Something New [Junior Year]

“Xiaoyu!!!” Sungjong twirled you around as soon as you step in.

“Hands off, maknae.” Myungsoo glared.

“Woah~ did we miss something very important here?” Sunggyu asked.

The ten of you sat in a circle in the living room.

“So, what’s up?” Dongwoo asked.

“Is this some kind of ‘reveal everything’ night?” Hoya asked.

“What do you mean by that? We’re brothers. We know everything about each other.” Sungyeol said.

“Unfortunately, not.” Minyoung laughed. The Infinite boys, excluding Woohyun, confusedly looked at her.

“She’s my girlfriend for three years now.” Woohyun said nonchalantly.

“WHAT?!” They gawked.

You and Jihyun laughed at their faces.

“How can you hide it from us?!”

“You made us look like fools!”

“No wonder why you two are so secretive!”

Comments such as those can be heard everywhere.

“Why do Xiaoyu and Jihyun know?” Sunggyu asked.

“I told them during our girls’ night.” Minyoung shrugged.

“Woohyun, you betrayer, how can you cheat on me?” Sunggyu head locked Woohyun.

The rest of you laughed at them.

“Hyung, let me go. I’m sorry. Jihyun has something to tell too!” Woohyun said.

Everyone’s attention turned to her.

“Remember your Teen Top buddies?”

“Yeah, it’s been a while since we hangout with them.” Sungjong said.

“Teen Top knows about this, but you guys don’t. Chunji is my boyfriend.”

“How could you?!”

“What are brothers for?!”

“We should have a boys’ night too!”

“Let me guess, the next has something to do with Myungsoo and Xiaoyu.” Hoya said.

“You got it right, hyung!” Sungjong chirped.

“So, since when did you guys become a thing?” Sungyeol asked.

“Just this afternoon, when they left school together.” Minyoung said.

“We caught them making out at Xiao’s place.” Jihyun giggled.

“We were not!!!” You and Myungsoo said.

“Oh really?” Woohyun smirked.

“We were just…kissing.” You blushed.

“It took you two a long time for you to confess to each other.” Dongwoo said.

“Do you know why Myungsoo-hyung never had a girlfriend? The reason was Xiaoyu!” Sungjong announced.

“What do you mean? They just met this school year.” Sunggyu frowned.

“Well, that’s because our Mr. Ice Prince has a secret too.” Sungjong said, he’s really excited to spill everything out.”

You looked at Myungsoo, also curious about the secret.

“Do you used to go to Japan during summer vacation when you were a kid?” Myungsoo asked you.

You nodded.

“We used to go to Japan too. The first time we had a vacation there, we went to a beach. A girl playing with her older brother caught my attention. They look so lovely. I kind of stalked them. Every summer, I would see her, but I never approached her. There was time came when I saw her drowning. I panicked. I looked for her brother, but nowhere in sight so I saved her. She started calling me ‘Superman’ and we played together for the rest of the day. I didn’t know it was the last time I would see her. She really loves strawberry milk. Her name is Zhang XIaoyu.” He turned to you and gave you a smile.

Excluding Sungjong, all of you were surprised.

“How can you remember all of those? We were so young back then. I can’t believe it was you.” You said.

“That’s so cute~ you two are really destined for each other!” Minyoung said.

“That was also the reason why Doyeon is mad at Xiao.” Sungjong said.

“How?” Jihyun asked.

“When Xiaoyu gave me the lunch box in the music room and when she gave me food when I fainted.” Myungsoo said.

You entered the room to see a sincerely singing Myungsoo. He stopped playing and looked at you.

“What are you doing here?” He coldly asked.

“Sungjong asked me to give you this.” You lifted the lunchbox you were carrying.

He eyed it and sighed. “Throw it away.”

*WHAT?! IS HE STUPID?* You mentally shouted. “I don’t know what your problem is, but you can’t throw away food.”

He grabbed the lunchbox from your hand and tossed it in the trash bin.


“Just get out and leave me alone.”

Doyeon was eavesdropping. When Xiaoyu walked out of the room, she heard Myungsoo say “I’m sorry, Xiaoyu. I don’t know how to approach you yet. I can’t believe you’re here. I thought I won’t see you again.”

She decided to enter the room. “Oppa, why did you throw the food I made you?” She pouted.

“Get lost.” Myungsoo coldly said.

“Don’t tell me you like her?” She frowned. He didn’t answer.

“Oppa! I’m way prettier than that ! She doesn’t even deserve you! She’ll just hurt you!”

“I told you to get lost! Don’t you speak about Xiaoyu! She’s way better than you, fake ! And I will never like you even if you’re the last person on Earth!” He stormed out of the music room.


After changing into your school uniform, you decided to buy a sandwich and strawberry milk in the cafeteria. You arrived in the clinic to find Myungsoo already awake. You handed him the food you bought.

“I don’t need those.”

“I don’t want to argue with you. You’re very stubborn. Just eat it.” You put the food back in his hands and left.

*You did not change at all.* Myungsoo sighed as he stared at the food you gave. “I’ll never let you go again, Xiaoyu.”

Doyeon clenched her fist scrunching up the food in her hands. She barged into the clinic.

“You’re mine, oppa. I’ll make her miserable. I’ll do everything to break you two! I’ll make sure you’ll come to me.” She said before storming out.


“Wow, that girl is unbelievable.” Sunggyu said.

“She seems to follow you everywhere, huh?” Woohyun said, jokingly looking around if Doyeon is present somewhere in their dorm.

“Antagonists never win in the story. I hope that rot to death.” Sungjong said.

“Woah~ slow down there maknae.” Dongwoo said.

“I can’t believe we have a lot of secrets.” Hoya sighed.

“From now on, we should tell everything to each other! We’re brothers! We should inform Teen Top about this too.” Sungyeol said.

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 17: It's so good!!!

I wonder what's going to happen when Doyeon finds out about the couple ~.~
Authornim? In real life, was there some scandal about Myungsoo and Doyeon? Because I've read a lot of stories, and it's mentions Doyeon and how she is obsessive and a total b****, are they true?

I really anticipate the sequel ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 7: KDY .. openning old scares haha
shinee3112 #3
Chapter 17: The best!!!!
Galaxy04 #4
Thank you!!! Your comments make me happy ^^
Chapter 17: Wow so cute
Chapter 16: awwwiiieee sooooo cuteeee!! *off-to sequel!!
nerdyviv #7
Chapter 16: awwwww so cuteeee!! :D
barooya #8
Chapter 9: Hahahahahahahahhahahahhaahahha these boys are so chaotic :))))))))))))) lmao sehun I can't hahahahha
barooya #9
Chapter 8: Omg what did he just did???? He's a bipolar really how could he just kissed her like that omg XDDDD
barooya #10
Chapter 7: Lollllll when he stared with that deathly stare :))))))))) okay this means something really did happened in the past ouo