Yesterday, the invitation from Galaxies Company came. I jump with joy after I finish reading. It been so long that I haven’t went to any parties. I’m so excited and with excitement I starting jumping up and down. Puff came down stairs (looking at me with have you gone nuts expression).

Puff: why are you so excited, so sudden?

Pat: It just that I got invitation from Galaxies Company. Can you believe it? It been so long that I haven’t been to any parties yet. Unfortunally, I have to think, what I have to wear. I don’t know… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Puff: come down (she {Pat} talking non-stop), we will go shopping today…How forgettable I am (about galaxies anniversary).

Pat: Then, I will go change.

Puff: me too.

Shopping Time

When Puff and Pat got out from the car, they say in union “Lets rock and roll”. The time is ticking for a really long time; they saw what they like.

Pat  {outfit: long red-black dress with sliver high heel}

       {Hair: Slightly curl on the bottom}


Puff {outfit: short black-white dress with black high heel}

       {Hair: Short but straight}

Finally, we figure out what we going to wear.



There’s security guard in front of the door, checking invitation card. As I enter, the first person I saw is Kris. Pat, hey Kris, you look awesome thou, I haven’t seen you like this before and it’s really look good on you. I love your shoes.

Pat and Puff asked in the  same time, but where is your cousin? (Luhan).


Kris POV

Kris: Ohhh you girls look so beautiful and I like your dresses (both Pat and Puff). I haven’t heard anything from  him (Luhan) since this morning, I was waiting for his Text Message till now; I have no idea where he is? While I were talking to Pat and Puff, someone came and interrupt in our conversation, he (The Manager) whisper into to my ears            

Manager: there is no much time; you have to make a speech and alos sir Luhan is here.

Kris: I will be there in a minutes, excuse me girls, I make my ways.

Pat and Puff: OK sure, we will see you around.

ON THE STAGE: Kris makes his way to stage and he gives a speech that he’s really thank for everything (those who are supporting him every now on).

Kris: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m so glad that each of you came and celebrates with me. I feel calm each of you supporting all along with strength, unlimited possibilities and hope. “THANK YOU”.

 I believe that not only last years, and every year here on out, this very day will remain in my memories for a life time! Everything that you have done for me, endless support and belief gives me motivation to continue on.

The last thing I went to say is, I will continue to use my limited time and limited abilities, to bring you all happiness and bliss with everything that I have.  Lastly “THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN” And have a good night party.”Cheers” (all of people in the hall including Kris). I would like to announce, there’s someone that I like to introduce to you all… and before that I will like to sing  a song with Luhan for someone special. Make applause for Luhan.



Puff POV

From nowhere, he makes confess to someone special but I knew, who he was talking to  but she didn’t realize it.

 Pat: what is he talking about?

Puff: uhmmm perhaps, he talking about you.

Pat: (didn’t hear what puff said) Sorry, what did you said…

Puff: Ohh nothing, between don’t you have any feeling for Kris…

Pat: (laughed) you kidding right…

Puff: I’m serious; it’s good if you like him back…

Pat: liking him back…. What do you mean? 

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Chapter 4: I like it ^~^