Puff asked pat to get ready to go with her to airport to pick up someone.

Pat: who’s are we picking up.

Puff: just close friend of mine.

Pat: ahh, ok

Puff: so go and get change, we leaving in 20 minute.

Pat: ok, but is Luhan and Krystal coming.

Puff: yeahh, do you know that those two have date tmr.

  Flash Back

After 1 month later (after incident) Luhan confessed to Krystal’s that he truly realize that he found his real soul mate. He told her that back then, “I used have crush on your friend (Pat), I was going too confessed to her but I realized that she  belong to someone else. Krystal, I’m asking you to give a chance to prove myself to you.

Pat: Ohhh, that’s why; I seen this two talk often..


HE’s back


When I arrived, I saw Krystal and Luhan waving towards us.

Luhan and Krystal: pat, over here (waving their hand)

Pat: puff, look over them, they’re here already…

Puff: then, let’s go and wait there …

While waiting Kris

Puff: where is Kris, aren’t he coming…it been like more than 23 min…

Luhan: hmmm, he’s coming soon… just wait a little bit more

After a minute later, we saw Kris is coming toward us but with someone…

Pat: who’s beside Kris….

Luhan: I don’t know, other than that she’s someone special to him (teasing)

I was speechless; special for him, what’s that mean… or the feeling does he have for me was end…. Ahhhh make me pissed off, the way they acting was; how he putting hand over her shoulder and full of smiling too, on his face... ajdkjehfbjkrn . Before, he here I went off with an excuse…

Luhan: finally, you here…

Puff: Ohh, who’s she…

Kris: My (younger) sister…

Puff: laughed

Kris: What? (Confused look)… by the way, where is pat… haven’t seen her…

Puff: yeahh, before she was here with us, waiting for you… and then, she went off…maybe, because of what Luhan said( someone special)…

Kris: really, she misunderstood between me and her (sister)… that’s really going to sort out smoothly…………….. However I’m going to look for her, you guys can go and wait me in the car.

All of them: OK…..make sure you sort out things easy, just like you said.

Kris: ok, whatever.

Kris starting to look for pat while others went and wait in the car. He looks everywhere but still couldn’t find her. Surprisingly, Pat tapped his shoulder and said….

Pat: Are you looking for me!!!!!!

Kris: Umm, yeah other than that I just want you to know that about earlier, don’t get it wrong. (He just mumbling)

Pat: suchlike what? (Pretend that she didn’t know)

Kris: look, what Luhan said (someone special and more) don’t take it seriously she just my……….

He about to say sister but pat interprets him

Pat: “she just my” what? I never knew that you already got married. I waited for you to comeback and there you go with “someone special”.i just waste my time for you to come back and tell you how I felt. i should have  just……….

Before she could finish her sentence. Kris hugged her.

Kris: she’s my sister. So don’t worry.

Kris let go of her and hold her hand asked her that I have another chance to confess you. Right?

Pat: what, what???? I don’t know.

Kris: what do you mean? You don’t know.

Pat: I just don’t know. I think we better go. (She just walks away like she’s in hurry in shy look)…

 Kris: hey, wait for me….


All the different kinds of moment they experience is now once restore with love without regret…………………………………………………………………………………………………... END…

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Chapter 4: I like it ^~^