
The Complication

Sehun is on the train, heading home to spemd a weekend with his one true love, with little to no disturbances from anyone else. Ok, that makes him sound a little bit lame, since the one true love he’s talking about is his pink cat; Luhan. The reason his cat is pink, is because his friend Baekhyun gave him a coupon to a pet salon but Sehun didn’t have time to use it before it ran out, so he used it for him.

He finds that he doesn’t mind however, and looks forward to curling up lazily on the couch with Luhan nuzzling into his stomach and pawing his thighs to get comfortable and fall asleep on him. His cat’s fur is so silky, even with the pink dye permeating his hide. It just makes him look cuter, and Sehun ended up buying a collar with a bow attached to it to complement his aesthetic. Luhan didn’t even object, even preferring it to his old one, an ugly fraying black thing.

Sehun gets off the train, and neatly evades the people swarming around him and eventually makes it safely to the exit without suffering any damage to himself, or his laptop bad slung over his shoulder. The rest of the walk home is considerably quieter; he lives in a peaceful suburban area of the city, where lots of the houses have quaint little gardens out front.There's one in particular which he takes pleasure walking past each day, which is filled with garden gnomes, and the owner of the house moves them around every so often, so it feels like they could be alive.

The sun is sinking behind the rooftops, setting the sky aglow, and Sehun’s shadow now has longer legs than him, which is quite a feat since he’s pretty a lanky guy. Above him, the clouds are coalescing into one huge, pearlescent, tangerine spire, and he pauses to take a photo before moving on. A comfortable calm settles within him knowing that when he gets home in a few minutes, he can relax with his favourite person in the world. Better even than his best friend. He can talk to Luhan and not have to worry about being judged, because Luhan can't talk back.

Now he sounds a lot lame, but Sehun doesn’t care. Luhan is more loving than Baekhyun ever was, and he’s also never done anything to hurt him. Like how Baekhyun calls him ‘the crazy cat lady’ just to be mean. He sighs, adjusting the bag strap so it doesn't dig into his skin.

His home is in sight, it’s the second last one on the end of this road, the only one with not perfectly mown lawn, but you can’t see it because there’s a tiny tree growing in the middle, a weeping willow, which conceals the evidence of Sehun’s inattentiveness quite nicely.

He doesn’t notice that he’s hurrying his footsteps until he reaches the gate, and unlatching it. With fumbling fingers he digs around in his pocket for his keys, and inserts the correct one into the lock on the second try, the door swinging open quietly. He doesn’t even have time to shut the door properly before a streak of pink zooms down the stairs and charges at his legs, circling around him and affectionately rubbing his head against his trousers and shedding pink hairs all over him. Good thing he doesn’t need to wear these again tomorrow.

“C’mere sweetie,” he murmurs, putting his bag down next to him and scratching his tiny cat’s head. His eyes close happily, and his tail flicks in the air like grass waving in the breeze. This tells Sehun that he’s loving all the attention, and Sehun is loath to take it away from him.

But he has to take his shoes off to properly enter the house, so reluctantly, he pushes Luhan aside for a moment, and kicks off his shoes without bothering to untie the laces, and walks with sock-clad feet over the hardwood flooring of his living room to chuck his business jacket onto the couch uncaringly.

He flops down not a second later, and flings his arm up so it’s covering his eyes. He smiles when he feels tiny feet padding over his inert form, and a warm weight making himself comfortable on his stomach. With his free hand, he Luhan’s satin-soft fur, feeling the light rumble of his purring all the way into his bones.

He nearly falls asleep like this, but alas, he has bodily functions like any other human, and his stomach grumbles loudly, making his beautiful cat stir as well. Luhan mewls, and it almost sounds teasing, until Sehun sits up and forces the tiny feline to find purchase elsewhere. He meows indignantly as Sehun stands up and goes to the kitchen in search of something to eat. Can he be bothered to make himself something from scratch?

He decides that, yes he can, and opens the recipe book his mother gave him from her university years, dog-eared and ragged, and flicks through his options. He still uses this book, not because he’s pressed for money, but because most of them require little in the way of fancy ingredients and Sehun is generally too lazy to scout out places that sell exotic spices, though he could cook with them if he wanted to.

He goes for egg-fried rice, with whatever vegetables he’s got leftover in his fridge. He cooks while slowly drinking a glass of the low grade wine he bought because he’s a cheapskate.

It’s coming along nicely, despite an inquisitive Luhan getting in his way every time he turns around, it smells great and his inside feels hollow with hunger. Luhan sits on his foot, and Sehun shakes him off, scolding him,

“Luhan my foot is not a resting place for the likes of you. Go find your own food,” he nudges him in the direction of his food bowl, organised neatly on a mosaic pattern mat alongside his water bowl. He turns his attention back to his own dinner after that, pointedly ignoring the pitiful cat mewling at him as he empties the frying pan onto his plate.

