
Supernatural Attraction

~ YAY it's nearing the end I think :3 then I can get started on my next ff HAHAH :3 anyway this chap is sort of long :333 ~

"Are we there yet?" Henry asked for what was probably the umpteenth time in the hour they'd been climbing up the mountain.

"For heaven's sake no, Henry!" Everyone yelled.

"Well we'd better get there soon. You have no idea what the humidity is doing to me." Sungmin complained as he trudged on. Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, the water is doing so much worse to my clothes." Zhou Mi commented.

"Would you guys shut up already?!!!" Leeteuk yelled.

"Geez, grumpy old grandpa..." The three mumbled as Kangin kept Leeteuk from strangling them all to death.

"We're here!" Eunhae whispered. Hangeng smiled. At least they hadn't screamed or anything.

"OH MY GOSH WE ARE HERE!!!!" Henry shouted as hangeng cringed and his smile faded.

"Henry!" They hissed in disapproval.


"Keep quiet will you??? This is not meant to be an announcement of our arrival!!" 

"Oh... Oops." Henry said apologetically but the damage has already been done.

"I see you've finally arrived..." They heard taemin cackle in the distance as they all froze.

"." They cursed as they were suddenly surrounded by serpents.

"Here's your welcome gift." They heard taemin say as the serpents hissed and attacked while taemin laughed at them. All of the 14 elements whizzed everywhere, destroying the cursed serpents in their way.

"Hangeng, kibum. Go!" Siwon whispered as hangeng nodded. They'd planned to let hangeng take advantage of the chaos they'd been sure was going to be imminent and inevitable and rush inside to find heechul with Kibum as backup since they'd realized the two elements worked well together. The two nodded as they slipped past the serpents, secretly entering the cave.

"Aish I can't see. Where's Leeteuk hyung when you need him?" Kibum muttered under his breath. As the two walked deeper into the cave the light from the entrance became dimmer, until they were practically blind.

"Well this won't help much but it's better than nothing." Hangeng casually responded as a ball of flame appeared and hovered ahead of them, illuminating the pathway slightly, but enough so they could see.

"Oh right. I forgot." Kibum said as they walked on. Hangeng let out a small laugh. 

"Do you think we'll be able to find him though? I mean, the place is huge."

"Well we have to try." Hangeng responded. He was determined to find heechul.

"Sometimes I really admire your love. It's so strong." Kibum smiled.

"Yeah... I really love him." Hangeng smiled tightly.

"I can tell. So let's find him and get him out, okay?" Kibum said as hangeng nodded. They walked on for what seemed like forever until they reached a pair of doors. They looked at each other before cautiously pulling open the doors, on their guard.


The large room, which seemed to be taemin's throne room of sorts, was empty. They headed in, still on guard in case there were any traps lying around. 

"There's nothing..." Kibum concluded.

"Yeah..." Hangeng sighed dejectedly.

"Wait... Listen." Hangeng said.

"Do you hear someone... Crying?" He asked. Kibum listened closer before nodding. They turned in the direction of the sobs and were met with a wall. They stepped closer.

"There's probably a secret entrance or something. Hurry, we don't have much time." Kibum said as they got to work. Minutes ticked by with no progress until hangeng noticed a slight breeze coming from somewhere.

"Kibum-ah... I think there's a crack here." He said as he motioned Kibum to come closer, which the latter did. They pushed as the wall, moving it slightly until the entire thing was open.

"H-hannie? Bummie?" They heard heechul's voice.

"HEECHUL!!!" They cried as they rushed over to their hyung, who hugged them back.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked, worried.

"We came to save you hyung." Kibum explained as he left the two to guard the entrance.

"Chul-ah... Are you alright?" Hangeng asked in concern.

"Yes... Yes I am. But you shouldn't be here. You should go. Now. Before taemin kills you. Go now." Heechul pushed hangeng.

"No. Chul-ah I said it before. You stay, I stay. You go, I go. I'll stay with you and follow you wherever you go. And you're here now, so I am here too. I won't leave you here, Chul. Either we both leave... Or we both perish here." Hangeng said as he embraced his princess.

