Lo and behold, and the flirting begins

Supernatural Attraction

~ meh, forget the double. This is a triple update XD ~

No-one's POV:

Hangeng returned soon after with a cup of warm water for his hyung, who had seemed pretty shaken up just now. He was really worried for him. Thankfully, heechul seemed to have recovered slightly and was now able to smile weakly at the younger, who handed him the drink.

"Ok... So it's confirmed that hangeng is the winner right?" Leeteuk asked and everyone nodded in unison. There was no doubt, it had to be hangeng.

"Great. Now for the best part -- who was the worst..." He continued as everyone eyed shindong, who was still eating peacefully. Evil smirks all around.

"Aishhhhhhhh." He mumbled as he buried his face in his hands.

"No one said anything about a forfeit!!" He cried.

"No one said anything about not having one." Heechul and kyuhyun chimed together.



"Let us see your messages with your girlfriend, hyung!!" Sungmin smiled evilly.

"GREAT!!" The rest of the members agreed as they snatched shindong's phone away and started scrolling through his phone, ignoring his cries for help completely.

"Whoa, hyung. Cheesy much?" Kyuhyun commented.

"EWWWWWWWW oh my goshhhh!!" Sungmin and ryeowook squealed in disgust.

"Oh my, shindong-ah I didn't know you could be so mushy." Leeteuk said, amused.

"Wow." Was all Henry could say.

"OMO, hyung-ah did you really send this?" Zhou Mi laughed.

"I'd never have known. You hide it well, shindong." Hangeng teased. Shindong was now beet red and yelling loudly.

"WHOA OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHH!!!" Heechul laughed evilly as he rolled on the ground, clutching his stomach with one hand and shindong's phone in the other.

"What?!" The others asked, excited.

"LOOK!!" Heechul said, passing the phone to them.

"WHOA...." Came the response.

"Oh my gosh. 'I miss you so much I'm about to die, my dear angel.' what is this, hyung?!" 

"Aish, give it back to me!" Shindong cried, jumping up and grabbing his phone.

"Hahahahhahaha ok, that's enough. Let's move on." Leeteuk said, wiping his tears.

"What's next?" They asked as Zhou Mi picked out a random piece of paper.

"It says: 2 truths, 1 lie." Zhou Mi read it's contents.

"Ok. Me me me I'll start!" Henry smiled eagerly.

"I know English, I have heart shaped nostrils, and I'm hungry." He said. 

"Zhou Mi hyung and hangeng hyung can't answer!!!" He added. The rest of the members thought hard to decide which one they thought was the lie. They split up into 3 groups, with the most being in the 2nd option.

"The lie was that I'm hungry. I'm not. I'm really full ._." Henry smiled. The ones that guessed correct -- shindong, Siwon, Kibum got 1 point each.

"Me next." Hangeng announced.

"I know all 56 Chinese traditional dances, I like black, and I read fanfiction."

"The lie was the last. No, I don't read fanfiction." Hangeng smiled after everyone had split up, with the exeption of Henry and Zhou Mi. 

"WHYYYYY it's niceee!!!" Heechul whined. Hangeng just smiled.

"You can dance all of them? Oh my gosh. Show me one day!!!" Eunhyuk said as Donghae nodded eagerly. Hangeng had found out that the two shared his love for dance.

"Sure." He smiled. The game went on, and when it was heechul's turn, he was the only one who got it right, and he smiled at the thought. Soon, the game ended.

"Okay. Who didn't get any points?" Leeteuk asked. No hands were raised.

"Okay then, all those who got 1 point only please raise your hands." At that statement, heechul, hangeng, Henry, Zhou Mi, kyuhyun and sungmin raised their hands.

"Great. All 6 of you will do the forfeit." Leeteuk smiled as they had a small group meeting.

"Okay. It has been decided that you will choose a partner first." Kangin smiled knowingly. Seeing as kyumin paired up (obviously) and Henry and zhou Mi decided to do the same, it left heechul with hangeng, which heechul didn't mind. Not at all.