He sits at the tiny table, then realises his glass is empty and gets up to fill it up again, accidentally bumping his hip on the table. He hadn’t realised he’d drunk that much, the bottle is two thirds empty. Oh well, he thinks, its Friday, it doesn’t matter.

He can’t ignore Luhan’s pitiful crying any longer, and instead of telling him to be quiet or sending him away, like any other pet owner might do, he rashly picks Luhan’s bowl up and places it on the table opposite him. Luhan bounces up lithely, using the other chair as a step, and starts to nibble away at his food contentedly.

It starts to dawn on him then, that he is having dinner with his cat. You could even say he’s on a date with his cat. Baekhyun is right, he’s a crazy cat lady at twenty three years old and his life . He rests his face in his palm for a moment, sad. This isn’t just the alcohol talking, is it?

“Ah, Luhan,” he sighs, “I wish you were human,” he laments, shovelling more food into his mouth and wincing when it burns his tongue. Despondent, he finishes up his meal, not looking at his cat as he does so, and sipping the rest of the glass of wine. Afterwards, he has the sense to gulp down a glass of water to fend off any traces of hangover tomorrow.

He strips down to nothing then puts on his pyjama bottoms, pretending the faint scuffling of paws on his bedroom carpet doesn’t exist, then climbs into bed.




Sehun wakes up with a heavy weight on his chest. Heavier than normal anyway, because Luhan usually sleeps there, and he swears his little pink-furred cat wasn’t this heavy last time he slept on him. He opens his eyes blearily and yawns, remembering what happened last night. He really needs to get a life; maybe he should take up Baekhyun’s advice and go to one of these singles parties he keeps trying to push on him.

The weight pressing him into the mattress shifts slightly, so Sehun looks down to see what's changed. A very handsome young man is snuggled into his shoulder, with cat ears sticking out from the top of his head.

Pink ones.

He freaks out, screaming and scrambling to get out from under this chimera creature...who looks up at him with wide sparkling eyes and is actually pretty cute, with his bubblegum pink hair.

"Sehun? Master?" it says. .

“Master what’s wrong?" it asks, crawling closer and backing Sehun into the headboard. Who is this? How did he get in? Where did his cat go?? All Sehun can do is gape at this pink haired and very  young man in his bed.

"Sehun?" he says again, before nuzzling his cheek against his jawline. Like his cat does. That's when it clicks. It’s his cat, Luhan. This is Luhan. But how? Luhan rests his palms on Sehuns bare chest, and settles his whole weight on him, curling up to go to back to sleep. Sehun stares at his pretty face in a mixture of fear and wonder.

He takes hold of the man’s -is it truly Luhan? He can’t believe it- shoulders and forces him to look at him.

"Luhan?" he asks uncertainly. The cat-man smiles, and Sehun notices that his canines are just slightly more elongated than on a typical human, and sharper looking too.

"You recognised me," he says, pleased. He then leans forward and hums against his collarbone. Luhan, his cat, is now a human. It does not compute. Suddenly Luhan moves, and sits up on his lap,

"Oh!” he cries, “I can finally do this! I've always wanted to-" he darts forward and pecks Sehun on the lips, grinning bashfully, then hides his face again. Sehun blushes and blinks crazily. His cat..!

Sehun tries to come to terms with the fact that this boy, with pink hair and kitten ears and a tail, his cat….just kissed him. On reflex, he lifts his hand to drape it over Luhan’s back, who is now squirming delightedly in his lap, basking in the early morning light drifting in from through the gap between the curtains.

Sehun closes his eyes, counts to ten and opens them, hoping that everything will be back to normal, but no. The man is still on his lap humming a tuneless melody to himself. Sehun wonders if this is a human version of purring. He tentatively tries the pink coloured hair on his head and is pleased to find his assumption correct when the humming increases in volume.

It’s too early for this, but he can’t go back to sleep when he’s got such a momentous problem on his hands. This is a catastrophe! His cat is a human, and just kissed him. Does this count as ? He isn’t sure, but he certainly hopes not. He gives kisses to Luhan all the time, but never once considered the possibility of Luhan wanting to kiss him too. This is all too weird.

“Luhan?” He whispers, almost too afraid to say the word because usually the only response he would get is a small mew if he’s lucky. But this Luhan looks up at him adoringly, an open and friendly smile adorning his face so Sehun can see his pointy teeth glinting at him tauntingly.

“Yes, master?” The title makes him shiver,

“Please don’t call me that. Call me Sehun,” he commands, and Luhan nods, eagerly absorbing his every word.

“Yes, Sehun,”

“Do you know how you… became like this?” He asks uncertainly, gesturing vaguely over Luhan’s bare body. He should really fix that, he thinks, as he tears his eyes away from places they shouldn’t be straying. He’s a cat! A cat!!

