Clue #13: Reappearance, Disappearance.


Mirae and Sooyun was walking side by side with no direction, none of them knew where to go, none of them had a plan. They felt so lost.

"Why do I feel like we've been passing this hall for six times already?" Said Sooyun. They were very tired. It had been almost two hours since they lost their track of Wooyoung and Yoonyoung.

"Me too. Ah! Look! It's that door again!" Mirae ran towards the door. "But Wooyoung's watch is not here. Are you sure it is the same door?"

"Ah... I don't know. But we need some rest anyway. It's creepy to spend a night in the hall. Better sleep in that dusky room, right?" Said Sooyun. She reached out her hand to the handle and turned it. It was unlock.

They pushed the door, wondered why it was so heavy.

"Ah... It is the same room." Said Mirae.

"Or not." Sooyun realized that the room was a little bit different than they first saw it. Some heavy things had been moved near the entrance door, which explained why the door was heavy when they tried to get in. "I wonder how many room like this in the mansion."

They was just about to laid down on the cold floor to have some rest when suddenly they heard a sobbing sound.

"Do you hear that or it is just me?" Asked Sooyun worriedly.

"No, no. I hear it too." Said Mirae.

Sooyun swallowed a big gulp of her own saliva as she followed Mirae that walked towards the sound. She could swear herself she saw no one but she and Mirae when they came.

"Yoonyoung-ie?" Mirae gasped. "Yoonyoung-ie! It is you!" She hugged her spontaneously when she realized who it was.

"Yoonyoung?" Sooyun took a peek from Mirae's shoulder, didn't believe that she was actually there. "Thank God!" She hugged her too.

"Why are you crying? Where's Wooyoung-ie?" She then asked.

Yoonyoung's eyes were very red and swollen, looked like she had been crying for a long time. Her head faced the floor as soon as Wooyoung's name was mentioned.

Mirae looked around, there was no sign of Wooyoung anywhere. "Wooyoung-ie... They took him from you?"

Yoonyoung nodded and began to cry again as she hugged Sooyun tightly. Mirae could only stare, didn't know what else to say. It was complete, then. In just one day, the boys of their life had been taken from them and now they were left alone.




2 years ago...


It was Valentine's day, everyone has ready with their hand-made chocolates for them to give to their special someone, whether it was for a confession, or just give it away as a present.

So did Yoonyoung. She has spent her night making this special chocolate with heart shape. She has also prepare her heart for it. That was the day she had been waiting for. "It might not be my confession, but at least he could taste my heart." She thought to herself last night.

She walked a little bit faster to where Wooyoung was sitting alone. She could see that he was holding a little bag filled with a box that tied with a ribbon.

"Ya. Yoonyoung-ie." Khun's voice poke her out from her thought. "What are you doing here? Standing like a babo."

"Nichkhun-ie! What are you doing here, yourself?"

"I just passed by. Hey, is that a chocolate?" Khun spotted the chocolate box she was holding.

"Ne! I made it by myself. Want to have a look?"

"Is it okay?"

"Of course it's okay! Let me know what you think!" She gave him the box and Khun opened it as quickly as he grabbed it.

"Whoa, it looks delicious!"

"How about the shape?"

"Hm... It's fine. You want to give it to Wooyoung?"

"Ah. Ne! I really hope that he would..." Yoonyoung hadn't finish her sentence when suddenly Wooyoung appeared beside her and grabbed the box out of Khun's hand.

"What the hell is this? It looks terrible! You ought to give it to someone?" He commented on the chocolate.

She was angry. She was planning on giving it to him, but as usual, Wooyoung acted not the way she wanted him to be, annoying.

"Wae? It's terrible for you?" Khun asked. "It's looks delicious for me."

"Delicious? More like poisonous! Especially if she made it by herself. Did you?" Wooyoung asked her jokingly. He didn't know how that was not a joke to her.

"Yes. And I made it especially for him." She said grabbing the box out of Wooyoung's hand and gave it to Khun. "So stop bashing about my special chocolate, you jerk!"

Yoonyoung turned and walked away from both boys.


Ya, babo-ya! What if he really thinks that this chocolate is for me? Why didn't you just give it to him?


Khun texted her right away, as soon as she arrived home. "Khun's right. What if he thinks that... Ah, never mind. Lesson have to be learned. That jerk. Why can't he just be nice to me just once?"

Yoonyoung really wanted to let Wooyoung know about her feeling, but sometimes, she just loved to keep it secret from him. Imagined him got jealous on her because of the chocolate made her smile. She just didn't know yet how she would be regretting this action later on.




"Oh my goodness... Even this room is not safe!" Mirae hugged her own knees as Yoonyoung told her and Sooyun about how Wooyoung disappeared.

"I don't think there's a place in this mansion that safe, Mirae-ah..." Said Yoonyoung. "It all happened so fast. The others too. Maybe after this, one of us will..."

