
City Lights
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"Half an hour my ." I mumbled to myself.

Seriously though, it's been an hour. What the actual  was Jiyong thinking? 

People have come and gone, seemingly oblivious to a Hallyu idol seated by the window booth. Which is a good thing.

But my God. Where the heck is Jiyong? I swear to God, if he stood me up...

It's not like I can call him. Because, well... What would that mean, right? Like would it mean I'm waiting for him here? Desperately? It might show that I have nothing better to do than wait for him... Would it?




Dammit. Back then, I didn't even give a crap about what it could possibly mean. And yet now, I'm adding a meaning to everything. 

What's wrong with me?

I huffed to myself and rubbed my face up and down.

Just call him. It's not a big deal. You're just gonna ask where in the world he is. That's all. 

But, it might look like I'm too clingy, though.

No, I wouldn't want that.

So should I just ditch? It has been, uhm, I glanced at my watch... Yep, an hour and five minutes. Argh.

I felt like ruffling my hair like those over-dramatic girls in movies, you know, the ruffle that's normally a sign for, oh I don't know... Craziness? Mental Breakdown?


But alas, I can't do that. Because doing that might garner attention. Which is a big no-no.

So instead, I settle for crossing my arms on the table and closing my eyes and leaning on it. Calm down, Taeng. Deep breaths.

"Excuse me," A voice interrupted my... Whatever it is, "Is this seat taken?"

I know that voice. In fact, it's the voice that's been haunting me for the past few days. I slowly looked up from my arms and saw that standing there, is the exact same man who I've been waiting for... For a freaking hour. And seven minutes.

He smirked at me and helped himself at the seat infront of me. This . I didn't even say that he could sit.

"Nice of you to finally show up." I sneered.

He eyes widened in surprise at the tone of my voice. The nerve!  He contined staring at me and I did the same. "Wh--" he bagan, "What did uhm, I do?" he asked in a small voice.

I tilted my head and glared at him. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" I watched as his adam's apple bob up and down, but he still did not answer. "You were an hour late."

His mouth dopped open. And slowly, a blush rose to his cheeks, his gaze finally breaking away from mine as he looked, well, anywhere else but my eyes. "I uhm, I'm sorry." He apologized sheepishly, pressing his lips together and shaking his head, looking at the glass of iced tea I moved aside. 

I didn't reply and just looked at him.

He touched my arm and I swear, I felt my heart do a double take. WHAT THE HECK, TAEYEON. GET YOUR TOGETHER. I stared at his hand. "Really, Taeng. I should've called you, I'm sorry." He said in a soft voice.

Well, when he uses that voice...

I let go of the breath I didn't realize I was holding in and closed my eyes. Taeyeon, seriously. Stop overreacting. "No, it's okay." I shook my head at him and touched his hand with my free one, "I was out of line, sorry." I looked at him. "But really, Ji. You have to understand. We're not normal citizens, and I had to try my best to blend in here... Which was hard enough since I was alone here and I kept fidgeting. Of course people would look at me. I'm just lucky today that there aren't too many going in this place."

He nodded and his lips. "You're right, I'm sorry. I understand, trust me." His hand fiddled with my fingers, "I just... I got slightly caught up with something, that's why I took too long."

I wanted to ask what it was, but I know I shouldn't. So instead, I smiled at him and finally took note of his appearance for the first time since he came in. He looks... normal. Almost. He was wearing a plain white v-neck tshirt and faded jeans. A simple necklace, instead of his normal statement, big ones. Bare face, and still pleasant to look at... And is holding a knowing smirk on his face. And then I realize, I've been caught staring at him... Or better yet, checking him out. I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away. 

Just as I turned, I also took note of my surroundings and realized that we were completely alone now here at the second floor. How convenient.

I turned back to him with my eyebrows raised, a small smile on my lips. His eyes flickered to my mouth before switching back to my eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Taeng," he called, "What are you thinking of?"

I slowly shook my head, "Nothing in particular."

He squinted his already small eyes at me. "I don't believe you."

I giggled. "I swear! And don't squint your eyes, they're already small." 

"Oh!" He laughed, "You could tease. I'm not the only one with really small eyes here."

My eye widened, "What? My eyes aren't small!" I defended.

He continued laughing, "Yeah, okay."

I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled myself.

Amazing how I was almost ready to curse him about a few minutes ago and now... It's as if nothing happened.

I smile

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soshifiedpixie #1
Chapter 16: 💜
pinkytiff801 #2
Chapter 16: will u update this:(
authornim. . comeback please..
pieceofwings #4
Chapter 16: Jm still waiting for this. One of my favesssss
Chapter 16: Where is the upadateeee i love thisssss
Chapter 4: What can i say? I love thisss
Chapter 1: Okay. This is just 1st chapter but... aaaaaa
authornim comback please.. i always reread this because im missing your story
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 16: Its has a long time since you've updated. The story is awesome hope you can make a comeback
Tygdlove #10
Chapter 16: Wish you would come back