“Yeah!” Luhan breathes, leaning closer to Sehun’s face and smiling as wide as his face can accommodate, “It’s because you said ‘ah Luhan, I wish you were human’ and someone heard you!” He mimics his actions down the tiniest of movements, but the surprisingly accurate imitation doesn't distract him from Luhan's answer,

“That makes no sense. Who heard me?” Sehun is extremely perplexed. Luhan just shrugs, then his neck absently. His face drops, eyes widening in panic as he scratches at the bare skin of his neck.

“My collar! Where’s my collar?” he shouts frantically, twirling around and entangling himself in the bed sheets, inevitably making it harder to find the missing object. Stepping off the bed, Sehun watches in partial amusement and partial worry as Luhan works himself into a frenzy trying to find his collar, and ends up in an embarrassed ball of duvet, unable to escape.

“Luhan, you calmed down now?” Sehun asks, and his question is met with a pathetic whine,

“My collar,” he cries plaintively while Sehun disentangles him. Sehun grabs his wrist and pulls him off the bed. Since Luhan isn’t used to standing on two feet, he clings to Sehun’s arm for balance, leaving Sehun just one free hand to shake the bedding around with.

Nothing falls out, however, no collar, nothing. Sighing, because he will be quite annoyed if they can’t find his collar –it wasn’t cheap at all-  he sinks down onto his hands and knees, bringing Luhan with him. Luhan is much more comfortable like this, on the floor, so he lets go of Sehun and darts into the darkness of under Sehun’s bed. Luhan liked crawling underneath furniture as a cat, so it makes sense that he likes it as a human too.

Sehun sits back on his heels and watches Luhan’s pink tail flick high in the air, and then hears a kittenish growl, and Luhan is reversing out from under there like he’s been burned, brandishing the missing collar like a prize, which for Luhan it probably sort of is.

Once he receives a nod of approval from Sehun, he turns his attention to unbuckling the collar, because it certainly won’t fit around his neck anymore, not that he's grown. Unfortunately, his fingers are too stiff and awkward to undo the buckle, so after a few moments of watching Luhan fail to push the fabric through the buckle, Sehun takes it away before he gets frustrated, and undoes it himself.

He beckons Luhan a little closer, the back of his mind screaming at him to stop this insanity because he is putting a collar on a cat-man, and adjusts the fit. It fits perfectly at the second-to-last hole. Luhan rubs his head on Sehun’s chest, and hums again. Sehun doesn’t know what to, and just lets it happen, refusing to think about his state of undress and instead on how he’s going to solve this problem.

Luhan nips up and pecks him on the mouth again, then drapes his entire,  body over Sehun’s, making him fall onto his back, with Luhan lying in between his legs, completely uncaring of the situation.

First of all, he needs to get some clothes on him before he goes completely and utterly insane.

“Luhan?” Sehun asks timidly. His cat stirs, but just ends up tucking his legs up onto his chest. Sehun tries again, “Luhan? Can you please move?”

“But why? I’m comfortable here,” Luhan grumbles petulantly into his chest- Sehun can feel it and it’s very distracting.

“Did you think about the fact that I’m not comfortable?” It’s true: his back is hurting, and he banged his head in the fall. Luhan bolts upright and scrambles off him, not saying a word. Sehun sits up, rubbng his head and wondering what he could have done to deserve this. He casts a cursory glance at the source of his problem and wishes he hadn't.

“Clothes,” Sehun squeaks, averting his eyes from where Luhan is sat with his legs shamelessly spread wide open, showcasing his defined muscles, and, well, everything, “definitely need to get you some clothes.”



first of all, im sorry

haah well this was meant to be a oneshot but when do things ever turn out as planned, huh? i have no idea how long this is going to be....

i cant believe i got 70 subs without even posting anything you guys must really like kitty!aus lol 

anyway comments are very welcome *winkwinknudgenudge*


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Rb2012 #1
Chapter 12: Cute
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 12: That was cute :3
audbear #3
Chapter 12: UGGGGGGGGHHH I LOVE HYBRID AU SO MUCHaphs;dfjasjldkf
Chapter 2: idk but i thought reckless and nosebleeding lu is cute
that baekyeon part tho xD
Chapter 1: just found this fic and it's so cute ><
Chapter 10: oh my god I'm laughing so much at baek because I can imagine all those faces and jokes he does lol luhan calling taeyeon is so cute and sehun don't be like this XD just give in~ I'm trying to not comment at every chapter cus' it feels like spam lol
Chapter 2: Ahaha *____* sehun you lucky bastard luhan you're just /hugs a pillow/ waaah \(>w<)/
Chapter 12: Omo lulu topping!! You did very well with this story. *applauses* Well done author-nim~ c:
xyxy60 #9
Chapter 12: really cute storybbut got me off guard when i realises luhan topped hahaha
Ohluhan101 #10
Chapter 1: //cough// only if he had turned into a cat with clothe on.