Trip to korea

Supernatural Attraction

~ This is a double update!! ~

Hangeng's POV: 

I walked towards the plane with my dongsaengs Zhou Mi and Henry, who were both bouncing 

up and down, for what reason I don't really know. I mean, was going to a special school in 

Korea really that interesting? Call me pessimistic, but really? 

“周觅啊。(Zhou Mi.)" I said, attempting to gain the attention of the happy boy. No response. 

"周觅。" I tried. Again, no response. 

"周觅!!!!!" I shouted. Finally, he turned towards me. 

"怎么了,哥哥?(what is it, hyung?)" he asked, smiling widely. I smiled back, his joy rubbing off 

on me, just like it always did. 

"没事。我只是想告诉你们别太激动,要不然后果可能会... 不堪设想。(It's nothing. I just wanted to 

tell you guys not to get too excited... If not, the consequences could be... Dire.)" I warned. 

"哎呀庚哥!你也知道我只会让人家开心嘛!(oh please, geng hyung. You know I would only 

make people feel happier if I am.)" he replied. I sighed and continued walking. Finally, we 

reached the plane. Sorry, the private jet. The school sure was rich. It was pretty impressive, a 

huge white plane with streaks of blue on it. We walked on board. 

"天啊,这地方也太美丽了吧!(whoa, this place is way too beautiful!)" Henry shrieked as he took 

in the appearance of the interior of the jet. Zhou Mi gaped at it, not even able to speak. I 

looked at them and raised my eyebrow. Seriously, what strange dongsaengs I have. 

"Hyung!!!! Aren't you amazed at this?" Henry asked in korean, looking at me, seeing as I was 

probably the only sane one at the moment. I laughed. 

"Sure I am, it's just that I don't show it as much as you two clowns over there." I smirked. 

"HYUNG!!!!!!" They shouted in unison as I chuckled and pushed past them, making my way to 

my seat. Soon after they followed and sat down in their respective seats. Actually, this jet was 

pretty cool. The interior was a dark brown, almost black, with a dark carpeted floor. The seats 

were made out of black leather, and I loved black. It was my favorite color. It felt as though we 

were on a first-class flight. I placed my arm on the armrest, unknowingly hitting a button that was 

hidden somewhere on it. A TV popped out in front of me. 

"OH. MY. GOSH. SO COOL!!!!!" Henry and Zhou Mi shouted, automatically pushing the 

random buttons on the handle. I sighed. These two were only like 3 years younger than me, yet 

they acted like they were 5 year olds. I wasn't their real hyung, but I worried for them all the 

same. I turned in their direction and got a shock. Unlike my clean, nearly empty seat, Zhou Mi's 

and Henry's looked like some mini shop. Like seriously, there was a TV, a fridge, a tray, 

basically everything you needed was there. And this happened in a mere 2 minutes. Seriously, 

what could happen on this 4 hour flight? 

"Whoa guys. What did you do?" I asked, slightly recovering from the shock I just recieved. 

"N-nothing?" Henry replied. I raised my eyebrow. 

"Well, this sure doesn't look like nothing." I said, gesturing to the random pile of things. 

"I don't know, hyung. All I did was press a few buttons." Henry pouted, obviously not planning 

on making them disappear, which was what I really wished he would do right now. 

"Mhmm. Now make them go away before I set them on fire." I threatened. Okay, I was being a 

little mean, but I really wanted those things out of my sight. I liked neatness. And this was 

obviously the complete opposite. 

"Hyung. You can't just go around setting things alight. Especially without a lighter or a 

matchstick." He replied, looking at me. 

"Are you sure?" I asked him, as a small, orange flame appeared in my palm. He gulped. 

"O-oh... I forgot. But hyunggggg I don't want to keep ittttt!!!" He whined. 

"5..." I started. 

"Hyungggggg...." he tried, using aegyo. 

"4..." I continued, unfazed, as the flame in my palm grew larger. His eyes grew wide. 

"H-hyung-ah..." He whispered. 

"3..." I said as the flame glowed a bright red. 

"OK HYUNG. I'LL DO IT. STOP!!" He shouted as he frantically pressed the buttons and 

everything popped back into place. I smirked and let the flame extinguish. 

"But hyungggggg can't I just keep the TV and the game console?" He whined again. I lit up the 

flame once again, this time allowing it to glow brighter. 

"O-ok hyung... How about just the TV?" He tried and I gave in. What could I say? It's not like I 

wanted him to be bored the entire flight. 

"Ok, but only one device on at a time." I said and he nodded, pouting slightly. 

"And Zhou Mi, help me keep an eye on him." I said as he nodded, laughing at Henry. 

I sat back in place as I heard Zhou Mi laughing and Henry shouting at him to stop. I smiled, as I 

plugged in my earphones and closed my eyes, drifting into unconsciousness as a small blue 

flame danced around my fingers.

So... this chapter was basically them going to korea :3 Haha. anyway I already have like what, 6 chapters written? So... I will upload them 2 at a time, daily. So please note, double update alert :3 Anyway, in case you haven't realized, hangeng has the gift of flame :3 YAY :3

Its like... this:


and Zhou Mi... has powers over emotions:

And please check out my first fanfic if you haven't! Link:

Comments are very much appreciated :3 so is subscribing but :D anyway, please comment/subscribe!! <3

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Sapphirechan #1
Chapter 31: I wanna read about hanchuls vacation
Chapter 29: i don't know about this :p i don't really trust taemin .. not yet :p
Chapter 28: oh no
why taeminnie?dont be cruel
please someone helps heenim
Omo ... this is getting intense !! what's next ! what's next .. can't wait !!!
Chapter 27: omo
heechul why u have to sacrifice like this?
your friends need u,geng need u
Chapter 25: idiotic hanchul couple ♥♥♥
but where is kyu??
jewelnfishy #7
Chapter 26: heechul must have a hidden plan... right??
Chapter 24: where is kyu?i m worried for him but at least hangeng is with heechul and spoil him
jewelnfishy #9
Chapter 22: Now I'm sad.... Why is Taemin being so cruel... Poor Kyu... I hope they find him fast... It must be something that made Taemin the way he is now right?? I hope Heechul can save him too... He's too cute to be evil... :(