"Aww so touching. Unfortunately I have to break this sweet moment." Taemin grinned evilly as he walked in, ousting kibum onto the floor, held down by two serpents.

"You." Hangeng hissed as he narrowed his eyes at taemin.

"Aww is someone trying to be his knight in shining armor? I'm afraid that won't work out."

"Stop it, taemin. Please, I know you aren't like that. Stop it now." Heechul said.

"You don't know me, heechul. You never did, and never will." Taemin snarled.

"I know how you feel." Hangeng interjected.

"You? HA! What a joke! I don't even know you. You--" taemin was cut off by hangeng.

"You feel inferior, don't you."

"W-what? What are you talking about, you fool?!" Taemin said.

"You always felt inferior to your brother, who seemed so perfect to everyone. You felt like you were his shadow. So when the chance came, you took it. And you embarked on the journey full of wealth, power, strength." Hangeng continued, unfazed as the two brothers and the injured Kibum stared at him in shock.

"W-what? Stop pretending like you know me." Taemin shouted.

"And so, you gave up everything. Your heart, your soul, your conscience. You murdered your own family, left everyone to die. But I know, taemin-ah... I know that, deep in your heart you are still the taemin heechul once knew."

"Him? He never knew anything about me. He never cared for me." Taemin scoffed.

"I'd prefer to think otherwise, taemin-ah. You see when he told me about you, you seemed like such a nice kid. I knew right then that you were simply set on the wrong path, blinded by greed. But you can change. You weren't born evil. You can change, taemin." Heechul could see taemin's facade wavering.

"And we want to help you, taemin-ah. Just give us a chance." Hangeng pushed.

"W-what... Why... How..." Taemin finally broke down, falling to the ground. 

"You can change, taemin-ah..." Hangeng said, reaching a hand out to taemin, who hesitated.

"I can?" Taemin asked. Hangeng gave him a reassuring nod.

"I... Can you forgive me, heechul?" Taemin asked as heechul nodded tearfully.

"Then I will accept your help." Taemin smiled as he took hangeng's hand and stood up.

"Let's go... I will stop this destruction." Taemin said as he walked out of the cave.

"Come on..." Hangeng said, raising Kibum off the floor.

"Can you walk?" He asked. Kibum nodded and they headed out, following after taemin.

"Stop." Taemin ordered as the serpents stopped moving and slithered back into the cave.

"What?" The others asked in shock.

"I... I'm sorry. I was wrong..." Taemin mumbled as he bowed.

"HUH?!" Donghae yelled as eunhyuk cupped a hand over his mouth.

"We... Convinced him to stop this." Hangeng simply said as they nodded.

"I-I'm really sorry... Can you forgive me?" Taemin asked, looking down.

"Yes. Everyone deserves a second chance." Leeteuk smiled as he placed an encouraging hand on taemin's shoulder.

"Well... Now that this is over, why don't you come in? I'm sure you're all... Tired after the fight." Taemin suggested.

"Follow me." He said as he walked back into the cave.

"I don't trust him." Kyuhyun whispered to sungmin.

"I don't either, but we'll have to wait and see." Sungmin replied.

So how? Do you trust taemin or not? :3 has he really changed? Or is he still evil? 

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Sapphirechan #1
Chapter 31: I wanna read about hanchuls vacation
Chapter 29: i don't know about this :p i don't really trust taemin .. not yet :p
Chapter 28: oh no
why taeminnie?dont be cruel
please someone helps heenim
Omo ... this is getting intense !! what's next ! what's next .. can't wait !!!
Chapter 27: omo
heechul why u have to sacrifice like this?
your friends need u,geng need u
Chapter 25: idiotic hanchul couple ♥♥♥
but where is kyu??
jewelnfishy #7
Chapter 26: heechul must have a hidden plan... right??
Chapter 24: where is kyu?i m worried for him but at least hangeng is with heechul and spoil him
jewelnfishy #9
Chapter 22: Now I'm sad.... Why is Taemin being so cruel... Poor Kyu... I hope they find him fast... It must be something that made Taemin the way he is now right?? I hope Heechul can save him too... He's too cute to be evil... :(