"No." Sooyun cut her out before she could finish. "This is more than enough. We have to fight. He can't come and take one of us and then go off disappear again! I have had enough of this!"

"But how? How could we fight? We don't even have anything to fight with." Mirae argued. "Besides, it's only the three of us, all girls. They took our strongest boys, Taec, Chan, and Khun. Don't you think it'll be damn easy for them to take us too?"

Yoonyoung let out a long and deep sigh. "Mirae is right."

"And? We're going to just...wait for them to grab us out? Huh?" Sooyun stood up from the floor and moved the heavy things towards both doors. "At least help me. Duh?"

Mirae and Yoonyoung looked at each other's eyes, both of them knew it was useless. It's the power beyond their handle, they knew it. But they stood up anyway and helped Sooyun to move the things.

"We're set!" Said Yoonyoung after all the heavy things in the room were moved to block the door. "At least they won't come out from these doors."

"There's only one place left to look after to." Said Sooyun.

"Ah, you're right. The staircase." All three of them looked in dispair to the staircase. There was no way they can block it too.

"I got an idea." Said Mirae. "Why don't we scheduled our sleeping time? One could stay awake to look after us while other two could sleep. How about that?"

"Good idea. Who's going for the patrol first?" Asked Yoonyoung.

"Maybe I could. You two can sleep first." Said Sooyun offered herself.

"Yeah, and then after an hour, maybe I could be the next, and then the next hour could be Yoonyoung-ie. How's that sounds?" Mirae suggested.

"Arasso!" Sooyun and Yoonyoung answerd silmutaneously.

"Wait. If there's really something...what sould I do?" Sooyun asked. "Should I wake you two up or..."

"Of course, you babo! You have to wake us up! What's in your thought? Fighting the man alone?" Yoonyoung hit her arm lightly. "Sign us anything. Okay?"

"Arasso. Have a nice sleep." Said Sooyun as Mirae and Yoonyoung started to lay their back on the cold cement and closed their eyes tight.




"Yoonyoung-ie... Wake up. It's your turn now." Said Mirae as she shake Yoonyoung's shoulders lightly to wake her up.

"Ah, ne... I'm awake, I'm awake." Three hours has passed and now it was time for her to patrol. Mirae lied her back down and closed her eyes as she drift herself to sleep while Yoonyoung sat and hugged her knees tight as her eyes didn't move from the staircase.

Imagined someone walked down from that stairs made her shiver and in that slightest moment, Yoonyoung still hoped that she could see Wooyoung again.

Almost an hour has passed, it had been 45 minutes when suddenly Yoonyoung heard a heavy step from the hall upstairs. She tighten her hug on her knees, waited for something to come up after that.

At first she wanted to wake her friends up but her feeling told her that it was no need, that everything was going to be just fine. So she followed her heart and wait.

She could see legs walked down the staircase slowly and then she saw him. "Wooyoung-ie? that you?"

"Ssh... Don't make too much sound! Come, come to me."

"But you' come?"

"I'll explain to you later. Come. Don't let them wake. Come." Said Wooyoung as he reached out his hand to her.

She was pretty sure she saw Wooyoung disappeared behind that door and didn't hear any sound from him again. And now there he was, standing in front of him, looked alright in one piece. She was happy yet so scared. " that really you?"

"Of course it's me you babo. Hurry."

Yoonyoung looked at her sleeping friends, and then turned again to Wooyoung. "If it's just his spirit... If after this I would disappear too... I don't mind." She thought to herself.

So she stood up and walked ever so slow and tried her best not to wake her friends up and grabbed Wooyoung's hand. Weird. His hand was so warm, unlike what they said about ghosts whose hands were cold. It felt so...real.

They climbed the staircase up and left the two girls sleeping as they disappeared in the darkness of the upstairs' hall.




Sooyun frowned her eyebrows, felt a space beside her that was not suppose to be there. "Yoonyoung-ie?" She opened her eyes and rose from her position. "Yoonyoung-ie?" She looked around the room and didn't found her anywhere. "Oh, no..."

She shook Mirae's shoulders hard and shouted. "Mirae-ah! Wake up! Mirae-ah!"

"Mwo-ya..." Answered Mirae sleepy.

"Yoonyoung-ie! She's not here!"

Mirae's eyes were wide awake now when she heard what Sooyun said to her. "What?"


Clueless' subscribers has been decreasing and increasing as time pass by, and I'm very glad it made its way back to 15 subscribers! Yippie! Thank you so much for the faithful readers and the new subscribers! It means hell a lot to me and the update of this story! And those comments, oooh I love comments! It motivates me a lot, so THANK YOU! Sorry that this chapter is very short and has lost its 'comedy'. It's getting more of its drama, huh? Btw, I hope you enjoy this chapter as I will maintain to update the 14th tomorrow! Please look forward for the surprises! :D

-Lots of love, Q-

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />