
The Complication

"Come sit with me?" Luhan wheedles, looking up at him like puss in boots from his perch on the sofa. It looks a little weird on Luhan, perhaps not as cute as he intended for it to be as Luhan isn't really made to be cute, but it gets the message across. Sehun had been doing some paper wok, but he supposes that he's due a break, for a little while at least. He dithers for a moment, laying all his papers in the right order and stacking them neatly,

"Sure, let me just get my book," he leaves the room with one finger up to indicate he'll just be a second, then returns with his latest conquest in novels, a paranormal romance, about a woman who can see 'omens'. He's not ashamed.

Just as Sehun is getting comfortable- with Luhan lounging across his lap - the doorbell rings. He groans, and begins to peel Luhan off him, despite him being clingy and doing everything in his power to keep him still. Then Sehun noticed to gleefu little smirk he's sporting, and he grows suspicious,

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"No reason," he lets go suddenly, and Sehun almost falls flat on his face. The doorbell rings again, and that gives him a good idea who it is. He rolls his eyes,

"Coming!" He calls, knowing full well that Baekhyun and Taeyeon are waiting outside impatiently. Sighing, Sehun goes to let them in, peering around the door moodily. He glares at the people who are disrupting his time with Luhan, and only after Taeyeon smiles brightly at him does he even open the door all the way.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, folding his arms out in front of him. 

"What, we can't pay our best friend a visit anymore?" Baekhyun lays one hand on his chest, mock offended. Sehun is about to reply with some expert sarcastic remark, but his words get stuck in his throat as a warmth is pressed against him from behind, and hands slide around his waist, linking together to rest on his stomach. Sehun immediately flushes bright red, unused to this kind of intimacy, especially in front of people. He looks at Baekhyun's shoes, unwilling to see his best friend's smug face.

"Hey there Luhan," 

"Hello Taeyeon," comes the muffled reply, because his face is pressed against Sehun's shoulder blade. Sehun doesn't move, pretending this isn't happening. This can't be happening.

"Are you gonna let us in?" Taeyeon stifles a laugh, knowing it's rude to find her friend's shyness funny but unable to help herself. He's just so oblivious to his own feelings. Sehun shakes his head and glowers at his friends for a moment, but relents and allows them to come inside,

"Yeah,  whatever," he moves aside, crushing Luhan against the wall in the process. He has a feeling Luhan knew about this, so he deserves all the crushing he gets. He barely even struggles so he must feel he deserves it too. They all file into the living room where they had been a few moments ago,  but instead of sitting comfortably and resuming the cuddling where they'd left off, like Luhan wanted, Sehun sits on the edge of the sofa nervously.

He can't help it. He knows he's being stupid, and that neither Baekhyun or Taeyeon would mind him being close to Luhan but he just feels so anxious about it. Luhan shifts a little closer until their shoulders and that's about all Sehun can take. That's where he will draw the line for the duration of time that they have guests. He sees Luhan's ears lying flat against his head and feels guilty, but can't bring himself to do anything about it.

"So, sehun, how's work?" Baekhyun smalltalks. Everyone looks to him curiously, even Luhan, because he doesn't talk about work much,

"It's good," he mumbles. It comes out like a question and he winces,

"Just good?" 

"Yeah. I don't really do anything interesting," he shrugs in apology. As Baekhyun begins bragging to him about how successful Taeyeon is, and she tries to stop him from sounding so embarassingly proud, Sehun looks to the clock. He could give it about half an hour minimum before he can excuse himself to make dinner. In the meantime he will have to pay attention and at least try to seem unflustered.

"-have you been up to?" Taeyeon is asking when he comes back into reality.

"Not much," Luhan says with a grin. Most people would shrug or a seem embarrassed by this, but for Luhan its an accomplishment. He tries to do as little as he can get away with, sticking to his pre-transformation routine most days apparently. Sehun looks at him fondly, and almost wants to pull him closer, but he doesn't.

"Not much? Surely you must do something? Maybe you should go for a walk or something-"

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Sehun interrupts. He dreads to think what kind of trouble the pink haired man would get into all on his own like that, "Maybe i could take you out to meet people? As long as you wore your hat," he compromises,

"I don't mind, I'm happy to stay in here. I don't need anyone but you," Luhan rests his head on Sehun's shoulder, and while the other couple are cooing over this Sehun thinks he might explode. He can't wait half an hour he needs to go now. It's only four thirty but if he made something super complicated and fancy then maybe he can justify being in the kitchen for so long.

"While that's very sweet, I still think you should go out and meet some other people. Make some friends other than this useless lump," Baekhyun gestures in Sehun's direction.

"Hey!" Sehun complains defensively, "that wasn't very nice," 

"I'm sorry, Sehunnie,"

"Don't call me that," he scowls at Baekhyun, but he has this extraordinay talent which allows any kind of intimidation to roll off him, just like it were rain on a window. Noticing the tension between Sehun and Baekhyun, even if it wasn't entirely real, Luhan decides to intevene and asks him about what he does all day, sparking off a long rant about graphic design and how hard it is. Sehun is glad that the spotlight is off him, and teases Baekhyun about his job being so easy anyone can do it. Enraged, Baekhyun starts explaining exactly how difficult his job is and that he would never be able to do it, while Sehun just sits back and watches him rant.

Eventually, stomachs start rumbling, and Sehun looks at the time, surprised at how fast its gone by, and offers to cook. The looks on their faces suggest that this was the real reason they came, and it makes him feel both flattered and infuriated.

"I'll help!" Luhan volunteers,

"No, stay here, I want to talk you you," Taeyeon intervenes, "Baekhyun can help. I want to talk to you about something," she pats the sat next to her. Sehun suddenly feels very suspicious, because last time Taeyeon talked to Luhan...well...that had happened. He doesn't like the idea of leaving them alone together to plot things and talk about that kind of thing, and is hesitant to go, but Baekhyun is dragging him away. It makes him just the slightest bit jealous that Luhan immediately jumps up, and curls into Taeyeon's side. His heart pangs.

"C'mon, lover boy," Baekhyun grunts, dragging him away, "perform some culinary genius for us," he makes a sweeping motion with his arm that ends with him pointing at the fridge. Sehun frowns at him, still fretting about Luhan, but begins with cooking. He selects some vegetables and lays them out on the counter,

"Is a curry ok with you?" He asks, no longer motivated enough to make something fancy. Baekhyun nods enthusiastically, and picks up a knife to help him chop up the leeks. Sehun thanks him and then they work in silence for a while, dumping the sliced and diced veggies into a large pot.

"Did you know cats have barbed es?" Sehun almost cuts his finger off.

"Wha-Baekhyun! W-why. What? Why would you-?" Sehun splutters with the tip of his finger between his lips. Baekhyun shrugs, but grins malevolently,

"Is it true for Luhan?" He sniggers. Baekhyun seems to revel in his best friend's frazzled state, and nudges him with his elbow, "does he have a spiky ? Huh?" He cackles as Sehun turns so red he might be glowing and chokes on his saliva, knowing this has hit a nerve as Sehun is most definitely a receiver.

"I don't know!" He wails shrilly. Panicking, Sehun thinks back to that time when he'd seen him but he can't remember actually looking at his junk. Did he have spikes there? Is he still part cat down there? Luhan had said that the ears and tail were the only things that had changed about him, and he can't remember noticing anything odd about it that very first day but maybbe it's changed since then. Or he'd blocked it out, or just not noticed. Oh god.

"Stop it, idiot. I was joking, jeez, no need to work yourself up into a tizzy over this," Baekhyun puts a consoling hand on his shoulder, and looks at him seeming almost concerned, an expression Baekhyun doesn't share often. But Sehun disagrees. He should be worrying about this: if Luhan wants to go further than last time that will mean. Sehun will be hurt. He doesn't want to have spikes in his .

"Sehun. Look at me. It was a joke. I'm pretty sure Luhan doesn't, I was being funny, ok? Laugh. Or better yet, breathe." Shaking his head in exasperation, Baekhyun manages to get Sehun to focus, despite the steady level of anxiety thrumming through him. It takes a while, but by the time food is ready to serve, Sehun is pretty much composed, but the moment Luhan walks through the door, images of spiky male appendages flash before him and he has a hard time holding his cutlery.

Luhan gives him a few worried glances, but Sehun tries to ignore him. He has a lot to think about tonight.


Once Baekhyun and Taeyeon have gone, Baekhyun reminding him that it was a joke!, and the other two looking a little confused, Sehun is once again left alone with Luhan.

While before he'd been looking forward to being alone together, now he has other ideas. He goes back to reading his book on the sofa, and expects it when Luhan joins him, lounging across his lap luxuriously, but he can't concentrate. He keeps on thinking about what his best friend said, joke or not, and feels trickles of sweat building up along his hairline.

He can't sit still either. Luhan picks up on his disquiet and sits up, far too close for comfort,

"What's wrong?"


"Are you sure?" Luhan moves even closer, so close that Sehun can feel the heat of his breaths, and narrows his eyes. "You don't seem like there's 'nothing' wrong."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," he squeaks. Luhan stares him down and for a moment Sehun thinks he's going to push further- he really doesn't want to discuss what's bothering him yet- but then he shrugs and leans closer, kissing him sweetly. Unsure how to react to this after his previous line of thought, Sehun's hands flutter uselessy over Luhan's waist as he moves to straddle him. His eyes close, liking the innocent nature of this kiss. He wouldn't mind carrying on like this forever, he thinks, as he situates his arms more firmly around his boyfriend's waist.

On the other hand, he wouldn't mind another . But thinking of that makes him think of spikes and he stiffens up again. Luhan pulls away, their lips making a tiny wet noise as they separate, and sighs. His glowing eyes search Sehun's own, and seem to find something disappointing, as a moment later he crawls away and makes himself comfortable back in the position he was in before.

A little while later, Luhan is snoring softly on his lap. Sehun finally gives in to the building urge to pet him, and drags his fingers through his hair, and rubs gently between his ears. Luhan stirs minutely in his sleep.


