Clue #9: Be Sure You Never, Ever, Scream...


They all been awake by the bright morning sun that was shining through the bedroom window. Junsu get up first and walked towards the bathroom to wash up his face. "Funny..." He thought, "Eventhough the mansion is not dark any more, this awkward feeling won't go."
He was just about to wash his face for the third time when suddenly he saw a reflection of a big man behind him. "Whoa!!!"
The man behind him also screamed with him, "Whoa!!!"
Junsu quickly turned his back to face the man. His heart beat's speed decreased when he saw that the man was actually Nichkhun. "Ya! You! Why do you have to scared me?"
"And you! Why do you have to sneak out silently to the bathroom?! I thought you were the murderer, you know! That's why I followed you!"
"The murderer? Ya... Khun... I was walking slowly to the bathroom because I was still sleepy..." Junsu pouted his lips. "What kind of friend that think his friend as a murderer?"
"Sorry..." Khun apologized as he his hairs with his long fingers.
When Junsu was about to scoop the water again with his hands to finish washing his face, the door behind them opened with a huge 'brag' sound. BRAG!!!
"Move, move, move out! I have to pee!" Junho ran to the closet as his feet kept on jumping like a squirrel having fire on its tail. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"
"Okay, okay..." Both Khun and Junsu walked out from the bathroom and soon after that, Junho closed and locked the door.
Mirae was making bed, Sooyun was sitting on the couch where Junsu slept on at night, while Yoonyoung was busy arguing with her old enemy, Wooyoung.
"Your side of pillow is wet! So it must be you!" Yoonyoung said as she showed him the pillow. "You are so disgusting, you know that?!"
"Ya! I don't have that kind of habit when I sleep! How do I know if you have switch the side of the pillow and blame me for the thing I know I didn't do?"
"Hey, hey, hey, guys... Stop it!" Sooyun stopped the 'warm' arguement as she threw the pillow Junsu used to sleep at night to both of them.
"I'm hungry..." Mirae said after she was finished with the bed. "Is there any food left in the dining room from last night?"
"Me too. My stomach had been groaning since I woke up." Yoonyoung added.
"It seems you're always do, all the time." Wooyoung commented, caused his arm to be pinched by Yoonyoung. "Ya, ya, ya! It hurts..."
"Let's go to the dining room together, then and see what's left from last night that we can have for our breakfast." Nichkhun, as he always did, lead the way downstairs.


They headed to the dining room with their groaning stomach as Khun open the door lead to the dining room by pushed the handle slowly.
They were surprised because when they got in, the dining table filled with fresh foods and drinks, and what amazing was that the foods and drinks were all in fresh condition.
The menu was different from last night's food. This time, they found some garlic bread, some smoked beefs, fried eggs, fresh salad, and also fresh milk.
"Whoa... Guys, who done all of this?" Wooyoung changed his direction from one of his friends to another as he swallow a big gulp of his own saliva.
"What?" Yoonyoung knew that Wooyoung was looking curiously at her. "Even if I can cook, I won't cook for you."
The others left rising their shoulders up, which meant none of them know about who prepared this meal.
"Oh, well. The food's here now. Maybe Junho prepared this for us. I saw him walking out of the room at midnight." Mirae said as she walked into the dining room and sat on of the seats.
"Yeah, maybe. The food won't prepare itself, anyway." Said Junsu as he joined Mirae to sit in the dining room.
The others looked at Khun's direction as if asking for some kind of approvement to join them too. Khun looked back at them with the look of confusion. "Of course. Dig in." He said.
As soon as he said it, the others quickly join Junsu and Mirae in the dining room to have their nice breakfast.
"What is it, jaegi-ah?" Sooyun asked her stood-still boyfriend. "Something bothering you?"
"Ah... Anni. You get yourself a nice breakfast, okay?" He said as he grabbed his girlfriend by her waist and dragged her into the dining room, joined the others.
"Hey, where's Junho?" Mirae asked in the middle of her eating, caused some milk spilt out of .
"He said that he's..." Junsu hadn't finish his sentence when suddenly Junho entered the room with an angry face.
"Ya! Have I told you to stop playing with the lamps?" Junho shouted, wasn't sure who he was talking to.
"What lamp?" Yoonyoung asked in confusion, while the others look at him with frowned eye brows.
"The lamp in the bathroom of course! Someone flick it off and on several times before I finally get myself out and found the room was empty. It's not funny you know..." Junho said, his face was red. "I'm scared. Whosever prank it was."
"Okay... Why would we prank you if you give us this splendid breakfast, Junho-ah? Let's eat. It's an old mansion. Old mansion has electricity problem..." Said Sooyun to calm him a little bit.
"Mwo? What break..." He stepped inside the dining room in order to look at the dining table closely. He was surprised. "Wow. Wow. Who cooked all of this?"
Mirae put down her fork and knife immidiately. "Wait, you're not the one who's been... I mean, I saw you walk out of the room at 4."
"4? Honey, I was still sleeping in that hour. Besides, I'm horrible at cooking, remember?"
"That was what I've been thinking." Khun looked pale now that he knew that Junho wasn't the one who prepared for their breakfast. Just like Mirae, he put down his fork and knife too.
Wooyoung, who had been eating without stoping, stopped too and put down his fork and his knife on his plate. He finished chewing his food in his mouth and swallowed it in a single gulp before he ask Khun, "Are you okay? What do you have in mind?"
"I... I saw someone walk out of the bedroom too. But, it was a girl. No. A lady. I thought... Never mind." Khun was about to grabbed back his fork when Sooyun hold his hand.
"What?" She asked.
"What's wrong Khunnie-ah? Don't make me scared." Yoonyoung had also stopped her eating. Everyone in the room looked scared now.
"It might be just my hallucination. But... I thought I saw... Mary-shaw."
Junsu chuckled on his food that was still inside of his mouth. "Y-y-you... What do you mean? There's no one but us in the room!"
"Besides..." Mirae spoke out too. "The food's real. Someone cooked for us, and hallucination doesn't have anything to do with this. You sure there's no one left but us since the chaos last night?"
None of them has answered the question when they heard gunshot twice from the second floor, from the room they had been sleeping in to be exact.
Khun instinctively stood up from his seat and walked towards the stairs and climb it up. The other boys followed him while the girls waited in the dining room, stayed still in their seats.
Wooyoung seemed really curious this time that he dare himself to went over Khun and took a peek into the room in the first place. "No one inside."
"Watch out Wooyoung-ie. He can hide anywhere in the room." Junho reminded him. "Remember about the lamp? I thought it was him too." He said in whisper.
Wooyoung stepped into the room carefuly before the other boys joined him. "It's empty." He said.
His eyes moved to the mess in the bed that Mirae had just make it neat earlier and then move to the painting of Mary-shaw that hung on the wall beside the bathroom door.
"Hey!!! Look!!! The painting!!!" Wooyoung suddenly walked backwards towards the entrance door with horrifief face.
"What is it Wooyoung-ie?" Junsu asked him, looked terrified too even if he hadn't knew what was making his friend this scared.
"The Mary-shaw in the painting... She's not there..." Khun pointed his shaking index finger towards the painting.
"What do you mean she's not there?" Junsu and Junho followed Khun's finger's direction before their jaws dropped silmutaneously.
"The painting's empty. The Mary-shaw has left it... I was right. It must be her who walked out of the room at 4..."


