Family Meeting

Kyuwook's Vampire Story


Title: Kyuwook’s Vampire Story

Pairing: Kyuwook, Yemin , Eunhae, Kangteuk, Hanchul

Rating: PG-13

Genre: AU, Fluff, Angst

Summary: Kim Ryeowook, a normal, ordinary student of Seoul University of Music and Arts, wants nothing more than to just graduate and go on with his life. He felt like, he had nothing to do in his life. Nothing to live for. All of that changed when he met Cho Kyuhyun. A normal student like him. Or is he?

Disclaimer: This is a fanfic. It isn’t real. That’s the whole point of the word “fic” in FANFIC. ‘Cause it ain’t real. And I don’t own anything except the story and my imagination.


 I was really nervous on what he was doing here. I could not think of anything that I did wrong.


He knew.

He knew that I was already with Ryeowook.

I have to tell Wookie about this. But of course, I will be needing my family. And in order to do that, I have to….

Make Ryeowook meet my family.


Our dismissal was earlier today (2:00pm) So, Kyu (out of the blue!) treated me coffee. I was doubting at first but then just shrugged it off. Then, when we sat down in the corner of the café, he opened up. I could tell that he really wanted to say something.

“Wookie….” I quickly cut him off.

“Let me guess. You want to tell me something.” I said.

“Yes. Umm… since we’re officially together, I was wondering if you’re free tonight.”

“Waeyo? You want to go on a date?”

“Not exactly”

“Then what is it?”

“Umm… I want you to…meet my family.”

At that point, I just….froze.


“I want you to meet my family. Since, we’re together, I would also want my family to meet you. They are just as important as you to me” he said.

“But, can I?”

“Of course, Wookie. You’re strong. You can do it”

“Are they…the dangerous kind?” He suddenly laughed

“Of course not! If I’m a person who doesn’t blood from humans, then my family also does not.”

“So, I will pick you up at around 5 o’clock then?” He asked. I just smiled and nodded.


KYUHYUN POV (4: 30 pm)

“You wait here, Okay? I’ll just get Ryeowook” Kahi noona says. I just showed a kind smile and waited patiently. I fixed my attire. I wore a plain shirt with a collar and a black coat. I remember what my family’s reaction was when they found out that I was inviting Ryeowook at our house.

“Really? Oh My, Kyuhyun! I am so excited!” Leeteuk umma said.                                                                                                

“You didn’t do anything to him, right?” Heechul hyung said.

“That is great KuiXian! 我很快乐! (I am Happy.)” Hankyung hyung said.

“Great! Is he good at singing?” Yesung hyung said.

“I am real proud of you Kyuhyun. You are a real man!” Kangin appa said.

“You told me he knows how to cook. Does he cook like a professional?” Shindong hyung asked.

“I remember that person! We’re goanna have so much fun!! We will be like brothers!” Sungmin hyung said.

“If he can sing, I am certain he can rap. right?” Eunhyuk hyung said.

“I am excited to meet him. I’ll teach him new dance moves.” Donghae hyung said.

“I bet he’s handsome looking. like me.” Siwon hyung said.

“He is not the silent type is he?” Kibum hyung asked.

“That is awesome, Hyung! Finally, someone who can listen to my piano and violin!” Henry said.

“He does not have long legs right? If he does, I will have another competitor.” Zhoumi gege asked.

*sigh* I have such a weird family. I just hope Ryeowook doesn’t think they’re weird. Dear, Shisus, Please help me. Make sure that Wookie will think that my family is just normal. PLEASE!

then, I heard footsteps down the stairs. I saw Wookie, looking as handsome as always. Wearing a red and white long sleeved shirt just makes him look cuter.

“You’re early.” He said. I just smiled.

“It is a 30 minute drive to my house.”


“Ready?” I asked? He nodded cutely and I drove us to my secret hideout.


At Kyuhyun’s home.

“Wah~ You’re house is so huge!” He said. I chuckled at his innocence. True. Our house is big. But is secretly hidden in a far off place. A place where we can be freely ourselves.

“Are you sure your family won’t be… you know..” Ryeowook tried to say. I could tell that he wants to ask whether my family will make him our dinner.

“Of course. We aren’t the type of people to be rude to our guests.” I said ending with a chuckle.

“Alright. Does your family know we’re together?” he asks.

“Not yet. But, I’ll tell them soon.” I said before leading him to our living room and there… was my family. The first one to meet Ryeowook was Sungmin. Of course. He saw in advance that Ryeowook would come in.

“Hello Ryeowook! I am Sungmin!” He said and suddenly hugged my Wookie. I could feel that Wookie could not breathe. So, I separated them both.

“Oh! This is Yesung. My boyfriend.” He introduced.

“Oh! Annyeonghaeseyo!” Wook said before bowing.

“Annyeong. You were the one in the library right?”

“Oh, yes! I was.” Siwon hyung stood up too.

“Annyeong. I am Siwon. The most handsome in the family.” He said in the most boastful way you can imagine.

“But not really” I said cutting him off and I got a smack on the head as a reply from hyung.