The next day, when Sehun comes back from work, he's greeted with a warm hug and another kiss. The same on the next day. And the day after that. Sehun starts getting used to them, and anticipates it as he walks home, faster even than he used to, no longer even admiring the sunsets or the flowers. His heart soars when he opens the front door and Luhan flings himself at him, nuzzling his jaw against his neck, and face. 

Luhan allows him barely a second to remove his shoes and put down his things before dragging him back to the couch and settling down on top of him. Apart from the bed, this seems to be Luhan's favourite place to be. Luhan slings his arms around Sehun's neck and kisses him again, and he can feel the smile against his lips. He's never felt this good before, and it shows in everything he does.

He hasn't thought much about what Baekhyun said for a couple of days now, but when Luhan slips his tongue into his mouth, and turns up the heat a few notches, everything comes rushing back to him. He freezes under Luhan's ministrations, wishing he didn't keep wondering about this, and causes Luhan to lean back and examine his guilt ridden face.

"Sehun. What's wrong. Please tell me." Luhan lifts Sehun's face with a finger hooked under his chin- he must have learned that move from TV- when Sehun ducks away, blushing a furious shade of pink. 

"No, it's embarrassing," Sehun tries to duck away again, but Luhan cups his cheek and leans closer- must be another TV move.

"Tell me. I won't laugh." Why does he have to look so intense? Sehun can't refuse such an honest face. But he can't share what he's thinking about. He's going to die of embarrassment right now, and it's all going to be Baekhyun's fault.

"Baekhyun told me ......" he mumbles the rest of the sentence so queitly Luhan  can't hear him at all, and squints.

"What?" He his head a little to hear him better. Sehun takes a deep breath and wishes this had never happened.

"Baekhyun told me cats have barbed es and I got scared because I though you might still have that and if you wanted to have it would hurt." 

"Oh." Luhan is taken aback. His eyebrows furrow as he processes all of what Sehun just said and Sehun can see the figurative wheels turning in his mind, and the moment when he understands he lets out a roar of laughter.

"You thought-? That I have-?" Bringing Sehun close to his chest, he laughs and laughs, squeezing Sehun in his arms. By the time he is calm, wiping tears of mirth from his eyes, Sehun is feeling pretty stupid. He should have known it was stupid, why did he even believe it for a second? Even Baekhyun said he was joking, why couldn't he have just forgotten about it then and there?

Lower lip trapped between his teeth and hands clenched, Sehun stares at the floor to avoid making eye contact with Luhan, but the cat steps back and crouches to get into his line of sight.

"I can prove it if you want?" He offers, snorting, and hooks his fingers in the waistband of his jeans, pulling it down just slightly enough to reveal a little skin. Sehun's mind explodes, 

"No! Um- No, no. That's ok." He scrambles away fromLuhan and almost falls off the sofa, a little hurt from the way Luhan is once again in hysterics over his reaction. He frowns, and makes to leave, intent on hiding in his bed until nightfall, closing the door loudly behind him but not slamming it.

"Hey, I was only joking. I'm sorry, I'll stop teasing you. Come back!" Luhan calls down the corridor, but by the time he tries to chase, Sehunis in the bedroom, and has shut the door. He leans back against it to stop the annoyingly brash cat man from barging in on him again, and slides down until he's sat on the floor and presses his face into his palms. It's not like he's innocent, and he's not a . He has no idea why he's acting like one. 

But at least he knows that Luhan isn't going to hurt him. If-if they do that.



"Taeyeon! It was so funny! He thought I had a spiky , that's why he was avoiding me!"

"Really? Haha, I knew it was going to be something like that! Is he ok now?"

"He ran off. He's hiding in our bedroom."

"Oh my god. He's such a dork."

"I know, but I can't help it. I really do love him."

"We all know you do, you call me at least once a day just to tell me that, Luhan,"

"Well. I'm sorry. Anyway I wanted some advice this time."

"What about?"

"I want to have with him. But he's too scared, and I need a way to either hint it, or just ease him into it. Any ideas?"

Wow baekhyun is such a mean friend and luhan youre so sneaky (sorry for the wait OTL)

ANd this ConcERT HTING IM FRekaking OUT omg

comment anything i will talk about this or the comeback ahh

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Rb2012 #1
Chapter 12: Cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 12: That was cute :3
audbear #3
Chapter 12: UGGGGGGGGHHH I LOVE HYBRID AU SO MUCHaphs;dfjasjldkf
Chapter 2: idk but i thought reckless and nosebleeding lu is cute
that baekyeon part tho xD
Chapter 1: just found this fic and it's so cute ><
Chapter 10: oh my god I'm laughing so much at baek because I can imagine all those faces and jokes he does lol luhan calling taeyeon is so cute and sehun don't be like this XD just give in~ I'm trying to not comment at every chapter cus' it feels like spam lol
Chapter 2: Ahaha *____* sehun you lucky bastard luhan you're just /hugs a pillow/ waaah \(>w<)/
Chapter 12: Omo lulu topping!! You did very well with this story. *applauses* Well done author-nim~ c:
xyxy60 #9
Chapter 12: really cute storybbut got me off guard when i realises luhan topped hahaha
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 1: //cough// only if he had turned into a cat with clothe on.