Past : Revelation #1

Secretly Imprinted

A few years has passed since Hana moved to Luhan's house. Luhan enrolled her to a primary school when she was six, and now Hana's nine, sitting on a chair in her third grade class.

Hana and Luhan's relationship blossomed throughout the years. Hana adored Luhan. His sinceres smiles, his caring attitude, and his gentle way of taking care of her. Most of all, Hana adored how she could feel the sincerity from the older guy in every action that he did for her. Everyday, Hana found another reason on why she could trust him.  

The whole pack members and Hana's relationship got stronger over time. All the guys, including their mates look after Hana like she's their own daughter. They enjoyed seeing Hana grow more each day. The pack also noticed how Luhan has changed. His cold demeanor was long gone. Hana changed the cold Luhan into a warm loving man, and they're thankful towards her for that. 

Even if they've met Hana for years and has become Hana's protectors and friends, Hana still doesn't know the fact that Luhan and her 11 older brothers (yes she called them that now since they refused to be called uncle) are werewolves. The pack wanted to tell her but Luhan refused. Luhan was scared that she was going to be scared of him. Luhan swore to his pack that if Hana is scared of being with him or worse, if she hates him because she found out that he's a werewolf, he'll kill himself. Lay has assured Luhan over and over again that Hana's love for him is as strong as what he feels for her even if she doesn't realize it yet. It's impossible for her to hate him, just like how it's impossible for Luhan to hate her. But Luhan doesn't want to take any chance, with Hana, he'll always play safe. Until one day, her happiness is at stake. 




Luhan jumped from his spot when he heard someone slammed the front door. Senses alert, body tense, Luhan readied himself to battle as he make his way to the living room. But when he only saw Hana, confusion came up to him. She wasn't supposed to be home until about one hour later. Luhan was about to ask her why when Hana's troubled expression came to his view. 

"Hana? Is something wrong?" 

Hana look at Luhan's worried face and turned her head away. She threw her bag on the couch nearby before she forced a smile at him. 

"Nothing's wrong. I was in a hurry, sorry." She curtly replied, still with her fake smile on. Luhan's gaze softened as he approached her.

"You know that you can always tell me anything right? I won't judge. I won't tell. I won't even help if you don't want me to. You could just talk it out and I'll try my best to understand you." 

In years that has passed, Luhan has never hurt Hana emotionally or physically. All that he ever wanted is to make her safe and happy. Never once in years that Hana looked even more hurt because of what he said. So when Luhan saw her pain filled eyes as she looked at him tearfully, he knew that something must have gone really badly.

Luhan halted his steps and watched carefully as the nine year old Hana took a deep breath to calm herself. He watched her as she shook her head realizing that her action has went fultile. He watched her as she brought her head down, trying to hide her tears that his perfect vision has already catch before she wiped it.

The sight of her tears though, brought Luhan on his feet again. He kneeled down in front of her and hold her shoulder. The gesture that he always did when he wanted her undivided attention. But Hana ignored him and focuses her gaze on the floor. It was when Luhan told her to look at him when she finally gained the courage to lift her head up. But before he could say anything, Hana cut him off.

"You won't understand."

That was the only words that she said before she broke free from Luhan's grasp to throw her hand around his neck and cried on his shoulder. Luhan's hands immediately went to her back and head securely. When five minutes has passed and Hana didn't show any sign of stopping, Luhan shifted one of his hand to the back of her knees and carried her to the couch where he put her on his lap so she could hold him more comfortably and properly. Luhan tightened his hold on Hana and rock her slowly from side to side to calm her. 

"If I'm a normal human like you, do you think I'll have any friends?" Hana's broken voice met his ear. 

"Hana, I don't understand." Luhan pushed Hana away slightly so he could look at her but Hana fought him by tightening her hold on him. Hana continued to talk, seemingly ignoring his question. 

"If I'm a normal human like you, I think mommy would come back. I don't think she'll even leave me if I'm normal." Luhan hold his breath when he heard her.

Is this why? Did she finally realize that her mom left? Luhan thought that she simply forgot when she woke up last months and didn't ask him to go to that street again for the whole day and the days after than. Luhan simply thought that she forgot about her mom, but he now he realized that it was impossible for her to wake up one day and forgot her parents. Luhan cursed himself in his heart. How could he be so stupid? He knew more than anyone else how impossible it is to forget your parents. He knew because he has wished to forget his mom a hundred years ago, but her face still haunts him even now. So why didn't she cry then? Why didn't she cry if she realized? Hana kept her cheerful self ever since that even Luhan ignored the whole change in their everyday routine. 

"I don't have any friends Luhan. My classmates bully me since day one." 

The words that Hana said was a bomb in Luhan's head. His mind went blank and he finally pushed her away with enough force to break her hold on him. Luhan looked at the small girl on his lap and observe her face, looking hard to find a hint of joke in her face.

Oh god, please tell me that she's joking.

But the only thing that he saw was her messed up hair and tears. 

"They bully you?" 

Hana flinched at the older guy's hard tone. She looked at her lap and smiled sadly. 

"I have friends when I'm in grade one. But when we go to grade three, all of them left. They told me that they're too scared to be friends with me because of my blue eyes. They thought it was a disease. Even though I tried so hard to tell them over and over again that I'm healthy and there's nothing wrong with my eyes, they won't believe me. Some of them even call me a witch. Usually the only thing that they did was to stay away from me and sometimes glared at me when the teachers are not looking. But today- " Hana stopped abruptly and sobbed. Luhan tightened his hold on her shoulder and shook her slightly, swallowing the urge to wrap his hands around her. 

"What did they do today to you Hana." His harsh tone forced Hana to tell him the truth, whether she wants to or not. 

"It was an accident I swear Luhan, please don't hate me. I didn't mean to do that. It was an accident. Luhan, I'm begging you don't hate me. Don't leave Luhan. I'll do anything. I'll even call you oppa. Luhan oppa please stay." Hana blabbered nervously. To say that Luhan was confused is an understatement.

But even at this tense moment, Luhan couldn't help but feel flutterly and a bit giddy when she called him oppa. Luhan never told her to call him oppa before, because well, he doesn't think that it's neccessary remembering that he's not getting older and she'll eventually be as old as him,physically. And Luhan never really liked to be called oppa.That word brought unpleasant memories to him (the one where he was chased by fangirls on his highschool to the limit where he has to stay inside the toilet for hours so he could go home safely). But when she called him that, it actually felt...nice.

Fine, it ing feels amazing but let's stop there.

Even though a part of Luhan is giggling like a teenage boy,a bigger part of him is bubbling with anger. Just what did they do to her to make her do the things that she thought will make me hates her.  

"Hana listen to me, I will never hate you. I could never hate you. I'll never leave. Whatever it is that you did to your classmates, I'll stay by your side."  Luhan's words of comfort succesfully calmed Hana. She looked at Luhan in the eyes and Luhan felt like the biggest failure for failing to protect her from the pain that tainted her glossy eyes. 

"I-I.. I was in class when a girl in front of me dropped her pencil. I was about to get it for her but she's also getting it at the same time, causing our hands to touch. She then screamed when she looked at me and cried to the teacher telling her that she needs to go to the toilet or else, her eyes will be sick. My other classmates panicked when they figured out that I touch her. They all pleaded to the teacher to let her go to the toilet so she could wash her hands quickly before the 'virus' spread. Because the class was too noisy, the teacher let her go..."

"The teacher then asked my other classmates what the virus is and he told my teacher that.. th-that I w-was the virus. He said that I have a disease and if anyone touch me then they'll be infected. And their eyes would turn freaky.. like me. The teacher was shocked."

"After my classmate washed her hands and went back to class, the teacher shushed the class forcefully. She then said 'I know that Hana's eyes are not normal but that doesn't mean that she's sick'.. "

"But Luhan, I am normal. I.. I'm not a freak Luhan, I'm normal, and I'm not sick. I was so mad at the teacher. I stood up and screamed at every person in my class including my teacher. I told them that all of them are the biggest meanie in my whole life and the one that's truly sick is their heart. I told them that I hated them. Then I ran away from school" 

To say that Luhan's furious is an understatement. He could literally feel himself changing. He could feel the wolf inside him taking control of his senses. But then, Hana's next words shushed the wolf inside him forcefully.


"I'm sorry." 


"What? Why the hell are you sorry for?" Luhan knew that he should mind his words in front of the girl, but his mind is just too jumbled to care. 

"I ran away from school. I ditched school, Luhan. And I said some hurtful things to my teacher and friends. Aren't you mad at me?" Luhan smiled softly. This girl is just too kind for her own good

"No. I am so proud of you. You stood up for yourself. Even though I'm a bit worried that you walked home by yourself, I'm still so proud of you, they deserve it. But Hana, why didn't you tell me that your friends left you?"

"I can't blamed them Luhan. For leaving. Just like what they said, I am not normal. So I don't blamed them for not accepting or understanding. Even my mommy left me." Her maturity awed Luhan as much as it hurts him. She has been forced to grew up too fast. 

"You're right. You are not normal Hana. You are not the usual. You're a miracle. From now on, I want you to start believing that the people that can't see the beauty in your eyes are too blinded by the ugliness of the world. You have to blame them. It's not your fault that they leave. It's theirs. I think your eyes are a miracle Hana, and I want you to start thinking of them as one too."

"I don't think you'll ever understand Luhan, you're the same as everybody else.I do love my eyes, but I just wanted to be normal for once. Like you, I want to be normal like you. If I'm the same as the others, I think people would accept me. I'm sorry Luhan, but for now, I don't think you'll ever understand." Luhan smiled sadly at Hana's statement. Even if he has avoided this moment for years, if this is what it takes for Hana to understand, then he'll do it. 


"I'm not a normal human Hana. I never was and I never will be." 





Author's note:

THE CAT'S OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! I was about to continue writing but then I realized how long this chapter really is and so I decided to divide it into two part. 













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sonachi #1
Chapter 12: Please update soon, I totally love it
jojolove122 #2
Chapter 12: Please Update soon
Chapter 3: I read this last year and lately I couldn't stop thinking about it. I tried looking and looking and finally I found it! Gonna re-read it! :) ♥
AmberLow5555 #4
Chapter 12: Hi I'm a new reader here,I actually cried while reading this chapter...pls update soon,I really love this story ^^
kpop_zr #5
please please pleaseee update soon
suliman #6
Chapter 12: Please update soon
seohan_irish #7
Chapter 12: New reader is such a great story!! Authornim,please update soon!! Loving it <3 <3 <3
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh! Your story is incridible awsome ~! I love it so much. Please update this soon. I can't wait any longer ~ you're a great authour. wish can write a story like you. It's really awsome ♡
coolestgirl #9
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh this is so sad why luhan why
coolestgirl #10
Chapter 6: OMG tears doe