“Hi Ryeowook. I am Kyuhyun’s Umma. Leeteuk, You are such a gift to our baby Kyuhyun!” Umma said which made me feel so embarrassed.

“Umma…” I groaned. She cut me off.

“None of that, Kyuhyun. Come, Ryeowook. We are watching a movie. Do you want food? I can order a pizza for you.” Umma asked while making Ryeowook sit down on our couch.

“Oh, It’s okay..uhhh…” I chuckled as I saw Wookie having a hard time to call my umma. He doesn’t know what to call her.

“Ryeowook-ah, no gwenchana?” My umma asks.


“He does not know how to address you, Umma” Donghae hyung said, Entering the living room. Obviously he read my baby’s mind.

“Oh, Wookie, you can call me Umma! And you can call Kangin Appa! Anyways, I won’t take no for an answer. I am still going to order pizza.” Umma said before going to the phone and ordering.

“Hi. I am Donghae. Lee Donghae” Hyung extended a hand and Ryeowook gladly shaked it.

“I am Ryeowook” He said.

“How did he know that?” Ryeowook whispered.

“Donghae hyung can read minds.” I replied. Heechul hyung and Hankyung hyung entered too.

“Anyeong! I am Heechul and this is my boyfriend, Hangeng” Heechul hyung introduced.

“Annyeongheaseyo.” He said before bowing. I then saw Kibum descending from the stairs. He probably spent his whole day in his room again.

“Annyeong. I am Kim Kibum.” He said plainly. Ryeowook shook his hand.

“I am Ryeowook”

“Alright~! I have the deers! Who wants to eat it?” Kangin appa announced in the whole living room. And he was carrying 2 deers over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Which shocked my dear Wookie.

“Oh! Hi, Ryeowook-ah!”  Kangin appa dropped the deers on the floor and went near me and Wook to introduce himself.

“I’m Kangin. The Appa of the house.” He said and extended a han- No, scratch that. A BLOODY HAND!

“Nice to meet you… Appa” He said before shaking it. Woah! Wookie’s daring afterall. Appa just laughed.

“Great! Well, I am just going to put the deer in the kitchen. Wanna come?” Ok. WHAT?

“Oh, No. It’s alright.” Appa shrugged his shoulders and took the 2 deers and entered the kitchen.

Suddenly the door opened.

“Oh! I think Henry is back from his recital!” Umma said excitedly before greeting the person.

“Henli!!!” Umma shrieked before hugging Henry to death.

“Umma~! I cannot breathe!” Henry said.

“Oh. Mian. How was it?” He asks.

“He was great, Umma!” Shindong hyung said.

“Jinja?!” Umma asked excitedly.

“Yeah! He was just there! And he looked great!” Zhoumi gege said.

“He really did awesome.” Hyuk hyung added.

“Aww… I’m so proud of my Henry! Anyways, Because of your hard work, I am giving you full permission to eat the other deer by yourself. ” Umma said.

“Jinja Umma?! Oh! Komawo!!! I love you UMMA!!” Henry said before hugging Umma.

“Yah! Why does he get to eat the whole deer?” Heechul hyung protested.

“Because he gave his hard work in his recital. Unlike you, who does not do anything other than using that iphone of yours.” Umma said while twisting Hyung’s ear. I love to see that everyday. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

“Oh! Who’s this?” Shindong hyung saw my Wookie. And Wookie, as the polite boy he is, bowed to Shindong hyung.

“Annyeonghaeseyo.” He said cutely.

“Annyeong. You are?”

"Ryeowook. Kim Ryeowook.”

“Are you a friend of our Kyuhyun?” Eunhyuk hyung asked.


“We’re together hyung.” I cut him off. I guess all of them heard that. The whole room became silent. I knew this would be their reaction.

“M…Mw...M-Mwoh?” Shindong hyung asks.

“Me and Wookie are together.” I repeated.



“Kyuhyun, You can’t be serious.” Donghae hyung said.

“I am serious” I replied.

“What were you thinking, Kyuhyun?!” Zhoumi gege said.

“Hyung, I love him.” I defended.

“Really? Come on Kyuhyun! Of all people, why a human?!” gege asked.

“Kyu, does he know about…. It?” Sungmin hyung asked.

“Yes.” I admitted. Afterall, I knew this would happen. Better tell them now than never.

“I knew it! I just knew it!! YOU TOLD HIM, DIDN’T YOU?! I WARNED YOU, DID I NOT?!” Heechul hyung screamed.

“I had no choice!” I screamed back.

"YAH! ARE YOU SHOUTING BACK TO AN ELDER?!” Heechul hyung screamed. He was already walking to me and the others were already trying to separate us. BRING.IT.ON!

“Yah! Stop it! Nothing will be resolved if we do this.” Siwon hyung said. I sat back down.

“Kyuhyun, are you sure of this decision? I mean, is he trustworthy of our existence?” Umma asked.

“Umma, I know him. He would not do anything that bad.” I said. I needed Umma to trust me on this one.

“Umma, you can’t be serious. You are NOT going to trust this stranger!” Heechul hyung said. Why can’t he just shut it?!


“YOU’RE ACTUALLY AGREEING?!” Hyung started shouting again.

“Heechul, we have no other choice. The only thing we can do is trust Ryeowook. And, I don’t think he would do such a thing.” Umma said.

“He doesn’t even know us! You are going to trust a pathetic human with our secret?! He’s goanna spread it to everyone!!” Hyung said. Okay, I’m about to kill this guy.

“Yah! You can’t call him like that!! You know who’s pathetic?! YOU!” I screamed.

“Stop it Kyuhyun” Appa said. I’m afraid of Appa so, I’ll just follow him.

“You too Heechul” Appa ordered.

“This is all we can do. We can just trust Ryeowook. We will have to remind him from time to time that our secret is a secret. And that he would not tell a soul.” Appa finally said.



I heard everything they said. Even if I’m at the living room by myself, I could tell that they don’t like me that much. I wiped my tears and walked myself home.


The next day…

It was a Monday and I was just like….poop. I felt like I didn’t want to live. I’m back the same way I was before.

“Yah, Wookie. You ok?” Hara asked.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I lied.

“You are not. We can sense that you’re hiding something from us.” Luna said.

“I’m just tired.” I said. Yeah, I am. Tired of hiding.

“I gotta go guys” I said before leaving.


After school…

I went straight to my room. I was alone since Noona was at her work. When I opened my door, I felt like I was about to have a heart attack.

“Wookie-ah…” Kyuhyun said immediately when I opened the door.

“WHAT THE!?” I almost screamed.

“I am sorry. Did I scare you?”

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“You left last night without telling me. I was worried sick when you were not answering my calls.” He said.

“I couldn’t. Your family might here us talking to each other.” I said with sarcasm while walking around my room and picking clothes that were lying on the floor. He was silent before hugging me from behind.

“Is that the reason why you left last night?” He asked.

“Yes. I’m not deaf Kyu. I could hear your hyung’s screams” I said. His hug got tighter.

“I still defended you. I love you and I did it because of what I feel for you.” He said.

“They don’t trust me.” I said.

“But I do. I promise you that one day, they’ll accept you.” He said which made me smile. I turned and gave him a kiss.

“That’s your reward for your courageousness in defending me.” I said.

“Then I should probably defend you everyday.” He said. I just love these kind of moments.

“Umm.. I want to tell you something. My family knows this. You’re the only one who does not.” He said. Changing the topic.

“What is it?” I asked. He let go and let me sit down on my bed. He sat next to me and said:

‘You’re in danger.”


“I have to tell you about… The Black and White Swans.”

“The what?”

“The Black and White Swans.”

“Who are they?”

“Well, you know that I am a Vampire prince. And we are the ones who bring peace to our world. But… the Black and White Swans are the evil prince and princesses. They have been trying to bring hatred in our world. They’re the ones who take our land and start wars. So, we are enemies.

They have been idle for a while now. But, I think they found out about us and they’re after us, It’s a law in our world to not have humans know our secret. If they did, we would be hated by everyone. So, technically…. I broke a law.” I was just… shocked on how our love actually broke a rule in the vampire world.

“I’m sorry” I said with my head hung low. I felt so….cruel. I made a prince break his own rule. I just felt so bad. I could feel my tears falling to my cheeks.

“The fault is not yours. It’s actually mine. I was the one who confessed first right? If I did not, we would not be together. But then again, I did not regret telling you how I felt because after that, I got you.” He said while wiping my tears. I was just happy he didn’t make me feel like the whole world is against me.

“Anyways, I saw one yesterday. A boy. White Swans are Women and Black swans are Men. He was smirking at me and looking at me with a strange look. Like he wanted to tell me something. But I think he wanted to tell me about our relationship.” He explained.

“They want to break us up?” I asked. He nodded.

“What should we do?” I asked.

“Me and My family are going to watch him. I have a feeling that he will act like a student in our school or do something unexpected. We’re not sure. Sungmin is already looking if he would think of something else.” He explained.

“What was the Black Swan’s name?” I asked. To be safe.

“Choi Seung Hyun”

a/n: SORRY for being late in updating! I was real busy. Here I am making up to you guys. :) I have nothin’ much to say so BYE! xoxo– kyuwookluver

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Please finish this.. Pretty please..
Chapter 14: Wow!!! Such a cool plot!! XD
Im excited to see what happens next! :D
AlyciaC #3
Ho.. will you updated?
yunipkrys #4
Chapter 14: Huaaaa this story discontinue? Or hiatus? Ah I'm so curious about the next chap._. Will be update? I'll waiting :)
wintertmm #5
Chapter 14: update pls really want to know what happen next
Chapter 14: update? please?
Chapter 14: PLease finish this!! I'm waiting for it please please please finish it I wan't to know what will happen next please finish it!! :)
Oh wow... I remember that this fanfic... Was my first fanfic I've read... Memories are filling up my heart... :')
TaiShanNiangNiang #9
Chapter 14: Found this after your Jealously story was featured.
I am really enjoying this! Hope you get inspired and update soon!

i'm just new here..

by the way, i really hope you update soon..i'm super exited about the next episode,,...i can't wait to read it...thanks!!..