The girls were waiting for the boys to come back down to the dining room and told them what was going on upstairs. They were all panic yet didn't know what to do but stay in their seats.
"I still don't get it." Said Yoonyoung, broke up the silences build between them since the boys left.
"What is it Yoonyoung-ie?" Mirae asked her, tried to relax herself a little bit too as Sooyun listened to both of her friends.
"If... None of us cook for the breakfast, who did?" Yoonyoung asked.
Suddenly, came in from the living room, a woman with an old vintage dress, with red lips that let out an evil grin towards them. Her hair was whether white-blonde or it was dust that covered up her hairs and made it looked grey. "I did. Was it delicious?" She asked them.
The girls gasped and closed their mouths with their hands spontaneously. The myth was real. She was there. The famous Mary-shaw. Her eyes told everything. The cold look she gave, her husky voice, her hairs, the way she dressed. They couldn't be wrong. They wanted to denied it but it was useless. She was really there.
Sooyun was the first one who stood up from her seat. She could see that Mary-shaw had a knife in her right hand, and she thought that it would be very dangerous for all three of them to keep sitting there. Mary-shaw realized her move and her eyes turned to her in a sharp way.
"Where are you going?" She was shouting but sounded almost whisper, a thrilling one.
Sooyun shut tightly as she grabbed both Yoonyoung and Mirae's hands, dragged them slowly out of their seats without keep her eyes off of Mary-shaw. She knew she better not to say anything.
Mary-shaw's eyes followed their moves as she gave them another smirk, showed her teeth. "Where are you going?" She asked again. "Aren't you going to finish your breakfast first?"
Sooyun held her friends close to her as Mary-shaw approached to them, revealed her right hand with a big knife in it. She was still smiled in an evil way to them. "You better finish your breakfast first." Said Mary-shaw.
"Remember the line, guys?" Sooyun whispered to both of her shaking friends in her left and right. "Try not to scream, whatever happen. Okay?"
As soon as the other two nodded their heads, they ran quickly as they tried their best to avoid Mary-shaw's knife without screaming. They quickly ran towards the stairs and headed to the bedroom which they slept in last night, ran towards the boys.
"Girls, what's wrong?" Junho asked, he could feel the panic from the girls' eyes.
"Mary-shaw... She's downstairs..." Mirae said as her lips shuttered.
"Not anymore..." Out of sudden, Mary-shaw was there, stood coldly, barely touch her feet to the ground, staring and smiling at them. "She's upstairs now... Why didn't you finish your breakfast?"
She didn't walk, she was flying instead, towards them and stopped right in front of Wooyoung's face. Wooyoung had already open his mouth to scream when, fortunately, Yoonyoung stopped him in the right time. She closed his mouth with her right hand as she whispered. "Don't scream, please. Whatever happens, don't. I don't want to lose you."
Mary-shaw then moved to Khun who was standing next to Wooyoung and did exactly the same as what he did to him earlier, with her scary smile to make him scared and scream, in which, fortunately, she failed. She moved again to the others as the same thing occured.
Mirae watched each of her friends' expression and prayed that whatever Mary-shaw did to them, they wouldn't scream because she knew that one single thing could make it worst. She then realized that one of them is missing. "Where the hell is Junsu?" She asked Junho in whispered.
"In the b-b-bathroom. He was taking a pee..." Junho answered shakingly. Mary-shaw heard what he was saying and then she moved back to him, watch him straight eye-to-eye.
"Who's hiding in the bathroom?" She asked. None of them answered her. But they didn't have to. The door handle of the bathroom door was turned right.
It was only seconds until Junsu opened the door, had no idea what waiting for him outside. He stepped out of the bedroom and saw all of his friends stood in circle, all with very pale faces, looked worried at him.
"What's wrong with you guys?" Junsu asked innocently.
Suddenly, Mary-shaw, out of nowhere, showed herself in front of his face, surprised him. "Boo."
"Aaaakkk!!!" Junsu, unfortunately screamed. At a second, they could see her smiling before she pushed Junsu into the bathroom again and had the door locked.
All the six left ran towards the bathroom door and tried all they could to open it, which didn't work. In the middle of their struggles, the speaker was on again. The man's voice was back.
"Uh-oh. Poor guy. I don't think he's paying attention to the lines."

Beware the stare of Mary-shaw
She had no children only dolls
And if you see her in your dream
Be sure you never ever scream

Unfortunately, Junsu did scream.

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />