the best!' she told them when she was able to catch her breath. Baekhyun smiled prettily. 'Thank you. At least someone appreciates my ingenuity.'

'Why am I wearing this?' Sehun whined again, unable to unknot his shirt – Baekhyun had tied it exceptionally tight.

'Shut up and ponder on womanhood.' Chen told him. He was checking himself out in the mirror. 'Baek, I think this hair is totally my look.' Among the three, his wig sat most perfectly. 'It totally brings out my cheekbones.'

'It does!' Baekhyun nodded enthusiastically.

'Why am I with these idiots?' Kai sounded embarrassed. He hadn't moved from his position, right in front of the door.  

'You make great women and all and I hate to interrupt your self-admiration but can somebody please tell me what to wear?' she asked the room at large.

'Oh, yeah!' Snapping his fingers, Baekhyun picked up a bag she hadn't noticed until now. It was bulging. 'Here, try some of this stuff out. We gathered all we could at such short notice but it's sure to help…'

He opened the zip and she stared in awe as a whole collection of clothes fell out. She blinked at some of the more risqué pieces – like the bunny bikini which Baekhyun whipped away with a hurried 'Ignore that'. The clothes were a mixture of male and female clothing, she thought she spied someone's underwear in their as well. 'Where did you get all that?' she asked.

'Oh just random stuff that was lying about.' Chen shrugged. She wondered who wore the playboy swimsuit, then looked away. 'I see, um… where should I start?'

'Wear this!' Baekhyun threw a black, goth-styled Victorian dress, complete with a black veil at her.

'Ya, she's going on a date, not funeral!' Chen pulled it out of her hands. 'Who suggested this anyway?'

'D.O. I called him to ask if he had any ideas. He told me it'd be for my funeral.'

'Figures.' He rummaged through the mess on the floor. 'Aha! Here, put this on!'

She blinked at the flowery patterned leggings and slinky, shimmery top with strings and beads glittering all over. It looked actually good and she wondered if she could make it work. Then, Chen handed her pink cotton socks with cartoon characters on it. 'And this is the statement.' He told her seriously. 'You're incomplete without these socks.'

'Um…' she was at a loss. This fashion advice seemed a bit drastic to her. Baekhyun threw her a warm scarf. 'That should be the proper statement.'

'Snow boots!' Sehun announced, throwing some in her direction. Wow, there are boots in here as well? 'And cowboy hat!' A hat landed as well.

'No, give her the sombrero!' Baekhyun told Sehun excitedly, holding one up.

'Pfft, sombre-whato?' Sehun sniggered, looking at the large hat in his hand. He whipped out a plumed hat. 'This one's way better.'

'Wear a fedora!' Chen advised from his place on the floor, throwing one at her. 'I wear it all the time – does great things to your cheeks.'

'And let's see… here, this, this and this!'

 She caught the things that were thrown at her – a shiny, mercuric pair of leather pants, chaps, a miniskirt, a summer frock, another Victorian dress, a small top, a cheerleader uniform and who knew what else.

She backed a little, feeling more overwhelmed than she'd before. They were sincere, she knew, but this was getting to be a little too much. The hand on her shoulder made her jump and drop everything.

'Relax.' Kai told her, his voice soothing and sincere. 'Just be yourself. He likes you the way you are, so just be that – you're beautiful, regardless of what you wear.'

She stared at him in awe.

'Ka… Kai!' She threw her arms around him, hugging him. 'Ohmygod, thank you! I so needed to hear that!'

'Wow that was so sweet!' Chen's stage whisper echoed in the suddenly silent room.

'Yeah, I think I fell for him a little.' Baekhyun replied in an equally loud whisper. They edged closer, staring at them intensely. Suddenly aware of the way her arms were wrapped around Kai – who'd stiffened at first but then hugged her back – she let go of him.

'Don't mind us, we're just doing our work!' Chen called, randomly picking up something to it back into the bag.

'Yeah, totally.' Baekhyun agreed, his eyes fixed on them and he randomly grabbed Sehun's shirt and started ing him into the bag.

'Lemmego!' Choking and obviously having had enough, Sehun dragged Baekhyun down with him. They rolled on the floor, completely entangled again.

'I'm sorry, I got a little carried away…' she muttered, flushing a little. That weight on her chest was back, her heart racing and she quickly reminded herself, it's just pheromones.

'That's okay.' Kai shrugged, looking uncomfortable as well. 'Um… I guess we should leave now.'

'That would be great, yes.' She nodded, not meeting his eyes. 'Thanks for the help.'

'No problem.' He told her, then grabbed Chen and Baekhyun by their necks. 'Later.'

'What, we're leaving so soon?' Baekhyun whined.

'What about our stuff?' Chen wailed.

'She'll return it.' Sehun snapped, finally able to straighten his shirt. He shook off the wig. 'We're leaving, right now!' He stopped in the doorway. 'See you later.'

She merely nodded, not looking up until she heard the door close. It was after they'd gone and she was cleaning up the mess on the floor that she realized what had just happened.

How the hell had they managed to get in, in the first place? Fake s or not, there was no way they could've fooled the entrance guards and never the dorm warden. And how did they leave? They'd just stepped out, talking and bickering loudly and the next moment, silence.  And even more important, who the hell was the owner of this neon green G-string?

Shaking her head, because it felt like it'd burst again, she gave up on cleaning and went back to dressing up. She had less than an hour now, having wasted all the time in panic attacks and almost fashion disasters so now, she was going to take Kai's advice – just pheromones, she reminded herself again – and dress like she usually did.

Luhan's mind would still be blown to bits because she was beautiful and the world could go on that.


'I'm not overdressed, am I? Luhan stood at the foot of the stairs, turning around so they could inspect him. Again.

He'd returned some time ago, muddy and messy from soccer practice in the rain. He had to leave in thirty minutes but after showering and cleaning up, he was stuck with clothes.

'Yes, you are.' Xiumin told him, not bothering to look up.

'Ya, you didn't even look!' Luhan threw a balled up pair of socks at him. He ducked and it hit Lily. 'Sorry, that wasn't meant for you!' He called.

'It's cool.' Lily kicked it back at him. 'I don't know why you're worrying – you guys hang out all the time, what's the problem?'

'I'm not like you two!' Luhan told her. She rolled her eyes as Xiumin covered up his laugh with a cough.

Despite her insistence, he'd refused to reveal the truth of their relationship to Luhan as it was – strictly professional with occasional, weird favors thrown in. Luhan was convinced they were together and now that he was making what he called a 'serious commitment', he sought her out to get her opinion. 'I don't ask Xiumin because I think he'll trick me.' He'd told her. Well, his instincts were right about that.

'You two work together all the time and make it seem so natural.' He continued, fixing up his cuffs and collar. 'You're like a married couple.'

Lily threw a dirty look at Xiumin before nodding sympathetically. This was what he got her into. He was silently laughing, holding his sides – tricking Luhan really cracked him up.

'But Mei and I…' he gulped, suddenly nervous. 'It's our first date!' He whispered, looking terrified at the prospect. 'What if I screw up?'

'Seriously!' Lily took pity on him. 'Get out of that tux unless you're taking her to a fancy restaurant.' Luhan looked down at his black tuxedo. 'But… isn't black a classic?'

'Did you perhaps ask D.O for fashion advice?' Xiumin asked from his place where he was doing the books.

'No, should I? I looked it up on the internet – things you can never go wrong with or something like that. They said black's a classic…'

'Just dress as you normally do. Be casual.' Lily told him, patting his back. 'It'll make her comfortable because she'll be nervous too, right?'

'Right.' Luhan nodded, then went upstairs. 'Casual…'

'What's his deal?' Lily asked Xiumin, sitting in front of him. 'Isn't he, like, really popular with girls?'

'Yeah, he is and that's probably the problem.' Xiumin shut his ledger. 'It's usually the girls who ask him out.'

'Really? Mei's special, then.'

'Yeah. Guess that's why he's so nervous.'

'Is this okay?' They turned around to see Luhan and burst out laughing.

'Why? Why?' he asked. 'Didn't you say casual?'

'I said normal and casual… not that!'

Luhan was wearing his favorite Bermuda shorts – the ones he lounged around in most days, faded and running a little ragged now – and flip-flops which were normally kept for bathroom use. His t-shirt was the one he'd worn this morning.

'Can I help him?' Lily looked at Xiumin, asking his permission to go upstairs. Xiumin shrugged. 'Is that okay?' He asked Luhan.

'Will you? Oh thank you, you're the best.'

'Sure.' She went to his room and rummaged through his clothes – most of which were out of the wardrobe and on the floor. She took out pair of blue straight legged jeans, a graphic t-shirt and threw those at him. 'Put these on. If you want to add accessories, just wear a watch or a bracelet, and put something in that ear. Piercings are hot.'

'You sure?' he was eyeing his dress up critically. 'This seems so… normal.'

'Normal's good.' She told him. 'Trust me. Plus, you're adding the earring – that's the splash of special you need.'

'Is that how Xiumin and you…?' Since Xiumin was so tight-lipped around Luhan, he often tried to get details out of her.

'Oh, yeah… he was, like literally, in his work clothes…' She muttered. That was certainly true.

'Really?' He cheered up. 'Okay, then… thanks.' He flashed her a smile. 'I owe you one.'

'You and your brother.' She smiled back and went back down.



BaekChen rock, that's all I have to say :3 

Pop quiz - why the wig??? 

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double update and the story is complete!!! YAAY!!!


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taetae29 #1
Chapter 47: sehun you lil flirt xD
Chapter 13: this story is not good for my health ㅠㅠ too much sekai and hunho sjdjsjfjsjfsjfjsj
Silencedshadow #4
I really enjoyed the story. :)
I honestly dislike love triangles, but somehow, I didn't mind it that much in this story. It had plenty of funny moments to compensate for the frustration with the shadows-claming-mate drama going on between Luhan and Kai.
I also like the characters and how you have them concepts, and stick to them. I really enjoy the humour of it too.
It was very difficult to put the story down and focus on daily responsibilities once i started reading it. It became quite addictive. :)
I already finished the sequel too, but I decided that I needed to leave a comment on this one as well, since I enjoyed it so much and it made my days brighter. :)
Chapter 58: im so stressed with this love triangle/multiple love interests im crying inside i gtg
Chapter 1: So your description/foreword intrigued me to read this story, but I'm wondering, how come you use ' ' instead of " " for dialogue? I don't know much about the "rules" for writing stories so I'm asking. Or does your style of writing change later on and I should have continued reading before posting this comment? Lol
Babbie #8
Chapter 90: Omg ashfgd too funny