"Okay. Now what?" Heechul asked.

"You... Will flirt with each other." Came the response. They blushed.

"WHAT?!!!!" They screamed in response.

"Yeah. Do it. Pick-up lines, sweet talk, whatever. Do it, you have to for 5 minutes straight."

"B-but..." They protested.

"Every minute without convo, you add another 5 extra." 

"O-ok..." They said as they turned to face each other, not knowing that this was exactly what the members wanted. They had a master plan. Since they knew kyumin and zhoury would pair up, that leaves their dear hanchul couple. And since they love and ship hanchul, they decided to help make their project hanchul successful. Thus, they came up with the idea of flirting.

The exchanges between kyumin were highly suggestive, considering kyuhyun was part of it. You would expect poor sungmin to be all shy, but no. He was even worse, if that was possible. It took everything in them to not gag after hearing their conversations, which often included 'my bunny', 'my sweet adorable fluffy aegyo bunny', 'my dear kyunnie', 'my one and only', etc. And those were the mild ones. It made them cringe.

Meanwhile, Zhou Mi and Henry were not awkward at all. In fact, they seemed to be having a comedy show. They pretended they hadn't met before, and Henry pretended to not know Chinese and was conversing with Zhou Mi in English. Zhou Mi, on the other hand, spoke to him in Chinese and they made really innocent and cliche pick-up lines.

Then you had hanchul. The couple with the most attention. To say it was awkward was an understatement. It was basically silent. Then heechul noticed Kangin looking at him, gesturing to the watch, and he rolled his eyes.

"Hannie-ah... I know this is awkward, but we have to do it, okay." They heard heechul say. Then he leaned in... And whispered something inaudible in hangeng's ears. The latter smiled knowingly.

"Mhmm. Ok, Chul." He responded. And the flirting begins.

It started off with those cliche 'what's your number' and 'you're hot' pick-up lines, then it started to escalate into highly cringe-worthy pick-up lines. And they thought kyumin was bad. This was worse. This was WAY, WAY worse. There were frequent 'my dear hannie', 'my lovely princess chullie', 'you look damn hot in leather', 'you look awesome no matter what' being exchanged and the smirks on their faces grew wider and wider until the others couldn't stand listening to it anymore. 

"Ok, ok. Times up. This flirtation is getting out of control." Leeteuk mumbled as he tried to forget all the things he'd just heard and the implied meanings behind them. Then he noticed the smirks the hanchul couple had on. 

"I guess it worked, hannie." Heechul said.

"I guess it did, chullie." Hangeng smiled in return.

"Wait what?!" Leeteuk asked.

"Oh, you didn't know? We flirted so extremely just to make you cringe." Heechul eyed leeteuk.

"Yeah. This is fun." Hangeng laughed at their dumbfounded faces.

"Mhmm. I agree, my dear hot prince from china..." Heechul smirked.

"That's nice to know, dear princess chullie." Hangeng cooed.

"OH MY GOSH STOPPPPPP!!!!" They all cried as hanchul burst out laughing. This was priceless.

Heyyyy how do you like the hanchul >:3 hahahahahha

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Sapphirechan #1
Chapter 31: I wanna read about hanchuls vacation
Chapter 29: i don't know about this :p i don't really trust taemin .. not yet :p
Chapter 28: oh no
why taeminnie?dont be cruel
please someone helps heenim
Omo ... this is getting intense !! what's next ! what's next .. can't wait !!!
Chapter 27: omo
heechul why u have to sacrifice like this?
your friends need u,geng need u
Chapter 25: idiotic hanchul couple ♥♥♥
but where is kyu??
jewelnfishy #7
Chapter 26: heechul must have a hidden plan... right??
Chapter 24: where is kyu?i m worried for him but at least hangeng is with heechul and spoil him
jewelnfishy #9
Chapter 22: Now I'm sad.... Why is Taemin being so cruel... Poor Kyu... I hope they find him fast... It must be something that made Taemin the way he is now right?? I hope Heechul can save him too... He's too cute to be evil... :(