Chapter 4

An Angel's School Days

Chapter 4 

"It's you..." Dongwook said softly, more to hisself than to everyone else, as he looked at Bom and a big smile appeared on his face. 

"Neh..." Bom said softly and looked down at her hands, feeling shy all of a sudden.

"Do you guys know each other?" Soo-hyun asked curiously and the rest nodded with him, wanting to see the scene unfold.

Dongwook nodded and said "We met when I was working my cousin's shift. My partner and I were moving the furniture and I just so happened to come across her boxes and I helped her bring them up to her room." He explained, not moving his eyes away from her beautiful face for one second.

"Ah! She's the one that you-" Se-ho begin to say until Dongwook shoved a muffin in his mouth. 

"So Bom, how do you like the school so far?" Dongwook asked while talking a bite from his food.

Bom looked up and smiled genuinely  "It's great...I never expected to meet such nice's a lot to take in." She said quietly and pushed a lose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well what do you expect? I couldn't be mean to you after what you did for me earlier today. I was a pure stranger to you yet you helped me. " Nana said.

"What exactly did she help you with?" Chanyeol asked while taking a huge bite out of his ham burger.

"Can't tell you. It's girl stuff." Nana answered which caused all the boys to groan.

Minwoo said "Why would you bring it up at the table, knowing that we boys would be curious about it? 

Nana just looked at him and shrugged cutely, which resulted in everyone laughing while Dongwook smirked at Bom while saying "Ah, so you help Nana but you wouldn't let me help you at first that day?"

Bom looked back at him and said "The boxes were heavy. I didn't want to make your job any harder."

"I didn't care about all that. I just wanted to help you." He confessed while looking straight at her before adding "Weren't you glad that I helped you?"

Bom blushed a bit but nodded her head "yes" which made him smile brightly, much to Se-ho's amusement.

After 5 more minutes of chatting, the bell rung, signaling everyone to throw away their trays and go to their next class. 

"Let's take our trays, Bom." Nana said as they both got up from the table with the rest of the group and threw their trays away. 

As they walked through the hallways, Soo-hyun looked at Bom and said "You're the only junior in our clique. Weird huh?"

"I noticed that too! Bom is taking classes alone! How do you cope with this?" Nana asked worriedly. 

"Uh, it's not a big deal...I guess it allows me to pay more attention to what I'm learning." Bom confessed while looking down at the floor, embarrassed by her statement. 'They probably think I'm lame now.'

But they thought the total opposite. "That's cool! It makes a lot of sense when you have Se-ho as the class clown of your grade level. Dongwook takes the lead every once in a while with the teasing but they make really good grades so I guess it does no damage. I on the other hand have to deal with the backlash of the teacher. She always thinks I'm flirting with them." The senior explained with a pout.

"Soo-hyun unnie...I don't know about Se-ho and Dongwook Oppa but you do tend to flirt with Minwoo and Kang-joon a lot. You're just a natural flirter. You can't help it." Nana said hesitantly.

"My dear little Minwoo and Kang-joon. They're so cute. It can't be helped." Soo-hyun confessed, which made all 3 of the girls laugh.

Then Nana added "Scratch that, Unnie is a cougar!" 

As the final bell of the day rung, Bom packed all of her books in her book bag and walked out with the rest of her classmates. 

"Bom unnie!" She heard Nana shout behind her and as she turned around she was greeted with the freshman's smiling face. "Hi Nana. Is something the matter?"

"No! Dongwook, Kang-joon, Minwoo, and Chanyeol are playing basketball against some other students. Even Se-ho is playing. Wanna come watch?" She asked, pleading Bom with her brown eyes.

"Um, okay." The junior said and with that, the freshman dragged her all the way to the gymnasium. As they both walked in, some boys started whistling and calling the girls to come sit with them. Nana just ignored them and kept walking with Bom, who was looking down, not used to all the attention she was getting in one day.

"Nana! Bom! Were right here!" They heard Ga-yeon yell and when they looked up they spotted her and Soo-hyun as they waved their hands to get the two girls attention.

When they all finally got to the seats and made theirselves comfortable, they saw the boys come through the entrance with Dongwook leading them on the court. Afterwards, the other boys that they were playing against came in and the game started.

As Bom watched the boys play her eyes widen at how good they were, specifically Dongwook. He was leading his team with confidence and teamwork, resulting in the team earning a lot of points. The opposing team was good too, also earning enough points to catch up with Dongwook's team and from the look of it, it was hard to predict who would win.

Soon, it came to the point where Dongwook had to shoot some free throws and Bom was excited and nervous for him at the same time.

"Go Dongwook! You can do it!" Nana cheered and soon Ga-yeon and Soo-hyun started cheering too.

Bom looked at all 3 of them and with wide eyes and rubbed her arm nervously. 'Should I cheer too? I don't know...I think Dongwook would be surprised if I do that.'

"Come on Bom. You can cheer too." Ga-yeon looked at her and said.

"Are you sure?" Bom asked nervously.

Nana said "Yeah. It pumps him up when we do that."

"Okay...uh, what do I say?" She asked curiously.

"Just stand up and yell encouraging words." Soo-hyun answered.

Bom nodded her head and closed her eyes for a second to get her thoughts together. 'Okay. Here it goes Bom.' Suddenly she stood up and yelled "Don't worry! Just have fun Dongwook!" 

As soon as she said it all eyes were on her and she blushed furiously and sat down. 'Aigoo! Now I've really done it...I'm so-' she almost thought until someone interrupted her thoughts.

"Okay Bom! I will!" She heard Dongwook yell loudly and as soon as she looked up she heard a "swoosh" from him making the goal and everybody got up and cheered happily. 

"Omg! Bom that was so original." Nana complimented and clapped her hands in delight.

Soo-hyun and Ga-yeon nodded their heads in agreement while Ga-yeon said "I thought so too. People forget about the fun you have when you're doing what you love. It's all about winning and being the best nowadays."

As Dongwook made the next goal, he looked up and once he spotted Bom he gave her a bright smile and a thumbs up while running back to his position. As Bom watched him play, a pretty smile unconsciously formed on her face and she felt that warm and fuzzy feeling again.

Once the game was over, the girls gather in front of the bleachers and meet up with the boys.

"That was you all's best game! You were so awesome!" Nana exclaimed and the girls nodded in agreement.

"Yep. You guys scored 50 points." Ga-yeon said and gave them all a high five.  

Se-ho nodded his and looked at Nana. "So...did I play good today, Nana?"

"You did great Se-ho. You didn't even get tired after half time. I was impressed." She said which made him blush a bit and smile before asking "was I better than Dongwook?"

To his surprise, everyone started laughing while Dongwook said "Nana just gave you a compliment. I don't think you should push it." He teased.

As everyone started their individual conversations, Dongwook turned to Bom and smiled. "How you like the game?"

"'s my first game so I have nothing to compare it to but...I thought it was great. I had fun." Bom confessed and smiled softly.

"I'm glad. Thanks for what you said earlier...I'm gonna remember it every time I play." He smiled before adding "Unless you decided to cheer me on during the actual games." 

"I don't mind." She said softly before asking "When is your next game?"

"Oh! I'll text you-oh wait. You need my number. Let's exchange numbers." He said and took out his phone.

"O-okay." She said and the both swapped phones, put each other's number in and gave each other's phone back.

"Wait! Let me take a picture of you." He said and held out his phone. Bom nodded and smiled softly while showing a peace sign while he took the picture. After he was done she stood beside him to look at the picture with him and he mumbled "Cute."

"Huh?" She looked up at him and asked.

He looked down at her and smiled at how close they were. "Um, you should exchange numbers with everyone else too." He said softly before turning his head towards the group and yelled "Hey you guys! Come give Bommie your numbers." 

'Bommie?' She thought in her head as everyone came rushing up to her to exchange numbers. She couldn't help but smile at how happy everyone seemed to be able to contact her, especially Nana who hugged her tightly after they were done. 

But what made her happier was when Nana whispered genuinely " I think this is gonna be the start of a great friendship."

 And Bom couldn't help but agree more.

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AjSummer #1
Chapter 16: I knew it :( dang it I knew that was going to happen!!! Dx BOM ITS GONE BE OK BBY I PROMISE
AjSummer #2
Chapter 1: As soon as I read "trio" I knew. 2NE1. Tsk tsk XD
Chapter 13: I like their progress :D and want bodong's story moreee and moreee xD thanks authornim ^^
haneul024 #4
Chapter 13: yuuuuuhuuuuu they kissed ♥♥
haneul024 #5
Chapter 13: yuuuuuhuuuuu they kissed ♥♥
chesilia #6
Chapter 12: Authornim, thanks for your update..

Do not stop update this story please. I'm a fan of your fanfic !!
Fighting !!!
Chapter 12: Can't wait for the next chapter :D

good job authornim ^^
haneul024 #8
Chapter 12: finally the update chapter yeaayyy pls continue Authornim ^^
Chapter 11: Love this <3

More pleaseeeeeeee
Chapter 11: Hints of past!gbom omgggg

I really liked bodong moments in this chapter, it's so sweeeeeet!